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Do Black Lives Matter For The Jews?

19 Views· 04/16/24
50 Subscribers
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Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Have you heard of Aaron Lopez?
He owned many slave trade ships
Like many other jewish merchants
Who dominated the slave trade
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Have you heard of Judah Benjamin?
He was the Brains of the Confederacy
Over three quarters of southern jews
Owned slaves in southern USA
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Jews you should quit pushing race hate
When you have done these things yourselves
Embrace Jesus Christ as your King
And He will forgive you of everything
Do black lives matter for the Jews?

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Richard Marquis
Richard Marquis 9 months ago

Once the "christian denominations" that supported slavery then ,and BLM now, knock off the hypocrisy, only then WILL they attract, by their humility, people of good will outside of the fold. THIS triumphalism just won't, regardless of how impermeable the stance appears to those who do not see the plank for the speck in the eye of Jews, et al. In all things humility. Just saying.... Alas.

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