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Fleeing From Rome to Orthodox? Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?

93 Views· 07/21/22
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Lisa Knobel
Lisa Knobel 2 years ago

I've been hanging out at an Orthodox church. What I'm finding is that the liturgy is wonderful. If you want to see the historical church as it was worshipped before the Gospels even existed. Which is intellectually interesting, but it seems theologically missing the point. I know I could never convert because of some of their Marian dogmas. And, I also got this sense that they are just too loosey goosey on theology like the Protestants.

I do not receive communion there, but enjoy it as another opportunity to worship and praise our Lord.

So glad I found a "rigid" TLM community that adheres to all of the church's teachings.

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PaxVobiscum 2 years ago

Very important discussion in our times.

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