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Tranissaries and the Alphabet Religion

1,316 Views· 06/02/23
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
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The federal government is also involved with forming a new generation of tranissaries. The Defense Department perceives a new type of soldier utterly brutal to a perceived enemy and utterly loyal to the empire, and so they recruit candidate using drag queen officers…they offer free mutilation surgeries. The federal government also promotes persons like Rachel Levine, not only to be the surgeon general, but also to become the first four-star transgender admiral in the military. We now have freaks being recruited and elevated to positions of power and influence. Suffice it to say, then, that the United States has made it quite clear that sodomy and transgenderism are now officially foundational pillars of its policies. Tranissaries, therefore, become yet another tool of revolutionary change and are used to accomplish various goals of the regime just like BLM, Antifa, and other quasi-Brown Shirts thugs. But who or what entities will be the object of their attacks? It’s obvious, really…believers…true Christians, true Patriots, those who support traditional morality…will have a target on their backs. Anti-Christian sentiment has existed for some time, but has been amplified in recent years. There is an active crusade against Catholicism and true Christianity.

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StMichaelGodsWarrior 2 years ago

I noticed you were quick to name the Muslims early on but not a certain group of people that are responsible for this demonic tragedy and culture...They are the Synagogue of Satan - rev 3:9. Jews.

80% of Biden's cabinet is jewish (all with dual citizenship to Israel). Yea, that's who I want running my country. , The troon "general" is also a JEW. The idea of trans people, "gender affirming surgeries", and the vast majority of proponents for the ideology are in fact JEWISH. They are behind abortion, open borders, speech laws, anti-Christian, anti-Whiteness, pornography, the media, Hollywood...Everything bad you can imagine....And they only make up 2% of the population. The anti-fa terrorists you say are bailed out by government officials. Which are jews as well, whose children are IN anti-fa. If this isn't overrepresentation, I don't know what is. This isn't a new thing. Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (jewish) was the first to conduct these mutilations back in the early 1930s in Germany. They promoted exactly what we see today. Oh, but the National Socialists (NAZI is a slur and they surely weren't fascist). Those Germans just decided for no good reason one day to just start hating jews and decided to expel them. Jews have been expelled more than 1000 times in over 109 countries. Sometimes you have to ask yourself...."Maybe my behaviour is the reason." Hahaha. "Oh you just are a hateful racist and a bigot." Yea OK...But you can NOT call me a liar. In reality they arrested Bolshevik/Marxists terrorists and the big book burning everyone talks about, was them burning Commie literature, disgusting smut, and everything related to it, including child sexualization. Before you say Hitler hated Christians, answer why he built over 2500 churches under his leadership? And also had good relations with the pope. Hm?

I apologize if you were not aware, but you should be. Also, if your so quick to name Muslims, then NAME THE JEWS. Do not cower to evil. Christ was not a jew and if you didn't know that I suggest you learn the truth of these things before regurgitating them back like the enemy wants you to. "Oh but Jesus was jewish, you can't hate us jews" He was an Israelite. There were 12 tribes. Jews came from a lowly, dysgenic one, The word "jew" is mentioned in the Bible 0-3 times depending on the source. They called Jesus the man from Galilee. Which was a place in what we know now as Europe. Not saying He was born there, but that means something, There also was two Bethlehems. Jesus was born in the less known one, does Everything in the Word of God means something, but people stopped studying it and history. Multiple times it is said he has hair as pure as white as lamb's wool and eyes as bright as the hottest flame. Anyone with with a high school education can tell you that the hottest burning color is blue. Even the romans wrote of his light hair and blue eyes in multiple letters to each other. They also spoke of His face as ruddy. Which back then meant to blush. Only White people can blush. The same was written about Mary. I could go on for pages, but some people just will never accept it, and it's depressing. They are being mislead and made weak, but non-Boomers are onto their tricks. While we are on the subject, look up what the jews ACTUAL "holy" book says about our Lord and Savior. The Talmud. In it they say He is burning in Hell in His own excrement and other things to gross to mention. Also, in they say it's OK to marry a 3 year old and consummate it when she is 3 years and one day old. THEY Are DEMONS. Just look at them. Do they really look like God's chosen? Maybe their god, Satan.

The jews KILLED Christ. Seems most Christians are okay with that though seeing that say we are a "Judeo-Christian" country. Which is a total oxymoron only believed by actual morons. It's a sad state of affairs when even our priests don't know history and just recycle the same rhetoric they were brainwashed while in school. Stop being a shabbos goys.

Jesus will be coming back, not with peace, but the sword. HAIL JESUS!

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