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7 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Here's a song I wrote, partially organic, partially AI. It's called "Marching Under The Banner Of Christ The King". I wrote the marching drums with a drum machine, and I wrote the bass riff with my bass guitar. Everything else is AI music. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!

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In fields where old glories once stood,
Flags waving in the air, red, white, and blue,
The heart of this nation torn apart,
But we're fighting for the love of what's true.

With faith as our armor, we're marching in line,
Restoring the kingdom, one heart at a time,
We'll break every chain, let freedom ring,
Under the banner of Christ the King.

From the ashes of cities and towns,
Rising, our voices loud and clear,
For the sake of the cross and the crown,
We'll banish the shadows of fear.

The idols they worshipped, now cast to the ground,
In Christ alone, salvation is found,
In the light of His grace, we stand free,
Bound by a truth that forever will be.

Through valleys of doubt, we've been tried,
But His love is a fire that won't die,
The bonds of the past, we shake loose,
Guided by His everlasting truth.

11 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Here's a song called "St. Magnus, The Last Viking Saint" about the heroic Catholic Viking and martyr, Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!

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On Orkney shores, a legend's heart
Saint Magnus sailed 'neath skies so dark
Elders spoke of his Viking blood
A gentle soul amidst the flood

Oh, Magnus, Saint of yore
With kindness you conquered more
Last Viking, steadfast and true
In twilight's hush, we call to you

A war-torn isle where swords did clang
Magnus sought peace where violence rang
In shadowed coves beside the sea
He whispered prayers for harmony

Brothers clashed 'neath the raven's cry
Erlend's son, a beacon high
Refused the blade, he chose the word
A saintly whisper always heard

In Kirkjuvágr's sacred stone
The saints who walked were not alone
Magnus led with a steadfast hand
A holy light in a haunted land

14 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Here's a song called "Libertarianism Is Antichrist" on how Libertarianism in the United States is a Judeo-Masonic political movement that advocates for individual "liberty" and unchecked capitalism over the Christian common good of society. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!

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Late at night the shadows whisper
Liberty found in blurred lines
Pioneers of paths so scattered
Christian hearts now lost in time

Choices made with eyes wide open
Once our faith could guide us home
Indifference grows where hearts were golden
Now we're wandering alone

Freedom's cost is tears unspoken
Silent cries in halls of stone
Values traded dreams forsaken
In the name of being alone

Secular streets are cold and empty
Once filled with hope now paved in grey
Guided by a false illusion
Is this the price we have to pay

Echoes of a bygone era
Where conviction held its ground
Now the whispers grow much clearer
In this freedom we have drowned

25 Views · 7 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Hurricane Jew", which is an analogy comparing Jews to hurricanes, showing how it's irrational in pointing out all of the destruction a hurricane causes while being simultaneously afraid to name the hurricane as the cause. Please share this song if you like it! God bless!

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How'd all these problems come from sea up to the land?
Maybe I'll know when my head comes out of the sand.

We can talk about the flooding, corpses, endless rain.
Just don't say it's all from Jew Hurricanes.
We can notice power's out and buildings down.
Just don't say it starts once Hurricane Jew's in town.

What's with this nervous tick?
You seem mentally sick.
What must be wrong with you?
To name Hurricane Jew?
We only state effects in this here place.
But not the cause that makes them all relate.

It's anti-hurricane canard to say they cause floods.
Quit throwing hurricanes under the bus.
Poor hurricanes get thrown down to the mud.
Even though they didn't damage anyone.
So when you name blame shame Hurricane Jew.
It just means you're mean, the real problem is you.

In hurricane, let truth be plain. (Say hurricane.)
Jew hurricane, let speech be plain
Let truth be named. (Jew hurricane.)

Name Hurricane Jew

18 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi", which Latin for "the law of prayer is the law of belief". The song is about how this law is the solution to the Satanic Judeo-Masonic language games of our Globohomo Clown World. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

31 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Stand Up (To Jewish Hate)", which is about how we need to stand up to the rather obvious hatred that Jews have for the goyim. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!


With Kabbalistic magic they sedate the state,
into satanic slumber as they lie in wait,
to bring in their Moshiach to the nation's gate,
and in the mean time murder, destruction, violate.
It's not your fate to be some Shabbos reprobate.
Project overdue no time to wait.
Stand up to Jewish hate.

The ritual murder.
The glorified perverts.
The parasite kings,
with scorpion stings.
Humanity's curse.
They're Lucifer's first.
Humanity's virus.
The demon's night child.
How can it be always them?
Stand up so it won't be again.

From poisoning wells,
to fake vax by hell.
The charlatan kings,
with hornet nest stings.
Black ritual cursed.
To sate satan's thirst.
Humanity's evil.
Are these really people?
How can it be always them?
Stand up so it isn't again.

Today to stand and pray and fight.
Just break silence and go shine the light.
Today to stand to Jewish hate.
Just shout it out, no time to wait.
Stand up to Jewish hate.

20 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Punch Right", which is about how many people on our side say, "Don't punch right!" when rightfully correcting those who are publicly speaking falsely. We should strive to correct people charitably, but we should never NOT correct them just because they seem to be on our side.

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29 Views · 13 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Centuries Fall", which is about how antichrist mentality entered into Western Civilization when Nominalism was introduced; continued with Protestantism, Descartes, and Napoleon; and has full unraveled with Judeo-Masonic supremacy! Please share this video! May God reward you!


Perverting order is their soul sold goal.
In fallen states they know they'll get most souls.
Alta Vendita's permanent instruction.
For Jew Masonic permanent destruction.

But it started centuries before.
Good vs evil in the timeless war.
Domino revolutions in all spheres.
Where up is down in clown and satan's near.

First revolution in theology.
Scholastic thought replaced by sophistry.
Subjective nonsense ousted Thomist objectivity.
Hmm I wonder why a he's now called a she.
Hmm I wonder why a poison's called vaccine.
Hmm I wonder why most virtue's now called mean.
Because it's downwind of theology.

I think therefore I am.
That garbage turns a female to a man.
That garbage founds the whole subjective scam.

And now stage right enter pamphleteers.

From ivory tower to society.
From academics spread unto the plebes.
With evil pamphlets for whole centuries.
Infecting thought and planting evil seeds.
Portending Bonaparte's evil deeds.

Now stage right enter Masons here.

Jews set up the masons to bring down states.
To gain government power to subvert faith.
Napolean empowers Jews to unlock hell's gates.
One then another domino then falls.
By now the masons nearly got em all.
With their power structure almost crowned,
they start to openly turn it to clown.
We see the point of all the set up now.

This is the brief history to now.
With centuries of losing that's a tough one to get down.
So pray and fight until we take it back somehow.
Tomorrow's history is what we do right now.
We don't know what will happen it's God's plan.
But we know we win so we know we can.
So let's help make future history.
Even though the details are a mystery.
Let's shine the light and keep the faith.
God help us make a Catholic State.

Good vs evil in the timeless war.
Domino revolutions in all spheres.
Where up is down in clown and satan's near.

23 Views · 16 days ago

⁣Here is a song called "Saint Sebastian, Brave Centurion", with lyrics written by a follower of mine, slightly tweaked by me in places, and made into a song. I hope you enjoy this song of this great Martyr-Saint! Please share this video! May God reward you!

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Gregorian Chant Academy
35 Views · 18 days ago

⁣Free Chant Workshop w/ resources:
Free Chant Mini Course:
Full Online Chant Master Course:

On September 29 we celebrate the feast of St Michael the Archangel and at the Offertory at Mass, we sing this most beautiful of chants. From Dom Gaspar Lefevre's commentary on the liturgy:
"September 29 was formerly dedicated to all the angels ([hence the text selection for the] Introit, Collect, Gradual and Communion) wherefore Pope Boniface II, about A.D. 530, chose that date to dedicate a church in the great circus, at Rome, to St Michael. The Mass composed for the occasion has since been appointed for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost [in the pre Vatican II Missal]; it still relates to the dedication of a church. The present Mass was composed more recently [dating from at least the 9th century]. ... It is [St Michael] who offers to God the prayers of the saints symbolized by incense whose smoke rises toward heaven (hence the text for the Offertory chant and the special Blessing of the incense)."

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18 Views · 19 days ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Desert Vow", It's about how people called to religious life need to imitate the Desert Fathers and Mothers and just go off and do it on their own, instead of giving up just because most orders are Modernist and sodomitical. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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Did you feel God's call to give Him all?
To flee the world and make the demons flee?
To live in desert and pray on your knees?
To live in cloister and become holy?
To vow in penance to live poverty?
And vow obedience and chastity?
In single mind to live religiously?
And now you say you'll just get married?
Did Jesus even tell you quit and leave?

Did you quit when evil men played gatekeep games?
So you're only in the gate if you're depraved?
Doesn't seem like you read much Church history.
Persecution doesn't mean you quit you see.
Persecution means it's to the desert flee.
And though it need not mean the desert literally.
At the very least go metaphorically.
Live the counsels, follow God's call, be holy.
Evil men can't take that from you, just decree,
the private vow to counsels is for me.

Religious draw down grace from The Divinity.
This grace flows out to all in the vicinity.
Converting nations to the Blessed Trinity.
Spearheading Catholic missions and activities.
It's Catholic special forces in God's Army of Light.
If you're called then don't get married, stay the fight.
All hands on deck, don't leave us, be the light.

Stop asking for permission from evil men.
If you're called then vow the counsels, Christian friend.
You're free to make the counsels private vows.
So no compromise with evil Judensau.
It doesn't take some new idea to brainstorm how.
Just follow history and private vow.

So now you say you'll just get married?
Did Jesus even tell you quit and leave?
Why can't you be like Saints in history?
They private vow and to the desert flee.
They private vow and to the desert flee.
And for it The Church calls them Godly.

22 Views · 21 days ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "TSOID". It's about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just interrupt any positive progress in taking action to debate about the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. and completely kill group solidarity. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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41 Views · 23 days ago

⁣Happy Michaelmas! Here is a song I wrote called "Saint Michael, Heaven’s Defender" to celebrate St. Michael, the Prince of angels, today. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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38 Views · 24 days ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Just Don't Blame It On The Jew". It's about how the Jews want you to always blame what they do on someone else, so they can be free to keep subverting Christian civilization with no eyes locked onto them for their misdeeds. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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You can talk about the famine.
You can talk about the slavery too.
You can talk about all the evil in the world.
Just don't blame it on the Joo.
You can blame it on the Russians.
You can blame it on the white fat cat too.
You can blame Chinese disinformation.
Just don't blame it on the Jew.

Black Book of Communism, this is not a secret doc.
Tells of all the horrid evils of the communistic block.
Not banned or even hidden, read and no one's coming after you.
You get to read it for they just say commie for the Jew.

Protocols, Maurice Pinay, the story changes now you see.
Because these docs don't just show evil but the real source openly.
Read them if you get past bans that make them all too hard to see.
And yes of course it's just crazy conspiracy.

We'll let you speak all worldly evil if you must.
Just so long as you agree to omit the crux.
We'll even let you win a battle if you seek.
Just so long as you agree to Pyrrhic victory.

Matthew Cavoto
16 Views · 25 days ago

I'm pleased to present the next completed section of my next Mass setting for my parish choir. The Benedictus is arranged here for 5 voices, SSABB to better align with the voices we have in the choir. The vocal rendition is made using

22 Views · 26 days ago

⁣Here is a song video my podcast partner created called "Fake Victim Jew". It's about the Jews always play the victim card, complaining about how everyone hates them and persecutes them, when they seem to go out of their way to subvert their host nations. Please share this video! May God reward you!

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They start fake crying when we see they're lying.
They start fake tears when just rebuke is near.
They start fake drama like they need their mama.
They play fake victim as if we just hit them
They cry boohoo the moment THEY strike YOU.
They cry boohoo poor fake victim Jew.

Have you noticed it's impossible to speak a simple truth?
Without some soul sold scum bum coming after you?
Fake tears at the ready, blew a crisis actor fuse.
Play victim is the way that they abuse.
They gaslight you and claim that the abuser is abused.
They cry in pain as THEY strike YOU.
The real crisis actor is the Jew.

Have you told a simple joke today?
And noticed that it didn't play?
For it's not what the censors say,
is kosher play today?
Did the Kosher Nostra leech then call you hate speech?
Poor victims yet they make threats with such power and such reach.
The most powerful poor victims that the world has ever seen.
It's hard to fake believe such nose grows make believe.
So repent fake victims ever more are not deceived.
We know that you're the dark lords fighting for the night.
Only lying cowards still pretend you're oh so nice.


19 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Name The Jew". It's about how we need to name the Jews behind the antichrist evils that threaten Christian civilization. Please share this song! May God reward you!

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If they dare not even name us,then they'll always fight the wrong foe for our crimes.
We'll ensure it's also our foe and the tactic fits the times.

They claim that they can not be named, blamed, shamed, defamed for all the games.
They play to make a sane society insane.
They declare they're there as those that can't be named.
To that I say oh by the way.
Oh by the way it was the Jew.

They fight all day for their dark faction.
We counter their attack with Catholic Action.
They fight all day to turn day night.
To counter back, in Leo, we shine the light!
The shining means the what how and the who.
In who, Thou shall not lie, so name the Jew!

Your evil air has brought on you this shame.
It's why you bear the mark of evil Cain.
You wander sewing misery and pain.
You demon spawn who try in vain,
to end Christ's reign,
and not be named.

Just denunciation accusation these are Catholic terms.
Without it we are ruled by Satan's vermin demon germs.
So have the faith to state the case.
To give defense to faith and state.

(Oh by the way)
Name the Jew

Harpa Dei
30 Views · 28 days ago

⁣During our last musical mission in Spain, we had the grace to give a concert and record this video in the Basilica of the Tomb of St. Teresa of Avila, in Alba de Tormes. The sequence "Flos Carmeli" could be considered the most representative chant of the Carmelite Order, attributed to its Prior General Saint Simon Stock (13th century). To this day, Carmelites throughout the world sing with filial piety this hymn to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whose feast is celebrated on July 16.
With this video, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to St. Teresa for accompanying us in such a tangible way during our two missions in Spain, and to send a special greeting to the entire Carmelite Order.

22 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Happy feast day of St. Maurice! Here is a song a fan wrote called "Saint Maurice And The Theban Legion". It's about St. Maurice and his Theban legion being Martyred by Roman Emperor Maximian for refusing to murder their fellow Christians. Please share this song! May God reward you!

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Matthew Cavoto
37 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Sanctus - Missa Brevis Quinque Vocibus by Cavoto
This is a much shorter and simpler setting of the Sanctus compared to yesterday's video. It's part of a pair of polyphonic Mass settings I'm working on for my singers at church.

Matthew Cavoto
18 Views · 1 month ago

My choir has several men in it, but none are tenors. So, to sing polyphony like Palestrina's, you need to write your own for the actual voices you're working with.
This recording was made using to render the text.

30 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Language Games". It's about how we have to be careful in what language we use because if we use the enemy's language we are subtly assenting to their framing of reality instead of reframing things to conform back to Truth. Please share this song! May God reward you!

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27 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Marine Faith". It's about how like the United States Marines believe "pain is weakness leaving the body" us Christians must be the Church Militant and embrace that "penance is worldliness leaving the soul". Please share this song! May God reward you!

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27 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Pansy Man". It's about how the sin of cowardice, which can get you condemned to eternal Hellfire without repentance, is too common amongst Christian men these days, and thus, we need to pick ourselves up and be brave men. Please share this song! May God reward you!

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23 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "To Call Sin, Sin". It's about one of the worst Satanic conspiracies: Making it a "sin" to call sin, "sin". Our Judeo-Masonic society accuses us of "hate speech" for just calling sin, "sin", which is diabolical! Please share this song! May God reward you!

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32 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Faith At Darkest Hour". It's about how this seems like the darkest hour for Christians, since the Judeo-Masonic alliance has seeming destroyed Christendom, and it even seems as if the Church has fallen. But there is hope. Please share this song! May God reward you!

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30 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Here is a song called "Thou Shall Not Lie No Compromise" which was written by my podcast partner. It's about how we cannot lie, not even white lies, and especially not lying out of fear, like fear of getting fired for not taking the vaccine, or fear of the Jews. Please share this song! God bless!

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46 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Happy Birthday to the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary! Here is a song I wrote for her birthday. Please share this song if you like it. May God reward you!

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48 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Here is a song called "Ballad of Titus Flavius" which was written by a fan. It's about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Rome, which was prophesied by Christ, and understood as Divine Justice against the perfidious Jews for Deicide. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

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Gregorian Chant Academy
20 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Join me for this free online mini workshop in Gregorian Chant! In this video you will learn the fundamentals of how to read square notation, dispel any fears about not having previous training, and find awesome resources for further study!

Get on our Early Adopter List for the upcoming Master Course:

Resources mentioned in video:

31 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Here is a song we wrote called "Clown World Circus Show". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

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33 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Happy Lord's Day! Here's a song called "Do You Pray On Jesus?"

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So do you pray on Jesus?
Every single day?
Unto The Sacred Heart?
Unto The Holy Name?
And meditate on Scripture?
And the crown of thorns?
And His redeeming passion?
For which He was born?

Do you pray on how He walked on water?
And how He raised the dead?
Do you pray on His great wisdom?
And all the holy words He said?

Do you pray on His example?
Of every virtue held perfectly?
Do you cast your cares upon He Who died for us on the tree?

So do you pray on Jesus?

13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


15 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:


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