85: How to Crush Heresy and Save Souls! Feast of St. Dominic Apostle for Our Times!
"A man who governs his passions is master of his world. We must either command them or be enslaved by them. It is better to be a hammer than an anvil."
- Saint Dominic
St. Vincent Ferrer, O.P. Sermon on the Feast of St. Dominic
"You are the salt of the earth, " (Mt 5:13 ) This is the text to be read as today's gospel. Just as the whole office and the solemnity of the present day is about the most glorious father and confessor of our Lord, St. Dominic, so also is our sermon. God willing, we shall have many good teachings etc. But first let the Virgin Mary be hailed etc.
The Saint Dominic Missal
Liturgical Notes on the Feast of St Dominic
O.P. Prayer Apostolate https://www.op-prayer.com/
On the 9th of August, 2021, the O.P. Prayer Apostolate was founded.
The intention behind establishing this apostolate is to further the knowledge, amongst both laity and clergy, about the spirituality and liturgy of the Order of Preachers, founded by Saint Dominic in 1216.
The Dominican Contemplatives by a Dominican of Carisbrooke (with a preface by The Very Rev. Father Bede Jarrett, O.P) https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=catholic_documents
As the Morning Star: The Life of St. Dominic
St. Albert the Great: The First Universal Doctor
St. Dominic's Successor: The Life of Blessed Jordan of Saxony
Dominican Life
The Dominican Rite: History and Liturgy
The Dominican Responsorium O Spem Miram which is traditionally sung after Compline
O wonderful hope which you gave to those who wept for you at the hour of your death,
promising that after your decease you would be helpful to your brethren.
Fulfill, Father what you have said, and help us by your prayers.
You enlightened the bodies of the sick with so many miracles:
bring us the help of Christ, to heal our sick souls.
Fulfill, Father what you have said, and help us by your prayers.
Glory be..
In caelesti hierarchia
Now new canticles ascending,
And new strains harmonious blending,
'Mid the hierarchies of heaven:
With our earthly choirs according,
Join this festival in lauding,
To our holy father given.
O Lumen Ecclesiae
A live recording of the Blackfriars community singing the antiphon "O Lumen" in honour of our Holy Father St. Dominic. Traditionally sung following the Salve after Compline. It translates:
"Light of the Church, Teacher of truth, Rose of patience, Ivory of chastity, You freely poured forth the waters of wisdom. Preacher of grace, Unite us with the blessed."
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