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Our Lady: the City of God

15 Views· 06/10/22
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
897 Subscribers
In Sermons

⁣As the Book of Psalms states, Our Lady is the City of God. After the fall of Adam, the sinful human race was under the unjust control of Satan. The devil and his demonic armies gained victory after victory until it seemed that all the cities on earth were subject to his tyrannical rule. But there was one city that was free from his clutches. There was one city that resisted the devil’s advance...one outpost...one place of refuge...one city that always remained loyal to the Most High and was open and receptive to the coming Messiah. That Mystical City of God is the Blessed Mother. Our Lady is totally untouched by the stain of sin. She alone has fully crushed the devil under her heel. The walls of this city are impregnable. She is the inviolate one...a sealed fountain...an enclosed garden that allows access only to her Divine Spouse and to those who receive the grace to enter into the Mystical City of God and the Tower of David. Only one city...only one dwelling...attracted the Son of God and drew Him to this fallen world. Without Our Lady, the City of God, there would be no Christmas. For more please visit http://www.reginaprophetarum.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

“If the winds of temptation surge, if you run aground on the shoals of troubles, look to this star, call upon Mary! If you are tossed by the winds of pride or ambition or detraction or jealousy, look to this star, call upon Mary! If anger or greed or the allurements of the flesh dash against the boat of your mind, look to Mary! And if you are troubled by the enormity of your sins, confused by the foulness of your conscience, terrified by the horror of the Judgment, so that you begin to be swallowed up by the pit of sadness, the abyss of despair, think of Mary! In dangers, in straits, in perplexity, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let her name be always in your mouth and in your heart, and, if you would ask for and obtain the help of her prayers, do not forget the example of how she lived”—St. Bernard of Clairvaux

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