E. Michael Jones
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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIw0PtafqAI
Tim Kelly Podcast: https://www.podomatic.com/podc....asts/tkelly6785757/e
Dr. Jones returns to discuss Donald Trump's war against the Deep State. We talk about how Trump's tumultuous political career is symptomatic of a crisis in American identity.
Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and author many books including The Holocaust Narrative and the soon to be released Walking with a Bible and a Gun: The Rise, Fall & Return of American Identity.
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
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The Brutalist Official Trailer: https://youtu.be/GdRXPAHIEW4
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
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Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
E. Michael Jones joins Kevin Barrett to discuss Trump's flurry of executive orders, the stunning Hamas victory in Gaza, and more.
News stories: https://kevinbarrett.heresycen....tral.is/2025/01/ffwn
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Coming soon: Walking With a Bible and a Gun: The Rise, Fall, and Return of American Identity by E. Michael Jones
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
?Cozy?: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Original Video: https://rumble.com/v6asafm-epi....sode-1-dr.-e-michael
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX4N3FQSZqM
Corey Mahler:
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
Dr. E. Michael Jones first appearance on Timothy Gordons Rule For Retrogrades. Tim and Dr. Jones discuss Christian Antisemitism, the patriarchy, Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and other Catholic topics.
Original Video: https://rumble.com/v67l9rg-dr.....-e.-michael-jones.ht
Support Timothy Gordon: https://www.timothyjgordon.com/
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
The 2025 New Year's edition of False Flag Weekly News, featuring Dr. E. Michael Jones.
News Links: https://kevinbarrett.heresycen....tral.is/2024/12/ffwn
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
Original Video: https://rumble.com/v62q812-e.-....michael-jones-on-syr
Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the toppling of the Assad Regime and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops partnership with the AJC in the release of “Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition." Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and author many books including The Holocaust Narrative and the recently published second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control.
Download Audio: https://www.podomatic.com/podc....asts/tkelly6785757/e
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Subscribe to Chicago Talk Show Host main channel on Youtube and show support! Thanks!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsjlEjFYs_Y
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Discussion topics:
- Translate Hate proposal
- The Cunning of Reason
- The meaning of Advent
- Language, identity, Logos
- Recent news about drones and UFOs
- The John Dee chapter in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
- Libido Dominandi
- Magic
- Science
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be whiteboys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-ad33h2OOs
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
Our Hebrew friends have outdone themselves this time with a new guide to hate speech for Catholics and terms they should be banned for using.
AJC - Translate Hate, The Catholic Edition: https://www.usccb.org/resource....s/TranslateHateCatho
Let the USCCB know you do not support this document (be respectful): https://www.usccb.org/contact-us
Original Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z85jb4z5IRlm
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWfAUmv8f7g
James Collins IRELAND: https://www.youtube.com/@jamescollinsireland8629
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
Dr. Jones Books: fidelitypress.org/
Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: culturewars.com
Donate: culturewars.com/donate
Follow: https://culturewars.com/links
AJC - Translate Hate, The Catholic Edition - Stopping Antisemitism Starts with Understand It: https://www.usccb.org/resource....s/TranslateHateCatho
Seriously, contact your local bishop/dioecies, make them aware of this USCCB document, and that it is completely anti-Catholic.
Let the USCCB know as well: USCCB Contact: https://www.usccb.org/contact-us
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
Trent Horn Video 'What I Will (and Won't) Debate': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs6z7asjta4
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com
Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.
EMJ Live is every Friday at 5:00pm EST
Call In - Telegram: t.me/EMichaelJonesChat?videochat
Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones
Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-920885
Twitter: twitter.com/emichaeljones1
EMJ Books: fidelitypress.org
CW Magazine: culturewars.com