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Ember Friday of Lent: Be Made Whole

157 Views· 03/03/23
Sensus Fidelium
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PaxVobiscum 2 years ago

I love this priest's homilies.

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RobinElizabeth 2 years ago

This priest hits a very key point in learning to love God better. And I found the connection to our Lenten observances something to reflect on. The more spiritual we become in the sense of offering sacrifices Etc, and also in fasting, our bodies are made stronger. I have found it easy to listen to self will which is not listening to the Divine will that has us do everything for the love of God. I found these words helpful to realize we are made whole physically and spiritually in our practices to honor and love God more fully. I heard it said that Penance should be very easy if you consider the reason you're doing it --because you're doing it out of love for him. Thank you Father for your words.

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