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The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis (Summary+Review)

19 Views· 03/30/23
Biblical Bookworm
Biblical Bookworm
105 Subscribers

C.S. Lewis explains the 4 types of love the ancient Greek called storge, philia, eros and agape. He also gives advice on how to make friends and warns about the dangers that go along with each of the four.

Read the book online for free:
English: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWpUcVY0UFBaZ0JwYTk3Ty1aS1dTZU54dm5MQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcUMtdy1wLVhMaDhBajZMYnA0X2J1LUVqM2FsMGhXU1Itdm4wU2ZBZGtHRDlxc2g3Yjd1QmpXU0JNZDROU2VwRUVMSGZsNkpRelM1Q2ZNdktsRFJpb3JWNWlHTXZwekpWM29vRWN1VWJGQk83MER5UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdfdrive.com%2Fthe-four-loves-c-s-lewis-e3299074.html&v=9-PC9UkxIO4

Listen to the book online for free:

• The Four Loves- a...

Rating system:
10/10 breathtaking, must read
9/10 really good
8/10 good
7/10 good (maybe not for everyone)
6/10 and less: I try to read good books lol so that rating should not occur

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/BiblicalWorm

You can contact me here: thebiblicalbookworm@gmail.com

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