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Chants of Deliverance - Floriani's New Album

150 Views· 05/24/24
Gregorian Chant Academy
Gregorian Chant Academy
246 Subscribers

⁣"Floriani has produced an authoritative list of Gregorian Chants specifically aimed at delivering us from the powers of darkness." ~ Anonymous Exorcist

⁣Our new album, Chants Of Deliverance, is now available in both digital and physical cd formats, with PDFs of sheet music, lyrics and translations. Visit www.Floriani.org to your copy!

Download other chant recordings: https://www.GregorianChantAcademy.com/

Online Chant Courses: https://courses.floriani.org/

Make a tax deductible donation at: https://www.floriani.org/donate

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