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AMAZING & Wide Ranging Interview with Bishop Schneider

138 Views· 10/07/23
Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon
307 Subscribers

⁣Brace yourself for a profound journey into the heart of the Catholic faith with our distinguished guest, Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Unearth the lesser-known aspects of our religion as we dare to confront the pressing issues of gender ideology, the COVID regime, Freemasonry, and the ambiguities lurking within the Second Vatican Council. Can you imagine a modern-day bishop so courageously addressing the controversial topics that are often skirted around in the official catechism of the Catholic Church?

Our conversation takes a necessary detour into the realm of education, examining the concerning infiltration of worldly influences in our schools—both public and Catholic. Engaging the topic of women in higher roles within the church, we shine a light on how liturgy has influenced our acceptance, and discuss the potential pitfalls of introducing women at the altar or pulpit. As we journey through these critical topics, we explore together the impact they have on the divine hierarchical structure of the church.

But rest assured, our dialogue is not all doom and gloom. We find reasons to be hopeful amid the current crisis within the Church. Discover the revival of the traditional Latin Mass and the way a new generation of seminarians is embracing tradition. As we consider the possibility of a schism within the Church, we discuss the need for understanding the writings of the Church Fathers and preserving Catholic tradition. The future of the Church is in our hands, and together, we can reorient it back to its time-honored roots using resources such as "Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith."




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JoanofArk 1 year ago

I got his book. It is beautiful 😊

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Emvisco 1 year ago

Amazing interview! Just received Credo and the study guide in the mail. God bless Bishop Schneider for clarity and truth.

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jmjorapronobis 1 year ago

Bishop Schneider truly is a good shepherd seeking to imitate the Good Shepherd. God bless Bishop Schneider!

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