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Off. "Precatus est Moyses - 12th Sunday after Pentecost

90 Views· 08/28/22
Gregorian Chant Academy
Gregorian Chant Academy
246 Subscribers

⁣The offertory chant "Precatus est Moyses" is from the 12th Sunday after Pentecost (22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and is the prayer of Moses, beseeching God not to destroy His own people, the Israelites, who continue to offend Him time and time again. The Gospel for this Sunday is the parable of the Good Samaritan, where in we first hear the greatest Law of Life, "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, etc" followed by "and thy neighbor as thyself." Then comes the parable which closes with the scribe answering the question of: which was neighbor to the man half-dead, with "He that showed mercy unto him." Jesus responds, "Go and do thou in like manner." Jesus is the Good Samaritan and we the man, half-dead in sin. As God showed mercy to the wicked Israelites at the prayer of Moses, so will he also show mercy to us if we repent and do penance and show mercy unto others. But as Moses was not only a type of Christ, but also a type of St Peter and all subsequent popes, Moses' prayer is a kind parable itself, showing us how prelates in authority (priests, bishops, and especially the pope) have the power to call down mercy upon the whole Church if they will but do penance themselves and pray. (the Inn keeper is also a type of the Papacy and the Church)

Therefore, let us pray for our priests, bishops and the pope that they may cease offending Our Lord, "who is too much offended already", cease preaching heresy, cease persecuting the Church itself, be converted and pray to God that He may have mercy on us all.

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