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Now at Length the Sword has Passed
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Now at Length the Sword has Passed

56 Views· 09/26/22
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
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The "sword of Damocles" is an expression, which to many means a sense of impending doom, the feeling that there is some catastrophic threat looming over you. And with this in mind, one must be cautious in longing to sit in another’s place…or desire to walk in another man’s shoes. By way of analogy, we can consider the wondrous life of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Queen of Angels and Men. The Blessed Virgin Mary was and is graced beyond any other created person. The amount of sanctifying grace she had at the moment of her conception far surpasses the graces present in all the angels and saints combined at the moment of the consummation. Her privileges…especially her Immaculate Conception…are beyond compare. And yet, there was an impending doom hovering over her from the beginning. Who would dare to sit in her place considering what she had to endure? Consider that Our Lady had seven swords of sorrow suspended over her from the moment of the annunciation. And those sharp swords came down into her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart with full force from the moment of the Prophecy of Simeon about a painful sword piercing her heart, to that sorrowful Flight into Egypt, to that distressing loss of Jesus in the Temple for Three Days. And then four more swords fell quickly in succession…on the very same day…into her heart at the time of Passion…from seeing her Son Carrying the Holy Cross, to witnessing the heartrending Crucifixion of Jesus, to Jesus being taken down from the Cross, and then finally be Laid in the Tomb.

For more lease visit https://reginaprophetarum.org/#/ remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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