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Gospel 7-5-24. Mark 10: 15-21. St Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Confessor

11 Views· 07/05/24
Ken Hagen
Ken Hagen
22 Subscribers

⁠ 15 ⁠Amen I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall not enter into it.
Amen dico vobis : Quisquis non receperit regnum Dei velut parvulus, non intrabit in illud.
⁠ 16 ⁠And embracing them, and laying his hands upon them, he blessed them.
Et complexans eos, et imponens manus super illos, benedicebat eos.
⁠ 17 ⁠And when he was gone forth into the way, a certain man running up and kneeling before him, asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may receive life everlasting?
Et cum egressus esset in viam, procurrens quidam genu flexo ante eum, rogabat eum : Magister bone, quid faciam ut vitam aeternam percipiam?
⁠ 18 ⁠And Jesus said to him, Why callest thou me good? None is good but one, that is God.
Jesus autem dixit ei : Quid me dicis bonum? nemo bonus, nisi unus Deus.
⁠ 19 ⁠Thou knowest the commandments: Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, bear not false witness, do no fraud, honour thy father and mother.
Praecepta nosti : ne adulteres, ne occidas, ne fureris, ne falsum testimonium dixeris, ne fraudum feceris, honora patrem tuum et matrem.
⁠ 20 ⁠But he answering, said to him: Master, all these things I have observed from my youth.
At ille respondens, ait illi : Magister, haec omnia observavi a juventute mea.
⁠ 21 ⁠And Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: One thing is wanting unto thee: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.
Jesus autem intuitus eum, dilexit eum, et dixit ei : Unum tibi deest : vade, quaecumque habes vende, et da pauperibus, et habebis thesaurum in caelo : et veni, sequere me.

St Anthony Mary, born at Cremona in Italy, took his degree as doctor of medicine at Padua, but God called him to the priesthood. He founded the Order of Barnabites. He died A.D. 1539.

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