
Sub Category

15 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Here's a song I wrote about how the Jewish Frankfurt School Subverted Christian Society. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!


In 20th Century Germany
Where Jews dared to scheme
They blended all their visions
Like shadows in a stream

Critical theory they call it
A tapestry of thought
Unraveling society
Subverting what we've got

Marx and Freud they combined
Ideas intertwined
German Idealism too
To subvert the Church’s bind

Idealistic echoes
In corridors of change
Philosophies converging
Rearranging the names

Oh the whispers
Oh the shadows
Underneath the school's high eaves
In the heart of Frankfurt’s whispers
Society slowly grieves

Christian ways are bending
Underneath the weight
Of ideas that are blending
From a darker fate

13 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Here's an epic war song I wrote about the Siege of Jerusalem in 1099, which was suggested by a fan. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

18 Views · 7 days ago

⁣Here's an epic war song I wrote about Cortes and the Conquistadors conquering Montezuma and the Aztecs, which was suggested by a fan. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

27 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Here's a song I wrote about how modern birth control was invented by Jews. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!


Generations of lust they declutter
Jewish minds in sync don't stutter
Seeds of sin
Perversion they muster
Pills and sheaths
Like no other

Perversion in a little pill
Condoms with intent to kill
Jewish brains
Jewish will
Generations stand still

Science blends with Jewish lore
Unsafe, unsound
Always unsure
Jewish minds
Always explore
Creating ways to sin some more

Years of study
Years of grind
Perverted minds
Jewish hands in fate we bind
Lies and hate in humankind

They push sin with little care
Feeding perversion everywhere
Jewish roots
It started there
Bringing sin
A hate affair

Birth control's genocide
Stand still

21 Views · 15 days ago

⁣Here's a song I wrote about standing up to all the hatred that the Jews have for us gentiles. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!



Rise up strong with courage
Against the tides so gray
We won't break, we won't bend
With Christ to light the way

The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice

Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate

Hearts of iron, steel, and gold
Through the storm we'll march so bold
Stand united, hand in hand
Injustice cannot take a stand

The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice

Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate

Echoes of Christian prayers
Fill the air with hope and care
Bound by love, we raise our voice
In Christ's light we make our choice

The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice

Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate

Across the land, across the seas
Brotherhood in unity
Against the Jews we arise
Breaking chains, we touch the skies

The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice

Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate

Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late

31 Views · 18 days ago


Don’t you know goy?
All votes go to Jews
This isn’t new
All votes go to Jews

Donald and Joe
Both know
Love for the Jews
Keeps them in the show
Who you vote for
Don’t you know?
It’s all just a
Dog and pony show

All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game

Family ties
They don't disguise
Jewish love
In their eyes
Who you vote for
Aren’t you wise?
It’s all just a
Big pack o’ lies

All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game

Israel’s flag
They wave it high
With donors' help
They fly
Who you vote for
You see the lie?
It’s all just to
Get you to comply

All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game

In their teams
Jewish pride
Together they stand
Side by side
Who you vote for
Don’t take a side
They just want to
Take you on a wild ride

All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game

All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews

43 Views · 23 days ago


Breaking free!
From Judeo-Masonry!

Marchin' through the fire burn
Chains of lies gonna break; we yearn
To have old Christendom restored
Free from our Judeo-Masonic overlords

No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat

We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day

Blood and soil and freedom cries
Light the torch; watch the evil die
Takin' back from what they stole
Independence Day to free lost souls

No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat

We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day

Through the streets our battle roars
Echoes of freedom shake their doors
Lies of old we now defy
In their faces we’ll never comply

No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat

We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day

Runnin' wild through the dark night
Victory in our grasp, within our sight
Cross held high to signal the free
Independence Day to overturn Judeo-Masonry

No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat

We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day

31 Views · 25 days ago


Gentle in her grace so kind
Mother to us all she shines
With every prayer her light reveals
The love and peace our hearts can feel

In our darkest nights she’s there
Guiding with her tender care
Queen of heaven blessed light
In her arms we find our might

Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar

With each rosary softly told
Her miracles begin to unfold
Through her eyes we see the dawn
Brighter days where we belong

Mary queen through the test of time
In your mercy pure we climb
Ever grateful hearts declare
Your endless love beyond compare

Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar

Mama Mary we love you so
Your love makes our hearts glow
Every day we pray to you
To ask Your Son for graces too

He asked St John to be your son
We are your children like St John
He asked you to be St John’s mom
Mama Mary you’re also our mom

Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar

49 Views · 29 days ago


They say he wants to change it
But we'll stand tall and strong
Latin Mass was here before
And we've been here all along

Through incense and old hymns
Our faith will never sway
Ancient words we hold tight
Pope Francis won't take it away

We hold the timeless truth
And we won't let it go
With every Latin prayer
Our devotion will show

Generations have whispered
These sacred words in time
We'll keep the tradition
The rhythm and the rhyme

In golden robes we gather
In candlelight's soft glow
Every generation's hearts
In Latin they will grow

We hold the timeless truth
And we won't let it go
With every Latin prayer
Our devotion will show

43 Views · 1 month ago


Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in Hell than anyone else because this the worst sin there is

The men of Sodom tried to rape angels
That’s not very hospitable of them
They wouldn’t even accept Lot’s daughters
Because they only wanted to lay with men

What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy

It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation

In Leviticus it says rather explicitly
That men can’t lie with other men
In First Corinthians Saint Paul says that Unrepentant homosexuals don’t go to Heaven

What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy

It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation

Wicked people say that the true sin
Of Sodom is lack of hospitality
But Saint Jude makes it rather clear
That the sin was unrepentant homosexuality

What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy

It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation

If Christ, Moses, Saint Paul and Saint Jude
All said it, then why is there confusion?
The Bible says practicing homosexuality is a sin
Your concupiscence is causing your delusion

What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy

It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation

It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance

44 Views · 1 month ago


We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible

Like Muslimi,
Oft' Jews do not see
The whole of their religion.
From witchcraft and demons,
Talmud's the Gnostic reason
For supremacy, no matter the season.

Jews were upset and scared
When Rome crushed them.
Josephus, Jew, wrote it all down, too,
Long before the Talmud.
In the book 6, Titus said
Jews stole and were like serpents.

We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible

With tricky words and fables, too,
Their lens on Torah became their creed
They hid it centuries 'til Donin freed
The Popes to know what's in it.
Fair-mindedly, Catholics debated it, to see
Why Jews were taught to lie to thee.

When miracles in temple stopped,
Jews misdi'gnosed the rot,
Because they hated Jesus.
Rabbis the Jews enslaved
With fears and twisted reason. Eventually they caved;
became Bolshévik revolution.

We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible

Some stories Mo'med borrowed;
immorality, too.
When nobody's a neighbor except you.
God took Amalek out
when child sacrifice spread,
but in Talmud, Jewish vengeance never ends.

Add Kabb'lah, where Yahweh's bad
And God's covered with magic
To push Jews to win the world we're in
And rabbi Rings to Rule Us All

We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible

24 Views · 1 month ago

The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news
It doesn’t make me feel that good
But grooming kids is what gays do
So what I say must be understood
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
It doesn’t matter if you support them
They only want to have your children
You may think your kids alright
But you had better hold them tight
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
If you think I’m just being paranoid
And you’re becoming real annoyed
Just think about your little one
Do you want them to become undone?
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
They’re coming for your children
They want to make them like them
They violate their little bodies
Turn them into little copies
Grooming all of them
Until you don’t recognize them
And before you know what’s done
They’ve corrupted every one
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
They’re coming for your children
They’re coming for your children
They’re coming for your children
The gays are coming for your children

1 Views · 1 month ago

Rain On Gay Parades


When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.

In a crowd of ten the leftist will claim to think it’s all fantastic.
To one trusted lone friend he’ll say that it’s nasty.
Admitting it’s a sin is where repentance has to start.
Don’t call the height of nasty a work of art.

When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.

When demons call perversion love you know that they have lied.
Don’t claim the pond scum as your source of pride.
Admitting it’s a sin is where repentance must begin.
Don’t eat a booger then shout for the win.

When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.

At every time on earth at some location there is rain.
Let’s get it all to fall on gay parades.
It’s bad enough to sin and then to do the sin again.
But God will not be mocked don’t give it accolades.
It’s bad enough to sin and then to do the sin again.
Don’t add to sin and throw it gay parades.

When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.

You try to claim we hate you as we pray for you in faith.
As you get your goons to punch us in the face.
Jesus died for me so I can take a punch for you.
I’m happy to if I can only save you.

45 Views · 1 month ago


Have you heard of the old Polish proverb?
It’s one of the wisest things you’ve ever heard

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”

We let these Jews into all of our nations
In love, to help them with their situations
Christian charity says we should give benefit of doubt
But these satanic Jews keep getting kicked out

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”

The Jews have always hated Christian men
And they won’t stop until they will win
They’re like Cain and will stab us in the back
Like Abel we won’t even see them attack

And with an elder brother like this, who needs enemies?

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”

The Jews sell porn to emasculate men
And push feminism to corrupt women
They love capitalism because they make money
But push communism because they’re power hungry

God loved Jacob but He hated Esau
Who became father of the Judensau
The Jews persecute us at every cost
But when they’re caught they scream “Holocaust!”

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”

Have you met someone who plays the victim?
It’s always someone else but never them
If you’ve been kicked out 109 times
Then you’d think you’d learn to stop your crimes
But the Jews never seem to self-reflect
Perhaps one day they’ll learn to introspect

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