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18 Views· 05/24/23
Ken Hagen
Ken Hagen
21 Subscribers

May 24, 2023. Gospel John 15:26-27 ; 16:1-4. Feria in Ascension.
26 ⁣But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me.
Cum autem venerit Paraclitus, quem ego mittam vobis a Patre, Spiritum veritatis, qui a Patre procedit, ille testimonium perhibebit de me;
27 And you shall give testimony, because you are with me from the beginning.
et vos testimonium perhibebitis, quia ab initio mecum estis.
1 ⁣These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized.
Haec locutus sum vobis, ut non scandalizemini.
2 They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God.
Absque synagogis facient vos : sed venit hora, ut omnis qui interficit vos arbitretur obsequium se praestare Deo.
3 And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me.
Et haec facient vobis, quia non noverunt Patrem, neque me.
4 But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them.
Sed haec locutus sum vobis, ut cum venerit hora eorum, reminiscamini quia ego dixi vobis.

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