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6 Views · 23 hours ago

⁣⁣Here's a short video where I prove that the ⁣Sexual Revolution came from Jews in 2 minutes.

12 Views · 4 days ago

⁣⁣Here's a short video where I prove that the no-fault divorce epidemic came from Jews in 2 minutes.

12 Views · 5 days ago

⁣⁣Here's a short video where I prove that the Feminist movement is run by Jews in 2 minutes.

8 Views · 6 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode on "Having A Traditional, Holistic Hermeneutic" I go into how the correct way for a Christian to understand their Faith is to, in humility, read Scripture holistically, read how most Christians consistently understood it, starting from the First Century, to come to the Truth.

⁣Link to my article "Obstinate Disobedience of Traditional Doctrine is a Grave Error":

8 Views · 7 days ago

⁣Here's a short video where I prove that the Porno industry is run by Jews in 2 minutes.

8 Views · 8 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode on "The Jewish Conversion Question", I go into the absurdity of how the Neo-Judaizers try to "convert" Jews by getting them to believe that they can be both "Jewish" and "Christian", without perceived ontological contradiction, which leads to a new form of modern crypto-Jews.

13 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Here's a short video where I prove that the Mainstream Media is run by Jews in 2 minutes. Let me know if you want more content like this that is straight to the point. God bless!

10 Views · 11 days ago

In this podcast episode, I talk about "The Jewish Blood Curse", and how curses for the Jews for breaking the Covenant were promised by God in Deuteronomy 28, prophesied in Jeremiah 11, brought upon the Jews by themselves in Matthew 27:25, and enacted in 70 AD, after the destruction of Jerusalem.

7 Views · 12 days ago

⁣In this podcast/video, I go over my recent online interaction with The Byzantine Scotist (aka Gideon Lazar) and show how he is ignoring the ontological problem between Jewry and Christianity, and he does not seem to see how one cannot be both ontologically Jewish and Christian at the same time.

10 Views · 13 days ago

⁣In this podcast/video called "Contra Andre Villeneuve" I refute the errors of Dr. Andre Villeneuve and The Philos Project and show how Christians cannot theologically be Zionists and how Fulfillment Supersessionism is not a heresy but rather the perennial teaching of the Church.

15 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Here's a short video where I prove that Hollywood is run by Jews in 2 minutes. Let me know if you want more content like this that is straight to the point. God bless!

11 Views · 15 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode I go over "The Edomite Question" which is the fact that when Jesus Christ came in the First Century, many Judeans, or Jews, were of Edomite ancestry instead of Israelite ancestry, and then I will discuss how that is relevant to the Jewish Question from a Catholic perspective.

12 Views · 18 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode I go over "The Common Errors Our Side Makes Regarding The Jews", and show how these errors can easily be refuted by our enemies. Trigger warning: You may get offended if one of the errors I bring up is an error you commit. But this podcast is intended to help our side win.

9 Views · 20 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode I am going over "The Ontology Of Judaism And Jewish Identity" and asking the questions "What is a Jew?" and "Why do Jews exist?" and applying these questions to both before the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and after His Death, Resurrection, and Ascension into Heaven.

10 Views · 22 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode, I go over "The Noahide Laws", which are a set of Jewish laws, contained in the Talmud, which both Jews and "Christian" Neo-Judaizers are working together to implement, in order to destroy the Christian religion and to create a new one-world religion controlled by the Jews.

12 Views · 24 days ago

⁣In celebration of the feast of the conversion of the hateful, Christ-killing, persecuting Jew, Saul to the loving, Christ-worshipping Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, I wrote this song today to show how through Christ Jesus a hateful Jew can go from the vomit of Judaism to a great Christian Saint.

12 Views · 25 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode, I go over "The Messianic Jew Question", which is about how the Messianic Jews don't really fit the definitions of Jew nor Christian very well, and how Scripture, the Early Church, and Church Fathers/Doctors suggest they are neither Jew nor truly Christian (maybe Protestant).

11 Views · 28 days ago

⁣In this podcast episode, I talk about "The Curse Of The Elder Brother", which is an amalgamation of the typologies of the generational cursing of bloodlines and the favoring of the younger brother over the elder brother that recur repeatedly in salvation history and intersect in the Jewish question.

23 Views · 1 month ago

⁣I wrote a new song today called "Jew Gonna Jew". Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!

11 Views · 1 month ago

⁣In this podcast episode I talk about "More Language Games Neo-Judaizers Like To Play", specifically talking about how they confuse us criticizing the Jews that reject Christ with "all Jews" and how they confuse the subject-verb-object relationship to try to draw us into inconsistent positions.

Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you!

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