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Settling Debts and Forgiving Debts‏

16 Views· 06/08/22
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
897 Subscribers
In Sermons

⁣When we appear before the Son of God and the Son of Mary as our Judge, He will take account of our crimes in a divine courtroom. Sin abounds and yet very few people seek eternal debt relief in the Sacrament of Penance, and very few do acts of penance and satisfaction in Christ to pay down temporal debts that will have to be paid in Purgatory. And yet, it is so easy to move the Heart of the Merciful King. He is so willing to forgive our debts. Although the wicked servant in today's Gospel could never have equaled the mercy shown by the King, at least there should have been a proportional forgiveness of debt to that of the King. The mercy of God ought to have been a stimulus for an attitude of forgiveness towards others. In the day of judgment, the good Lord will treat each of us servants as we have treated our fellow servants. St. Maria Goretti provides a wonderful example of forgiving debts. For more please visit http://www.reginaprophetarum.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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