Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon

Avoiding Babylon



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Avoiding Babylon
32 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Explore the fringes of reality with Jay Dyer, as we dissect the Gnostic influences in today's culture. Uncover the possibility of body doubles among the glitterati and witness a deep dive into the dramatic transformation of figures like Dave Chappelle. This episode isn't just about celebrity gossip; we trace the philosophical undercurrents of ancient religious practices and their resurgence in modern esoteric beliefs. From the literary influence of works like "Through the Looking Glass" on contemporary thought to the far-reaching implications of transhumanist ambitions, prepare for a discussion that traverses the boundaries of the conceivable.

Join the conversation as we challenge the fabric of theological discourse, debating the intricacies of Christian typology and the nuances of biblical interpretation. Hear my reflections on the transformative impact of typology on my own faith journey and engage with the debate surrounding the role of Mary as a conduit of divine grace. Jay and I examine the distinctions between Eastern Orthodox and Western Christian traditions, scrutinizing the theological and liturgical divergences that shape the mosaic of Christianity. Whether discussing Mariology or the geopolitical intricacies that intertwine with church doctrine, this episode offers an enlightening perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of faith.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

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Avoiding Babylon
58 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Embark on a profound journey with Trent Horn and Joshua Charles through the crossroads of faith and modernity as we grapple with questions that dance on the edges of sacred and secular worlds. Feel the pulse of our conversations around doctrinal unity, the challenges of content creation, and the nuanced dance with Gen Z's fervor for religious discourse, peppered with personal stories that bring these lofty ideas down to earth.

Wrestle alongside us with the heavyweights of evolution, technology's impact on spiritual practice, and the delicate art of maintaining authenticity in a world quick to judge. We navigate through the treacherous waters of societal perceptions of authority, the longing for mentorship, and the dark undercurrents of humor that risk the sacredness of our beliefs. Our episode is a tapestry of critical thinking, earnest reflection, and a steadfast commitment to truth woven with threads of laughter and shared humanity.

Finally, join us as we step into the arena of contentious topics such as anti-Semitism, cultural preservation, and the role of mentorship within the Catholic tradition. Through candid discussions, we scrutinize the fine lines between humor and offense, the broad strokes of bias, and the quest for unity amidst a mosaic of beliefs.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
67 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Embark on an intellectual odyssey as we grapple with the enduring theological disputes between Catholicism and Protestantism. Could diving into the depths of these religious intricacies offer you a richer understanding of your faith? Our discussions cut through the misconceptions and contentious debates, from the evangelical misreadings of Catholic practices to the fictitious entanglements of paganism and Catholicism. We examine the role of faith and works in salvation, scrutinize the traditional critique of the Novus Ordo Mass, and consider the implications of individualism post-Reformation.

Witness as we explore the intimate connections fostered within the Church, sharing insights on the veneration of saints and the significance of relics in the early Church that bind us to a spiritual lineage. As we navigate the moral and political mazes of abortion rights and the pro-life movement, questioning the effectiveness of advocacy and political strategies, we also delve into the challenges faced by non-profit management in this sector.

Conversations take a twist as we humorously critique the dating dynamics between traditional Latin Mass-goers and Novus Ordo attendees and navigate the delicate balance of open-mindedness and respectful disagreement within the Catholic community. Our candid approach pulls no punches when addressing the quirks and quandaries of contemporary Catholicism, all while emphasizing the centrality of maintaining unity amidst diverse liturgical preferences and theological views. So tune in and allow us to challenge what you thought you knew about the faith that has shaped centuries and continues to inspire vigorous debate to this day.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
28 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Explore the boundaries of human dignity and the Catholic Church's stance in the modern world as we unpack the recent Vatican document, Dignitas Infinita. From the controversial debate over the death penalty to the complexities of gender changes and immigration, we're dissecting the implications these teachings Dignitas Infinita have on societal norms and Catholic doctrine. This episode delves into the transformative post-Vatican II era, scrutinizing whether the Church's message has softened to resemble the gentle voice of a social worker and debating if it's truly effective in confronting today's cultural issues.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
66 Views · 18 days ago

⁣Have you seen the recent comments from Pope Francis about Cardinal Sarah?

Embark on a cosmic trek with us as the April 8th solar eclipse casts a celestial theater across the skies, drawing a line between science and spirituality and igniting online debates as humorous as they are heated. Our discourse takes a deep dive into the intricacies of church politics against the backdrop of this astronomical marvel, analyzing the ongoing dance of tradition and modernity within the Catholic Church. Join us as we weigh the differences between Pope Francis and Cardinal Sarah and unravel the doctrinal tensions that challenge the Church's path forward in today's crazy world.

We then pivot to the personal, exploring the profound impact of conversion experiences and the intellectual rigor—or lack thereof—surrounding Catholic discourse. Our conversation reveals the internal struggles faced by the Catholic community, and we tackle the pressing issues head-on, all while examining how these challenges shape the future of Catholicism. Moreover, we don't shy away from the lighter side of things, acknowledging the role of humor and satire in navigating the complex dynamics of faith and practice.

As we pull back the curtain on the delicate balance of power within the Vatican, our episode invites you to consider the societal implications of secular ideologies and the resilience of religious beliefs. We dissect the anticipated Vatican document releases and the contentious issues they're bound to address, leaving no stone unturned.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
59 Views · 20 days ago

⁣Discover the intersection of faith and film, where controversy meets historical reflection, in our latest episode on the 1986 film, "The Mission." Our probing discourse with special guest Fr Dave Nix delves into the movie's portrayal of religious conflict, the erroneous narrative of liberation theology, and the complex interplay between church and state during a time of great upheaval and transformation.

As we scrutinize the ethical nuances presented in the film, we're drawn into a compelling examination of moral theology, contrasting the consequentialism depicted with steadfast Christian doctrine. Debates ignite over the portrayal of obedience and holiness, particularly within the Catholic Church's hierarchy. We find ourselves wrestling with the age-old struggle between adhering to vows and confronting moral quandaries, all while drawing connections to historical figures like Barabbas and the Zealots to deepen our understanding of the Church's enduring challenges.

We wrap up with heartfelt gratitude for our largest live audience yet and a look ahead brimming with promise. Preparing for future episodes, we anticipate engaging in more spirited debates and insightful film reviews that promise to enlighten and entertain. Our traditional Easter greeting, "Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, alleluia," echoes as a clarion call for all our listeners to join the ongoing dialogue where the tenets of faith and the artistry of cinema converge in a tapestry of historical and contemporary reflection.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
43 Views · 22 days ago

⁣Are you a new convert? Did you just come into the Church yesterday? Here is everything that you weren't told in your Catholic RCIA class.

Sit back and join us on an enlightening journey as we welcome the new converts to our Catholic family! We'll share some inside jokes, celebrate milestones like Nick's six-year anniversary as a Catholic, and look back at the awe of the Easter Vigil – imagine a sea of candlelight and that moment of joy when the Gloria reveals the unveiled statues. And for those of you who might be worried, we promise not every Mass will stretch as long as the Vigil.

This episode isn't just about introductions; it's a deep exploration of where faith meets everyday life. We wade into the waters of political kingdoms, debating if Christ had plans for political influence and how pre-Vatican II teachings compare with today's Catholic approach. From Christendom to American liberalism, we unpack it all, including a conversation on the often misunderstood concept of Christian nationalism and our case for integralism. And let's not forget technology; could we be heading towards a life of bug diets and pod living? We debate the consequences of our digital dependencies, even as we ponder the purity of a life less connected.

Wrapping up, we understand that faith is also about community, and here we lay it all out for our fellow believers, especially the young adults and recent converts. Hear about our personal struggles with loneliness and how vital it is to build those bridges within the Church. We even offer practical advice for finding your spiritual footing through St. Francis de Sales' teachings. Plus, stay tuned for our potential sit-down with the author of "The Boniface Option," bringing a new yet familiar perspective to Catholic thought. Join us for this rich tapestry of faith, culture, and connection – it will be a soul-stirring ride.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
8 Views · 23 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Easter Sunday arrives with a message of hope and renewal, and our journey through Lent culminates in a celebration of the resurrection of Christ. When we gather, it's not just about the festivities; it's a moment to reflect on the profound connection we share with the divine. Join me as we immerse ourselves in the stirring meditations of Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, whose words guide us to a place of unity with Christ in prayer and intention. This episode promises to elevate your spirit, offering insight into how we, as the church and its followers, are bound by the grace of Jesus Christ and can find solace in this sacred unity.

Today's heartfelt conversation traverses the sacred journey from the Mount of Olives to Mount Calvary, embracing the essence of Easter and the victory of redemption signified in the Eucharist. We'll share the beauty of integrating into the broader body of the church and the collective prayer of the saints. This final meditation of the Lenten season is an invitation to attune your heart to the divine whispers of God, to seek mercy and grace, and to be inspired with the hope of joining the blessed in eternal glory. Let us go forth with Jesus to the sacrifice, and together, may we find ourselves counted among the victorious, with the promise of redemption echoing in our souls.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
9 Views · 24 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

After many years away from the sacrament, my mother's confession brought an unexpected joy to this Holy Saturday, and it's with that spirit of renewal that I invite you to join me in today's reflection. As we stand on the threshold of Easter, the penultimate meditations from Bishop Jacques Bossuet's "Meditations for Lent" challenge us to examine the ephemeral nature of our existence and the significance of our lives within the vast expanse of time. We ponder the genuinely lived moments versus those lost to the mundanities of daily life and consider the relative weight of our temporal achievements against an eternal backdrop. This introspection is not just a solitary journey; I ask for your prayers for my mother and all those rediscovering their faith during this sacred time.

As dusk settles, our hearts and minds turn to the Easter Vigil, the pinnacle of our Lenten journey, where the scriptural sagas unfurl the redemptive arc of our salvation history and Christ's enduring presence within it. We draw profound parallels between Moses, the liberator of the Israelites, and Jesus Christ, the ultimate sacrifice of the Paschal Lamb, exploring the deep-rooted connections that prefigure the Savior's coming. This episode is an invitation to embrace spiritual readiness and to eagerly anticipate the sacred feast that awaits us. As we prepare to conclude our Lenten fast and look forward to the final reflection on Easter Sunday, I share my heartfelt gratitude for your companionship throughout these meditations and wish you a blessed Holy Saturday and a joyous entry into Easter.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
5 Views · 25 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

As we solemnly tread through the profound sorrows of Good Friday, we uncover the depths of Christ's Passion, a narrative that resonates with the core of our Lenten observance. Our contemplation is enriched by the insights of Bishop Jacques Bossuet, whose reflections on Jesus's path from the Garden of Olives to the Crucifixion lead us into a space of introspection. Amidst the echoes of His suffering, we grapple with the weight of our own sins and find solace in the mercy of God. This episode isn't just another retelling; it's an invitation to walk alongside Christ, to bear witness to His love, and to discover the transformative power of redemption.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
7 Views · 26 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

As the solemnity of Maundy Thursday envelops us, we uncover the profound depths of the Last Supper and its eternal gift to humanity—the Eucharist. Reflect with us on the strikingly simple yet authoritative language Christ employed, as recounted by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, to initiate this sacrament. Our meditation will transport you beyond mere words, drawing you into the heart of Jesus's transformative command, "This is my body... this is my blood." This episode is a spiritual journey, guiding you to a place of deeper reverence for the Eucharist, the fulcrum of our faith, as we approach the poignant Triduum period.

We navigate the startling truth that, amongst believers, a veil of uncertainty exists over the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This Maundy Thursday, we confront the need for a resurgence of faith in this central tenet, discussing ways to foster a more profound respect and worthy reception of Holy Communion. As the Lenten season culminates, we issue a heartfelt invitation to prayer, seeking a renewed love and understanding of this sacred mystery.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
6 Views · 27 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

As Spy Wednesday sets upon us, Bishop Jacques Bossuet's "Meditations for Lent" offers a riveting exploration of spiritual cleansing and its necessity as we approach the Eucharist. Through our latest episode, you'll uncover the tradition of washing feet as a metaphor for washing away not just the physical grime but the subtle stains of our souls. We delve deeper into the value of addressing the smallest transgressions and preparing ourselves for the Eucharist with purified hearts.

The teachings of Jesus on the washing of the Apostles' feet serve as a potent reminder of the link between purification from venial sins and our readiness to partake in this holy union of Communion. Join us as we examine the gravity of our faults, the transformative power of the sacraments, and the paths we can follow to renew our spirits. Together, we seek a deeper understanding of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ with the reverence and worthiness it deserves.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
16 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

As we traverse the solemnity of Holy Tuesday, we encounter the piercing reflections of Bishop Jacques Bossuet, guiding us through the shadows of betrayal and sin that pierce the heart of Jesus. This session is a profound meditation on the emotional turmoil Christ endured, particularly in the face of Judas Iscariot's impending betrayal. Bishop Bossuet elucidates the deeper layers of Jesus' suffering, inviting us to consider the collective weight of human sins that pressed upon the Savior and the paradox of the Cross as both a symbol of salvation and a stumbling block.

With the Gospel of John as our map, we journey into the very soul of Christ, observing his troubled spirit in the face of sin—both personal and communal. Bishop Bossuet's insight into the scriptural moments where Jesus is most distressed offers a stark reflection on sorrow for sin. As Easter approaches, this episode serves as a significant spiritual exercise, allowing us to confront the nature of sin and redemption. Through these meditations, we are challenged to recognize our role in the collective failure of humanity and yet find hope in the redemption that Jesus' ultimate sacrifice offers.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
8 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

As we traverse the solemnity of Holy Monday, our meditation today draws upon the wisdom of Bishop Jacques Bot, as presented by Sophia Institute Press. His reflections guide us through the poignant act of Mary anointing Jesus at Bethany, a moment rich with the symbolism of true worship and sacrifice. We immerse ourselves in the narrative that contrasts the sincere piety of Mary with the deceitful veneer of charity shown by Judas, leading us to introspect our own motivations and expressions of love and homage.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
11 Views · 30 days ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Embark on a profound exploration of Lent with me as we observe the transformative Palm Sunday, marking the onset of Holy Week. Witness how these final days of spiritual introspection transcend a mere countdown to Easter, offering a tapestry of customs and reflections that deepen our understanding of this sacred period. Through the wisdom of Bishop Jacques Bossuet's meditations, we uncover the layers of Jesus' majestic and glorious procession into Jerusalem.

Join us for an episode that celebrates the intricate beauty of these traditions as we immerse ourselves in the poignant juxtapositions of Christ's journey. From the adoring crowds with their palm fronds to the echoes of ancient prophecies, we traverse the path of reflection that leads to the heart of the Easter mystery. Discover with us the enduring messages of faith, sacrifice, and renewal that Holy Week embodies.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
10 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Why do hearts resist the divine, even when miracles unfold before their eyes? This Palm Sunday eve, we grapple with the paradox of belief and skepticism, inspired by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet's "Meditations for Lent." In a rare unedited live session, nestled amidst the aromatic blend of morning cigars and coffee, my linguistic stumbles seem to echo humanity's own faltering steps towards faith. We examine the stirring gospel accounts, including the resurrection of Lazarus, and the challenges Jesus faced with the hardened hearts of the Pharisees—a testament to the complex interplay between witnessing the miraculous and the decision to believe.

As our Lenten journey nears its crescendo, we confront the unsettling question: if Jesus's miracles were so evident, why didn't the whole world believe? This episode isn't just another scripture reading; it's an intimate exploration of the human heart's profound attachment that often blinds us to the divine. Join me, without edits or filters, in a contemplation that might just reveal the thoughts of many hearts, including our own. From unexpected family interruptions to an immersion in biblical wisdom, this is a live session that promises a connection to the spiritual struggles and triumphs that have echoed through the ages.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
32 Views · 1 month ago

⁣I recently purchased some MRE Humanitarian Rations as the start to a little emergency food stash. I decided upon these because of the war in Gaza. I saw a Palestinian eat and review one of these after the US air-dropped them to Palestinians. He hated it. He said the only thing he could choke down was the peanut butter. I wanted to know if it was really that bad.

Initially, the plan was to eat and review these with my three and 5-year-olds. We opened, ate, and reviewed one earlier today, but the sound didn't record! So, I opened a new one and re-recorded it, but my boys did not want to be as involved.

Let me know if you want to see us try to review any other MREs/rations in the comments. If you have any special requests, let us know!



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Have you ever questioned the depth of your faith? Join me as we navigate the profound essence of our beliefs in the Messiah, inspired by Bishop Jacques Bossuet's meditations published by Sophia Institute Press. In a period where reflection is essential, we dissect the fulfillment of ancient prophecies, the revolutionary teachings of Jesus, and the miracles that affirm His purpose. Together, we endeavor not only to recognize but also to embody the teachings of Christ. This episode is a call to action for introspection—to measure our lives against the exemplary model of Jesus—and to discover the serene harmony that emerges from the sacrament of confession and trust in His sacrifice.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
8 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Make Lent of 2024 edifying with daily meditations for Lent from the famous French orator, Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Discover enduring lessons on integrity and perseverance as we draw wisdom from Bishop Jacques Bossuet's reflections on Jesus' response to persecution and calumny. This episode delves into the events of Christ's final days, offering an intimate look at how He navigated the treacherous tides of political and religious turmoil with unshakable grace. As we move closer to Holy Week, we are invited to embody the resilience and purity of conscience exemplified by Jesus in the face of grave injustice.

With our journey into Passiontide, we bear witness to the harsh realities Jesus faced, including the false zeal of the Pharisees and the manipulative uses of political power. As Bishop Bossuet eloquently guides us through these historical and moral intricacies, we are challenged to examine our own responses to life's adversities. This episode prompts an introspective exploration of our own spirit, urging us to confront our trials with the same integrity and compassion as our Savior. Join us in this meditative experience that transcends time, teaching us to navigate contemporary society's complexities while staying true to our deepest values.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
81 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The Traditional Thomist joins us while we give an honest review of the final part of the Mass of the Ages trilogy.

This episode promises a rich tapestry of Catholic life, blending humor with the solemnity of spiritual practice. We navigate through the tumultuous seas of the Trad Recovery Conference, offering apologies and explanations for our satirical take that ruffled some feathers. We then embark on an engaging critique of Mass of the Ages Ep 3: Guardians of Tradition, pondering its impact on youth and the Latin Mass movement. The episode isn't all serious critique, though; we're also weaving in light-hearted moments and community feedback through listener voicemails, adding a personal touch that reminds us all of the close-knit fabric of our audience.

As we look to the horizon, the future of traditional Catholicism takes center stage. We debate the potential of age-old practices to captivate young men looking for a deeper spiritual challenge, and we tease the idea of a round table discussion among Catholics of various persuasions. It's an exploration of how Catholic media and differing opinions can coexist, culminating in a reflection on navigating disagreements within the Church. Whether you're a Trad or not, join us for an episode that promises to uplift, challenge, and inspire.


Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

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