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Ora et Labora: My Life OFF the GRID

348 Views· 03/01/23
Gregorian Chant Academy
Gregorian Chant Academy
246 Subscribers
In Music

⁣Here is a behind the scenes look at a typical winter day in my life, off the grid, in north Idaho (filmed in January, 2023). The house shown in the first 2/3 of the video is my own house, which I built, almost entirely by myself in the span of about 3 months (doing nothing but working on the house), back in 2020. It is far from finished, but with God's help and good time, it will be finished some day. The area in which the house is located, when we first bought the property, was so thickly covered in brush and trees you could only make your way through it by a very small game trail, with hardly any sense of direction. It took a lot of work to get the hillside cleared enough to begin building the house, the chicken yard, the wood shelter, the garden, etc. Special thanks to my sister-in-law, who claims she doesn't know anything about filming, for filming this for me.

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Special Thanks to my top Patreon and Coffee supporters:
Sergio Ubach, Maurisa Mayerle, Mary Catherine Maxian, Andy Mozisek, John Lyssikatos, Sheila McBride Mullaly, Alicja and Herve Blanquart, Collen Lunt, Ted Naff, Andrew Hattrup, Paul Hattrup, Noreen Cabili, Shirley Dunnells, Chavel Dixon

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blaise 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing :-)

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VadeRetroSatana 2 years ago

That was really neat, thanks for sharing it! We had a large fire right about the same time your dad did and we had several conversations with him about recovering from fire, insurance, etc, at SJA (where we also attend :) ).
I'm sure glad you drive with those big chains now! Yikes!

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