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How Can Someone Be Saved? No Salvation Outside the Church

205 Views· 01/25/23
Catholic Conversations
Catholic Conversations
25 Subscribers

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus - There is No Salvation Outside the Church - This is a hard saying, who can accept this, are the words of the jews upon hearing the difficult teachings of Our Lord. This most esteemed mystery of the faith has been always and everywhere taught by the Church. I will first explain to you how we are saved, then I will explain this most important dogma of the faith and those who to no fault of their own do not know the Church, and the dire consequences of denying such an important truth. But first let us salute the Virgin Mary.
HAIL MARY… Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Our Lady of Pompeii, pray for us! Our Lady Hammer of Heretics, pray for us! St. Vincent Ferrer, Pray for us! St. Leonard of Port Maurice, Pray for us!

If you remember nothing else from what I have just said, let me break this down in the simplest manner possible, by anticipating some of your questions. Who will be saved? Those who die in a state of sanctifying grace. Who will be damned? Those who die in a state of mortal sin. How is one placed into sanctifying grace? By faith and Baptism. Can one lose sanctifying grace? Yes, but one mortal sin. Can one reconcile with God? Yes, by the Sacrament of Confession.

Here is where a large amount of my information came from https://catholicism.org/catego....ry/outside-the-churc


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