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23 Views · 1 month ago


You’ve heard of the JQ
But have you heard of the GayQ?

You know what gays do
Don’t need to tell you
But do you know what it leads to?
I bet you haven’t a clue

No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated

Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees

Now this might be a bit much
Perhaps I need a softer touch
Maybe you just threw up your lunch
But just listen and hush

No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated

Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees

I bet you wish you didn’t know
But it just goes to show
How sick we’re willing to go
Our perversion is like so

No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated

Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees

You know of monkeypox and AIDS
And how they are diseases for the gays
And you know that sin doesn’t pay
So don’t be surprised when I say

No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated

Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees

You’ve heard of the JQ
And now you’ve heard of the GayQ
Look it up and you’ll know it’s true
Just another red pill for you

36 Views · 2 months ago

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Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews

Jew Shari Redstone runs Paramount CBS
Jew Brian Roberts runs Comcast NBC
Jew David Zazlav runs Warner Brothers Discovery CNN
Jew Bob Iger runs Disney ABC

Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews

Jew Joseph Kahn runs the New York Times
Jew Alex Barlow runs Breitbart News
Jew Jonah Peretti runs Buzzfeed Huffpost
Jew Jim Bankoff runs Vox Media news

Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews

Rupert Murdoch runs Fox
And Chris Ruddy runs Newsmax
Neither of them are Jewish
But they're Zionist, so what's the difference?

Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews

Rupert Murdoch runs Fox
And Chris Ruddy runs Newsmax
Neither of them are Jewish
But they're Zionist, so what's the difference?

Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews

21 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Here's a song I wrote a few days ago about how Jesus Christ is a Manly Man. Enjoy!


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⁣[Verse 1]
He was an accomplished carpenter
Who made a whip out of reeds
And flipped the tables over in anger
‘Cause they made the temple a den of thieves

Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man

[Verse 2]
He said “don’t give children’s bread to dogs”
And “don’t give pearls to swine”
It’s important for us to understand
That obstinacy isn’t worth our time

Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man

[Verse 3]
He talked more about Hell than anyone
Said most will be eternally dead
If you think most are saved
Then you haven’t listened to what He said

Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man

He called the Jews a brood of vipers
Hypocrites, and Synagogue of Satan
If you think Jesus was politically correct
Well, you would be best to think again

Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man

35 Views · 2 months ago

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Gregorian Chant Academy
49 Views · 2 months ago

⁣"Floriani has produced an authoritative list of Gregorian Chants specifically aimed at delivering us from the powers of darkness." ~ Anonymous Exorcist

⁣Our new album, Chants Of Deliverance, is now available in both digital and physical cd formats, with PDFs of sheet music, lyrics and translations. Visit to your copy!

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36 Views · 2 months ago

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39 Views · 2 months ago

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102 Views · 2 months ago


There was a man named Harrison
Who gave a commencement speech
At Benedictine College
He got up, and started to preach

Harrison the Jew Buttkicker
He's a real Catholic man
Not shy about tellin' the truth
So I think I am a fan

They said his speech is sexist
'Cause he said motherhood is good,
Birth control, and abortion are bad
For this they had him jewed

He said they're outlawin' the Good Book
'Cause it offends the Jews
They're all kvetching right now
Bashin' him in the news

Harrison, you preach the Faith
And don't listen to what they say
Just give love to Christ the King
And let the Jews kvetch away

29 Views · 3 months ago

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Fr. Maximilian M. Dean
21 Views · 3 months ago

⁣We were invited to give a concert by Defender & Splendor of Truth radio stations as part of their Advent Gala benefit dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Hagerstown, MD, in 2023. This was one song from our performance. Special thanks to the musicians for their time and talent (left to right): Tony DiIulio (guitar), Carter Stephan (sax), Pete "the beat" Ogden (drums), Fr. Maximilian M. Dean (vocals, guitar), Margaret Knapp (vocals, keyboard), Christopher St. Clair (bass).
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31 Views · 3 months ago

⁣If you like this song, please follow us on your favorite music streaming service, where we plan to upload more songs like this:


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35 Views · 3 months ago

⁣⁣Original Song:


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30 Views · 4 months ago

⁣This is a Holy Week song about the amazing charity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. . (Copyright 2021 James Martin Moore)

Gregorian Chant Academy
79 Views · 4 months ago

On the first Sunday of Lent, the text for all of the propers for the Mass are taken from Psalm 90/91 but the Tract sings the entire psalm - save 3 verses. In the Gospel for this Sunday we also read about Christ's 40 day fast in the desert, at the end of which He was tempted by Satan three times. In one of these Satan tempts our Lord to pride by taking him to the pinnacle of the temple and telling him to jump off, for the angels will protect Him, quoting a verse from this Psalm 90. Christ then quotes from another verse of Holy Scripture to show him 'thou shalt not tempt God'. All in all, many of the Fathers of the Church and Desert Fathers tell us that using scripture can be an efficacious way of combatting temptations - in imitation of Our Lord - and that this Psalm is particularly helpful. The drone in this recording is not created using any synths or pitch correction tools to drop my voice. I actually did sing that low... granted, I was sick at the time, so that helped. ;)

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Gregorian Chant Academy
71 Views · 4 months ago

Lent is a time of year for us to "slow down" (what 'lent' actually means) and to contemplate on our sins, how much we are in need of God's redeeming grace and to make loving acts of reparation. May this playlist of Gregorian Chants for Lent offer some peace for your mind and soul and help you in your lenten meditations to grow closer to God.

Download my chant recordings at:
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Fr. Maximilian M. Dean
23 Views · 4 months ago

⁣In the Catholic tradition,
Passiontide calls for
a heightened awareness
of the Lenten sacrifice
by covering the crucifixes,
artwork, statues and other
beautiful reflections of the faith
throughout the church.
This time is a visual reminder
of many important elements
regarding Christ's ultimate
sacrifice for humanity.
[Vexilla Regis chant from my album Excitabo Auroram, video from my Hermitage Chapel]

24 Views · 5 months ago

Uploading this at the beginning of Lent when many think about returning to Confession but feel apprehensive.
I hope this silly little song helps a little.

28 Views · 6 months ago

This song celebrates Our Lady by looking into just some of the many wonderful titles she has been given.

3 Views · 6 months ago

This is an autobiographical song in which I hope other Cradle Catholics will find echoes of their own lives.

Showing 2 out of 8