EMJ Live 61: EMJ Responds to the Accusations of Bishop Strickland
In this bombshell episode, Dr. Jones address and defends himself against the public condemnation of his good name and reputation. The attacker? The Most Reverend Bishop Joseph E. Strickland. The accusation? Anti-Semitism. What do you think? leave a comment and a Like.
Video in question: A Clarifying Statement by Bishop Strickland: https://rumble.com/v4cdrkl-a-c....larifying-statement-
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I could not find such accusations on the internet. As a retired attorney, I cannot respect someone who would attack another publicly like this, without even a quote of what so offends you. Your anger does not seem to reflect modesty in speech, of which your dear Fr. Rippinger often talks. You sound like some D.C. politician using emotion, rather than reason, to win over others. This is so sad, considering the main media outlets have generated so much hate and division with this very tactic. Sad, sad, sad!
Too bad that the clergy today is so skeptic about demonic activity. The vast majority of dioceses accross the world suffers from bishops that dismiss reality this as psychological problems and whatnot, instead of allowing the ministery of exorcism to take place when and wherever needed.
Dear Bs. Strickland, We need faithful Catholic leaders not Jewish leaders.
I am sorry for all this mess… We all know Medjagori (sp) is a false apparition. We must pray the Holy Rosary🙏🌹