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The Beauty of Creation (The Illusion of Evolution)

230 Views· 01/29/23
Fr. Maximilian M. Dean
Fr. Maximilian M. Dean
61 Subscribers
In Other

Pope St. Pius X: ⁣"To conclude this whole question of faith and its various branches, we have still to consider, Venerable Brethren, what the Modernists have to say about the development of the one and the other. First of all they lay down the general principle that in a living religion everything is subject to change, and must in fact be changed. In this way they pass to what is practically their principal doctrine, namely, evolution. To the laws of evolution everything is subject under penalty of death - dogma, Church, worship, the Books we revere as sacred, even faith itself." ⁣(Pascendi Dominici Gregis)

Music, Lyrics, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Lead Vocals: Fr. Maximilian
Harmonies: Karin Mozina

The beauty of creation sings,
That God created everything.
Intelligence was behind the design;
Each thing created, according to its kind.

The negation of creation
Through the illusion of evolution,
Must stop… In the Name of God.
Must stop… In the Name of God.

Under the guise of empirical science,
Darwin hides anti-Christian bias.
But in the beginning, when God spoke,
Out of nothing all things He awoke.


“Molecules, then monkeys to man,”
The theory boasts against God’s plan.
But we are not a herd of cattle,
Children of God we are called to battle.


The wonder of creation conceals,
What God in Christ clearly reveals,
That we are His people, immortal each soul,
And only in Him can we reach our goal.


The beauty of creation sings,
That God created everything…

Music streaming options: https://songwhip.com/fr-maximilian-m-dean
Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playl....ist/4ELcybsyDahUXu6q

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Catholic Arrows
Catholic Arrows 2 years ago

Hi Father, I keep thinking about you for some reason, I think I'm supposed to add you to the intentions of our family rosary. So, good news for you! From tonight, a family of four, way down under in Western Australia are going to start praying for your soul, but especially for you to recieve from Mary a special gift of joy.

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