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Alma Redemptoris Mater - Solemn

448 Views· 01/15/23
Gregorian Chant Academy
Gregorian Chant Academy
246 Subscribers

⁣"Alma Redemptoris Mater" is one the four Marian "antiphons" sung during the four liturgical seasons. The antiphons are traditionally sung after Compline (and sometimes after Mass), with the "Alma" being sung from the 1st Sunday of Advent until Vespers of The Purification of Mary, February 2.
Hermannus Contractus is believed to have composed this in the 11th century based on the writings of Saints Fulgentius, Epiphanius, and Irenaeus of Lyon, referring to the Blessed Virgin as "Star of the Sea" and "Gate of heaven," upon whom all nature stared in wonder: a virgin mother! giving birth to her Creator!

⁣Download this song at: https://www.GregorianChantAcademy.com/
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Maurisa Mayerle, Mary Catherine Maxian, Andy Mozisek, John Lyssikatos, Sheila McBride Mullaly, Alicja and Herve Blanquart, Collen Lunt, Ted Naff, Andrew Hattrup, Paul Hattrup, Noreen Cabili, Shirley Dunnells, Chavel Dixon

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Sewing with Ani Slattery

Currently using this video to learn to sing the solemn tone!

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