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Are Sedevacantist Catholic? Is the Chair of St. Peter Empty?

207 Views· 07/21/22
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⁣Eric Sammons – Crisis Magazine – Is the Chair of Peter empty?
The Spiritual Dangers of Sedevacantism
a small (and growing) group of Catholics deny Francis is the pope, deciding this solves the problem of a bad pope. While that third option might be tempting, it’s incredibly dangerous to the soul.
Why is rejecting that Francis is pope so dangerous? Because at its root it is diametrically opposed to the fundamentals of Catholicism. It is essentially a Gnostic position, a belief that a few souls have discovered a special knowledge (“Gnosis” is Greek for “knowledge”) that most Catholics do not have.
"Ultimately, having serious concerns about Francis while still accepting the legitimacy of his pontificate demands humility. It recognizes that we as individual Catholics do not have the authority to say who is or who isn’t the pope. We recognize instead that Christ founded a visible Church—with fallible men put in charge—and that we must remain in that Church, acknowledging her visible leaders, or we risk being burned."

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DeusVult 2 years ago

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with Sedevacantism at all. Sedevacantists believe in the Papacy but we also know that neither Benedict XVI or Jorge Bergolio are popes. It says nowhere in the Catholic old teaching (not the Novus Ordo script) that Catholics must be obedient to public manifest heretics, freemasons etc. just because they managed to have "the ring" and occupy Rome. So what? We are actually told to be very aware and to not follow aforementioned wolves in sheep clothing. Very meager argumentation in that video! In addition you might want to acquaint yourselves with "Our Lady of La Salette's" warnings...it just might be THE eyeopener for you...you randomly quack about sedevacantists, without knowing our very believes. The church throughout it's existence had plenty of times where there wasn't a pope, i.e the chair of Peter empty. Why does that present a problem when it comes to Sedevacantism?? No Answer....just because some hypocrite says it's not so? Well the former Catholic church has gone full protestant and lost faith a long time ago.

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rej888 2 years ago

Then what about Pope Honorius 1......Honorius 1 was condemned a heretic by Pope St. Leo 2 for accepting monothelissm......why didn't sedevacantists group thrive from then? But everyone, even Pope St. Leo 2 still considered him pope. Sedevacantism doesn't make sense. If there is no validly elected popes, bishops, nor priests, on the face of the earth, then there are no valid sacrements and everyone would be doomed whichever way we look at it..The answer to problems in the church is not sedevacantism......Sedevacantistism is just as problematic as the heresy of Donatism.....Acorrding to wiki, Donatists argued that Christian clergy must be faultless for their ministry to be effective and their prayers and sacraments to be valid. ....The sedevacantists argue the same kind of thing....They argue that when bergoglio or john paul 2 teaches something wrong, that automatically the seat becomes vacant and all the sacraments become invalid.....

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