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18. Ratzinger Recognized & Resisted Pope Paul VI

133 Views· 08/05/22
Meaning of Catholic
Meaning of Catholic
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Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads pt. 1: https://youtu.be/1imO1g-incA
Pt. 2: the Trad Myth about Vatican II https://youtu.be/wjM-_Z3G47M
Pt. 3: The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism Excess https://youtu.be/ZtQtD2sifg4
Pt. 4: Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté https://youtu.be/qBMi6E-dqjU
Pt. 5: Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican II Naïveté https://youtu.be/jZv_yqw53D0
6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II https://youtu.be/IDRkN3uEq9U
7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the SSPX https://youtu.be/HUDaViiR7RQ
8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture https://youtu.be/nNDcH4WInkg
9. E. M**** Jones and Ratzinger (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
10. Modernism in the Vatican II Documents? Yes and No https://youtu.be/9sPEECGBQF4
11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatican II https://youtu.be/z7oY5Ec-ZxE
12. E. M****Jones on Ratzinger and the J**** Q*** (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
13. Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Francis Before Traditionis Custodes https://youtu.be/6qFljWXqMvc
14. Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Pope Francis https://youtu.be/PMFxzLGcjOA
15. Ratzinger Confirms Lefebvre on Definition of Liturgy https://youtu.be/jCvf2aRbtKs
16. Pope Francis Admits He Doesn't Understand Benedict on Vatican II https://youtu.be/wC_9wJ4mGSs
17. Ratzinger Confirms Recognize & Resist https://youtu.be/c2Z9xqTqDmg

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PhilMorgan303 2 years ago

Thanks Tim.

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