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Come FOLLOW Me | Luis Gonzalez | Episode #075

28 Views· 12/11/23
The BeatiDudes
The BeatiDudes
11 Subscribers
In Comedy

⁣The BeatiDudes are on the road for this REMOTE BROADCAST from the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy in Dallas with special guest Luis Gonzalez, CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas. The pharmacy is a charitable organization providing free prescriptions to people in need, serving hundreds of thousands of prescription orders since its inception.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide network of 800,000 lay Catholics inspired by Gospel values to grow in holiness and build a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.

St Vincent de Paul includes men and women of every age, every race, and every income level who share their blessings of time, talent, and treasure with those who need help and hope. Like the Good Samaritan, St. Vincent de Paul members are ready to help anyone regardless of religion, age, or background.

The National Council serves nearly 90,000 faith-filled Vincentian volunteers nationwide, providing resources, spiritual formation, and best practices for more than 4,000 local Conferences and 500 Councils across the country.

On Blessed are the Joke Makers, the Dudes must take on the persona of a Doomsday Street Prophet to address the prompt, “________, the new hit Catholic musical.”

The TBD (The BeatiDudes) Question of the day – What did you learn about yourself during quarantine?

On Reverse Simpsons, the Dudes and Luis play an exciting game of Categories.

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Christopherus 1 year ago


Blessed Advent to all!

***SPOILER ALERT*** (As always)

Oh man, I did the Christopher Walken "..the only prescription..." line in the summary for the last show because he came up, and now THIS?!

Now the only prescription for my consternation is NUTS.

Season 2 BeatiPoints inherented through Episode S02E25 (Episode 75) of BeatiDudes:
Jeff 645
Paulonius 808
Nick 313 (3 of the points are REALLY BIG!)

Will Hickl 88
Chad Simpson 10

Total BeatiPoints: 1,864
Mean BeatiPoints per Show: 75
Median BeatiPoints per Show: 83
Mean BeatiPoints per Person: 67
Median BeatiPoints per Person: 72

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