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82: Responding to Pro-Choice Email, She Said She is NEVER listening Again

22 Views· 07/21/22
Catholic Conversations
Catholic Conversations
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⁣I respond to an email I got saying that Pro-Choice Catholics are a real option.

Here's the text of the email

Adrian, today is the last day that I will listen to your podcast. You presume that all Catholics agree abiut abortion and choice . Perhaps your Podcast is kind of like Fox News - there to present one viewpoint.

I am Democrat, a mother, a Catholic and pro choice. I’m also pro life. I am against the death penalty, and I do not wish for any woman to have to go through an abortion. Unfortunately those on the right view “life” through a very narrow lens. And this is the reason why I am so disgusted by podcasts like yours that within the first two minutes talk about “killing babies“. No one, I repeat, no one, wants to kill babies. Everyone wants a baby to be born into a loving household. Unfortunately that is not always how it works. Pregnancies occur for a number of reasons. This might be a newsflash for you sir, but men participate in pregnancies. There’s no conversation about the man’s role in any of this, ever.

If the Catholic Church was truly pro-life, it would be the first in line to champion for national healthcare, excellent prenatal care, a support system for all women before during and after the pregnancies, and strive to ensure that every child from birth through adulthood receives an equitable and excellent education family support and healthcare. Where is that part of the conversation? You can’t talk about being pro life if you don’t want to fully engage in the entirety of the coversation.

I will not listen to your podcast again, and I would not encourage any of my friends to listen to it. Shame on you for fanning the flames.


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