Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon

Avoiding Babylon



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Avoiding Babylon
30 Views · 1 day ago

⁣We confront the harrowing ethical debates surrounding euthanasia. The heart-wrenching case of Margo Naranjo, a young woman in Texas, brings the complex moral implications of end-of-life decisions into stark relief. We delve into the controversies sparked by her parents' choices and court intervention, drawing parallels to similar cases like Terri Schiavo's. Through personal stories and experiences in Catholic hospitals, we question societal attitudes towards life, suffering, and compassionate care, urging a deeper understanding and empathy for those navigating these painful decisions.

From there, we explore the cultural and religious tensions of our time. We recount personal stories of loss and divine encounters, reflecting on the struggle to maintain faith amidst media narratives and political shifts. Critiquing figures like Richard Dawkins and discussing the cultural implications of the Second Vatican Council, we weave a rich tapestry of humor, heartfelt stories, and thought-provoking discussions. Whether pondering the impact of Vatican II or the rise of secular ideologies, this episode offers a compelling blend of laughter, faith, and deep reflection, providing something for everyone.



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RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

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Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
73 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Elon Vows to Destroy Woke Mind Virus & Mr Beast Fires Trans Co-Host

Brace yourself for a wild ride through political intrigue, mysterious health rumors about President Biden, and the possible behind-the-scenes maneuvering within the Democratic Party to avoid primary battles. We also speculate on Kamala Harris's potential VP picks, with a humorous look at Mark Kelly as a strong contender. This episode promises a blend of humor, heated debate, and shared frustrations with the ongoing political psyops that seem to dominate today's landscape.

Next, we shift gears and explore the world of enormous rallies and coordinated media efforts. Trump's rally success starkly contrasts the media's unwavering support for Kamala Harris, and we discuss the surreal feeling of living in parallel universes. Nature's unpredictability comes into play as we recount the dramatic eruption at Yellowstone's Biscuit Basin. From heated political talk to natural wonders, this episode covers it all, providing thought-provoking insights and a few laughs along the way.

Ever wondered about the controversies enveloping YouTube stars? We take a deep dive into the allegations against Kris Tyson, Mr Beast's friend, and discuss the backlash and public scrutiny that followed. We then pivot to Elon Musk's poignant conversation with Jordan Peterson about personal loss and the broader cultural implications of hedonism. From dissecting Jordan Peterson's influence on faith to reflecting on the generational impact of cultural shifts, we wrap up with a thoughtful discussion on contemporary American Catholicism and the challenges faced by traditionalist communities. Join us for this captivating journey across politics, culture, and faith.



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
32 Views · 5 days ago

⁣What if the Democratic Party's future hinges on an unexpected exit and an unlikely rise? We kick off with critical commentary on Vice President Kamala Harris's public persona and the party's complex dynamics. You'll hear our take on the recent news cycle, peppered with humorous anecdotes and reflections on viral online moments.

As we shift gears, we're diving headfirst into the swirling political storm—President Biden's unexpected decision to bow out of the race and the rippling effects on Kamala Harris's ambitions. The conversation heats up with speculation about high-profile endorsements and the Democratic Party's internal maneuvers, suggesting a looming civil war within the party. We ponder the implications of the 25th Amendment and the unrest brewing among various factions as they grapple with this seismic shift in leadership.

Finally, we tackle the maze of conspiracy theories and public perceptions surrounding political figures, weaving through the challenges faced by past presidents like George W. Bush and Trump. We question the Democratic strategy leading up to the upcoming election and the possible resurrection of figures like Hillary Clinton. Our episode doesn't shy away from hard truths—exploring the transformation within the Republican Party, the critical role of local governance, and the power of community resilience. This is a rollercoaster of insights you won't want to miss!



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
97 Views · 15 days ago

⁣NY Times: Conservative Catholicism is the Future

Can President Biden's press conference mishaps be explained, or are they symptomatic of a larger issue? Join us as we unpack his latest blunders, including the eyebrow-raising moment where he mistakenly referred to Trump as his Vice President. We dissect the media's portrayal of these gaffes, drawing parallels to their treatment of Trump's tenure, and speculate on Biden's motivations amidst mounting scrutiny. We shift gears to lighten the mood with some promotional notes and upcoming events tailored to those weary of heavy political discourse.

Next, we examine the growing trend of conservatism among newly ordained Catholic priests in the United States. Discover why priests ordained since 2010 are considered the most conservative in recent history and how generational differences in the Church shape its future. We tackle the impact of past scandals and the ongoing struggle between traditional and modernist perspectives, providing insights into the concerns parents and potential seminarians face when choosing the right environment for theological and spiritual education.

Finally, we offer practical advice on Catholic confession etiquette, addressing common frustrations and the importance of brevity and proper contrition. Through personal anecdotes and references to classic films, we explore themes of sin, repentance, and genuine amendment of life. We round out the episode with gripping stories of bear attacks, the realities of self-defense, and the challenges of navigating urban safety in an increasingly radicalized world. Don't miss these engaging discussions that blend depth with humor and personal reflection.



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
90 Views · 17 days ago

⁣We navigate the complex landscape of aligning Catholic values with contemporary politics, discussing the impacts of recent European elections, Trump's Supreme Court nominations, and the implications of overturning Roe v. Wade. The dilemmas faced by Catholic voters and broader philosophical debates on naturalism enrich this multifaceted conversation.

Our discussion takes a critical turn as we explore societal issues, from the pervasive dangers of pornography to the potential ramifications of a second Trump presidency. We analyze the shifting political dynamics in Europe, the rise of populist parties, and the ongoing debate about immigration policies. Additionally, we critique a recent movie about Saint Frances Cabrini, lamenting its secular portrayal that misses the essence of her saintly legacy. The conversation is both thought-provoking and deeply rooted in contemporary socio-political contexts, offering listeners a comprehensive view of these pressing matters.

The episode wouldn't be complete without addressing the contentious debates within the Catholic Church, particularly around Pope Francis and traditional Catholic moral teachings. We discuss the roles of figures like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and the impact of their radical views on Church unity. From the complexities of synodality and Church politics to the enduring faith in Christ's promise to protect His Church, we delve into Catholicism's internal struggles and rich traditions. Join us for this captivating episode that intertwines humor, faith, and critical analysis, providing a nuanced perspective on today's most pressing issues.




Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
86 Views · 24 days ago

⁣Vatican Auditor: "Cardinal Pell's Death Shrouded in Mystery"

Can you imagine a pilgrimage that takes you to the heart of Italy's spiritual treasures, from the Eucharistic miracles of Lanciano and Orvieto to the hidden gems of Rome and Loretto? Join us as we share our meticulous preparations for this incredible journey, shedding light on the challenges we face, especially when Rob is absent. We also delve into recent news stories, including the mass exodus from the German church and Cardinal Mueller's provocative homily, adding layers of depth and intrigue to our discussion.

Ever wonder why some saints remain incorruptible? We explore this fascinating phenomenon, pondering why these miracles aren't more widely known while also reflecting on the powerful faith they inspire. This episode wouldn't be complete without a deep dive into Cardinal Pell's trials, touching on his unjust accusations and ultimate vindication. We emphasize the importance of seeking the truth, cautioning against the automatic defense of clergy based solely on their conservative or orthodox stance.

The Vatican's current state under Pope Francis, including allegations of financial mismanagement and controversial practices, also takes center stage. We explore the mysterious and potentially foul play-laden death of Cardinal Pell, raising questions that echo the intrigue of a political thriller. From the broader societal issues like the reluctance to define antisemitism, racism, and homophobia, to the personal struggles stemming from the Ashley Madison hack, our conversation spans a wide array of pressing topics. Don't miss our reflections on John Paul II's "Theology of the Body," the debate between globalism and Christian nationalism, and the ever-evolving landscape of faith and societal transformation.



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
59 Views · 25 days ago

⁣Can Michael Lofton's criticisms hold water against the venerable Cardinal Zen? This episode promises to unravel the web of controversy surrounding their recent public clash, marked by technical glitches in Rob's absence and a wave of audience-generated memes and messages. We'll dissect the uproar sparked by Lofton's critical stance on Cardinal Zen's comments about "Fiducia Suplicans" and church leadership, alongside Steve Ray's supportive tweet that drew Lofton's ire. Buckle up for an engaging exploration of the finer points of respectful theological debate and the broader implications for the Catholic community.

What future does the papacy hold amidst the growing schisms and resistance within the Church? Our discussion extends beyond the Zen-Lofton drama to the ongoing confusion triggered by recent papal documents and statements, especially since the release of Amoris Laetitia. With hopes pinned on a more conservative successor, we delve into historical precedents and the potential for a traditionalist resurgence. Contemplate the prospects of a return to traditional theology and the ensuing challenges, all while we humorously compare Michael Lofton's provocations to Buddy Pine from The Incredibles.

Join us for an insightful journey through the tumultuous landscape of modern Catholicism. From the tension between ecumenism and traditional doctrine to the impact of globalism on Christian nations, we tackle the essential debates shaping today's Church. Engaging with diverse viewpoints, including those of Kennedy Hall, Tim Gordon, and others, we underscore the importance of charity and understanding amidst doctrinal crises. With an eye on the societal consequences of losing a unified Christian framework, this episode promises to be both thought-provoking and entertaining.

Avoiding Babylon
51 Views · 28 days ago

⁣Presidential Debate Highlights and Another Fake Apparition?

Ever wondered what happens when a high school graduation speech includes a defiant Bible quote? Join us as we share some late-night laughs and heartfelt stories about Anthony's son's courageous stand against censorship.

Get ready for a no-holds-barred analysis of the latest presidential debates, where we scrutinize Trump and Biden's performances, speculate on campaign strategies, and question the legitimacy of past election results. We also explore the evolving landscape of voting regulations and their impact on future elections. To top it off, we delve into controversial theological topics, from Pope Francis’s guidance on confession to the broader debate within the Church about preserving liturgical traditions. This episode is a rollercoaster of humor, heartfelt moments, and sharp political insights you won't want to miss!



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
56 Views · 30 days ago

⁣The Generational Divide: Understand Gen Z with Pinesap

What happens when traditionalist values clash with modern perspectives within the Catholic community? Join us as we unravel these complexities in a thought-provoking conversation with our guest, Pinesap. Known for his childhood nickname and his journey from a non-Catholic upbringing, Pinesap brings unique insights into generational divides, the influence of figures like Nick Fuentes and Pope Francis, and the diverse paths leading people to embrace Catholicism. We also touch on the lighter side of things, humorously acknowledging a shift in our listener demographics and sharing playful anecdotes along the way.

Curious about the transformative power of scripture? Discover how an existential crisis and exposure to Gamergate catalyzed a deep spiritual journey from Episcopalian roots to Catholicism. We share personal stories of faith development, the intellectual tug-of-war between different Christian denominations, and the pivotal moments that led us to embrace specific Catholic doctrines. This episode also addresses the emotional challenges of reconciling traditionalist views with contemporary Church leadership, featuring reflections on figures like Timothy Flanders and Michael Lofton.

Ever wondered about the intricacies of Catholic dating, navigating family acceptance, or maintaining unity amidst controversy? We explore these topics with heartfelt stories and candid reflections, from the impact of modern culture on religion to the importance of empathy and understanding within the community. With a focus on generational perspectives and the influence of modern Catholic thinkers, this episode offers a nuanced and engaging look at the current state of Catholicism. Whether you’re grappling with faith or just curious about the cultural dynamics within the Church, there’s something here for everyone.



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
71 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Cardinal Sarah Criticizes Biden & a Coming Crackdown on the TLM?

Ever wondered how the dissonance within the Catholic community reflects larger societal divides? Brace yourself for an eye-opening episode where we tackle heavy topics like schism and practical atheism, blended with our signature humor and candid banter. We also had a surprise—no invite to the latest trad round table panel! Listen as we ponder our role in the Catholic community, throw in some light-hearted jabs about fashion, and introduce our brand-new merch line.

Is the mainstream Catholic discourse losing its depth? We argue that societal figures like President Joe Biden highlight a growing secular, anti-Christian culture. As we critically assess Traditionis Custodes and its implications, we share our own faith journeys and discuss the necessity of future papal guidance for unity. This episode is a deep dive into the ideological divides within the Church and our efforts to bridge them, even amidst rising tensions and passionate debates.

Lastly, we address the discomfort many feel at Novus Ordo Masses perceived as lacking reverence. From tales of traveling miles for a more traditional Latin Mass (TLM) to discussing the potential end of TLM permissions, we explore the broader societal instability and predict potential conflicts. Closing on a lighter note, we riff on the camaraderie among our listeners and the challenges of content creation in today’s complex media landscape. Join us for an episode that’s as thought-provoking as it is entertaining!



Merchandise: https://shop.avoidingbabylon.com

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
59 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Breaking Down New Document on the Papacy with Erick Ybarra

Erick illuminates the evolution of papal primacy and the significance of synodality, delving into historical and theological nuances that highlight the challenges and opportunities for unity within Christianity. We navigate pivotal moments in church history, examining key doctrinal disputes—like the Filioque and the Immaculate Conception—that have long divided Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox believers. Our discussion underscores the importance of clarity and precision in theological discourse to prevent misconceptions and ensure faithful adherence to doctrine.

Finally, our conversation critically examines modern Catholic doctrine, evaluating the balance between innovation and tradition. We explore the influence of prominent theologians, the historical context of papal authority, and the pressing need to address contemporary heresies without compromising doctrinal integrity. Eric also shares updates on his upcoming projects, promising a wealth of insightful content on significant ecclesiastical figures. Tune in for an episode that prioritizes Christ and the Holy Ghost while addressing the Church's pressing issues today.



Merchandise: https://avoiding-babylon.creator-spring.com/

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
52 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Glory of the Crusades: How the Church Saved the World

What if everything you thought you knew about the Crusades was wrong? Join us for an enlightening episode where we sit down with celebrated author Steve Weidenkopf to uncover the true motivations behind these historical events. Through meticulous research involving primary sources like contemporary chronicles and insights from esteemed historians, Steve provides a comprehensive narrative that challenges popular misconceptions. You'll gain a fresh perspective on the First Crusade, the timing of which was orchestrated by Pope Urban II in 1095, leading to the pivotal liberation of Jerusalem in 1099.

We look closer at the real driving forces behind the Crusaders' actions, revealing that spiritual rather than material motivations propelled many, including firstborn sons, who sacrificed their assets for the cause. With fascinating stories about figures like Duke Godfrey of Bouillon and accounts of reputed divine interventions, this episode also addresses the darker aspects, including the controversial atrocities committed by Crusaders. Understand the broader historical context of the Crusades, their impact on the Islamic world, and how these events shaped the course of Western civilization.

You'll also hear a critical analysis of how modern media has depicted the Crusades, comparing flawed portrayals in films like "Kingdom of Heaven" to more accurate representations such as the Swedish miniseries "Arn: The Knight Templar." Our discussion extends to the complex legacy of St. Bernard and his involvement in the Second Crusade, as well as the transformative influence of Christianity on Western legal and cultural development. Tune in for a rich, nuanced conversation that promises to shed new light on one of history's most misunderstood periods.

Book by Steve Weidenkopf: ⁣https://www.amazon.com/Glory-C....rusades-Steve-Weiden



Merchandise: https://avoiding-babylon.creator-spring.com/

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
69 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Is Pride Month a celebration or a contradiction? We kick off this episode with some hearty laughter over a hilarious video that had us all in stitches, then quickly move into brainstorming exciting new formats for our trivia show. With a growing audience to accommodate, we discuss inviting local subscribers to participate directly on-screen and the logistics of offering attractive prizes like Amazon gift cards. We also explore the idea of a dynamic bracket-style competition featuring former guests and subscribers, making it an event trivia enthusiasts won't want to miss.

Next, we tackle the controversial subject of Pride Month from a traditional Christian perspective. We critically examine the use of the word "pride" given its negative connotations in Christian doctrine and discuss the broader implications of sexual expression in modern society. We delve into religious liberty, freedom of the press, and the nuanced views on same-sex attraction within religious contexts, bringing in personal anecdotes and historical viewpoints that add depth to our conversation. The tension between modern liberal values and traditional beliefs takes center stage as we explore this complex issue.

Finally, we share heartfelt personal stories about the influence of our fathers, battles for approval, and the moral challenges within the Church. We critique shifts in seminary training and reflect on their impact on the Church's trajectory, touching on the significance of faith in politics with a special look at El Salvador's young president and his unique governance approach. From the Catholic content creation challenges to the influential role of priests in the same-sex revolution, we cover a wide range of topics. Join us for an insightful and engaging discussion that explores the intersection of faith, politics, and societal norms.

Avoiding Babylon
59 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Long Island Serial Killer

Imagine finding a duffel bag filled with drugs, sex toys, horrific porn, and a blank DVD showing a potential murder. This shocking discovery leads to an extraordinary tale of corruption and illegal detainment involving a troubled youth and a corrupt cop. Join us as we unravel this gripping story and the fierce battle for justice that ensued.

From lighthearted debates about the communication styles of boys and girls to humorous personal anecdotes, our latest episode has something for everyone. We share the exciting news about our upcoming live show at Catholic Palooza in New Jersey and the launch of our new merchandise store. The journey continues with a hilarious recounting of a minor head injury and the dramatic reactions it sparked, offering listeners plenty of laughs along the way.

Our conversation takes a deeper turn as we explore moral desensitization, addiction, and the struggles of those in positions of authority. We discuss the intersection of the spiritual and physical realms, touching on angels, hell, and resurrection. Reflecting on modern skepticism and historical spiritual experiences, we also address contemporary issues like social media addiction and its consequences. With powerful testimonies and thought-provoking discussions, this episode promises an engaging exploration of faith, morality, and the human experience.



Merchandise: https://avoiding-babylon.creator-spring.com/

Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
103 Views · 2 months ago

⁣St Augustine, M. Night Shyamalan, and Aliens: The Catholic Theology in Signs w/ Dr. Mazza

Can extraterrestrial phenomena be explained through theology? Dr. Mazza joins us to explore this riveting question by analyzing the theory that M. Night Shyamalan's "Signs" suggests aliens might actually be demons. From detailed dissections of key scenes to the protagonist's spiritual journey, we uncover how faith, forgiveness, and divine intervention interplay within the film. Dr. Mazza also shares insights from his online courses on science and faith, covering miracles, the multiverse, and more.

Our discussion branches out to broader cultural phenomena, including society's fascination with UFOs and the implications of government disclosures on the subject. We explore how the loss of faith in traditional religious beliefs has led to a growing interest in extraterrestrial beings. Among the highlights is a fascinating debate on whether these phenomena might defy the laws of physics, suggesting they are interdimensional beings—potentially angels or demons.

We also tackle contemporary challenges within the Catholic Church, from the resignation of Pope Benedict to the influence of modern ideologies on religious beliefs. Delving into Marian apparitions and the ongoing Eucharistic revival, we reflect on the significance of traditional practices amidst rising secular "religions." As we wrap up, we express our gratitude to Dr. Mazza for his enlightening contributions and look forward to future collaborations. This episode is a treasure trove of thought-provoking discussions on faith, film, and the mysteries of our universe.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
65 Views · 2 months ago

⁣We conclude the first season of our Faith in Film series by discussing the film, For Greater Glory. Connor from @PlotlinesCM joins us.

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary season finale filled with insightful discussions and unexpected stories! We kick off with a delightful surprise, thanks to Pope Francis, who uncovered a treasure trove of stories this week. Join us as we explore Father Nick's headline-making comments about biting priests, discuss faith and film, and share a personal tale of frustration when my boat got towed. The episode also navigates the tricky waters of discussing movies with potential issues, offering a thought-provoking analysis of Pope Francis' controversial use of an outdated term.

Journey with us back to the 1920s as we delve into the heroic saga of the Cristeros, devout Catholics who stood up against a Freemasonic and Socialist takeover in Mexico. We'll dissect the Vatican's controversial directive to Mexican bishops and the Cristeros' defiant stand to defend their faith. The conversation gets even more intense as we examine a contemporary issue involving a priest who bit a woman to protect the Eucharist, debating the appropriateness of his actions and broader themes of when force is justified to protect sacred beliefs and symbols. This episode blends historical depth with current dilemmas, offering a rich narrative on faith and resistance.

Our cultural exploration continues as we shed light on the portrayal of accents in film and television, critiquing the effectiveness of fake accents and emphasizing the importance of authenticity in storytelling. We also discuss the production quality of movies funded by organizations like the Knights of Columbus and their impact on religious narratives. As we wrap up this engaging series, we express our heartfelt gratitude to our special guest, Connor, whose extensive knowledge and unique insights have enriched our discussions. We promise to bring him back for more thought-provoking conversations in future episodes. Don't miss this captivating finale that will leave you eagerly anticipating our return!




Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
37 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Russell Brand Destroys the Atheism of Brett Weinstein

Prepare to be whisked away on an enlightening adventure as we grapple with the intricate dance of religion, reality, and the human psyche. Our podcast traverses generations, revealing how varying perspectives shape our understanding of spiritual and societal evolution.

As your hosts, we tackle the formidable debate at the intersection of evolution, religion, and atheism, questioning the very essence of our existence. We investigate why humanity clings to worship and sacrifice, examining whether these practices are evolutionary aberrations or integral to our survival.

We don't shy away from the weightier matters, contemplating the resurgence of traditional values in our ever-evolving society. Discussions of power dynamics, from the Arab Spring to Occupy, segue into a critique of modern leadership and governance systems. Our discourse turns to the Christian impact on moral standards and the origin of natural law, challenging evolutionary justifications for societal shifts. Ethical dilemmas on identity and heroism in today's world are laid bare, rounding off a session that is as much an exploration of faith and morality as it is a testament to our inherent yearning for connection and meaning. Join us for a journey that promises to expand your mind and perhaps even touch your soul.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
69 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Harrison Butker and the Rise of Trad Catholicism are Sowing Discord in the Culture

A heated segment from 'The View' provides a backdrop for discussing religious practices. These conversations set the stage for a deep dive into the nuances of faith and public opinion.

This episode isn't just about debates and discussions; it's a reflection of the shifting sands of traditional Catholicism. Witness the clash between the old-world charm of the Traditional Latin Mass and modernist perspectives, sparking discussions on whether our society is experiencing a moral recalibration. Through anecdotes and Catholic teachings, we explore how the essence of a fulfilling life often lies in the sacrifices we make for our loved ones rather than the accolades we earn in our professions.

We wrap up with a guest appearance from Kale Zeldon, who joins in as we reminisce about the influential years of Pope John Paul II. Our journey circles back to my own reconnection with Catholicism and the intellectual richness of the Church that beckoned me home. As we conclude with a discussion on Russell Brand's engagement with Christianity, we invite listeners to discover an episode filled with authenticity, seeking truth in humor, faith, and society. So, grab your headphones, get comfortable, and immerse yourself in a conversation that promises to enlighten, challenge, and inspire.


Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
56 Views · 2 months ago

⁣They say a single tweet can be a bridge or a barricade; this time, it led to an unlikely friendship and a podcast episode you won't forget. Joe Bocca, a local enigma with a penchant for privacy, and Alberto, Anthony's former Twitter sparring partner, join Anthony in peeling back the layers of our digital personas. We laugh about how a simple typo birthed the 'bogus ordo' in-joke, but also dig deeper into the serious side of our online skirmishes and the odd pride some boomers take in their cringe-worthy internet fame. Together, we wrestle with the quirks of communicating faith and conservatism in the age of the internet, all the while navigating the minefield of modern Catholic theology.

Amidst the laughter and technical difficulties (Rob, we missed you), the conversation takes a somber turn as we discuss the sacred intricacies of attending the traditional Latin Mass and the generational impact of Vatican II. Personal stories of interfaith marriages and the journey from cradle Catholic to convert showcase the profound ways culture influences our spiritual lives. When the topic shifts to the controversial elements of modern Catholic theology, we don't shy away. From Pope Francis to Theology of the Body, every stone is unturned—even if it means seeking solace on alternative streaming platforms to speak our minds freely.

Wrapping up, our debate heats up as we confront the contentious future of the Catholic Church, dissecting the SSPX identity crisis and the political discord that often finds its way into religious communities. In a world where marriages grapple with traditional values and political and religious identities are ever at odds, we ponder whether dialogue can truly build bridges. We question the prudence of marriage in a turbulent culture, and dare to ask if the Church is ready to navigate modernism's rocky terrain. Through it all, our commitment to challenging conversations and the humor that makes them bearable shines—a testament to the multifaceted experience of a Catholic life lived fully and unapologetically in today's times.



Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

Store: https://avoiding-babylon.sellfy.store/

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1626455

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

Avoiding Babylon
60 Views · 2 months ago

⁣We discuss the recent attempted attack on a Louisiana parish and violent attacks happening on NYC streets, including against actor Steve Buscemi.

We grapple with the shifting paradigms shaping our modern world through the lens of Mass security, the portrayal of clergy in film, and the controversial currents of Pride Month and DEI initiatives. Hard-hitting yet heartfelt, this episode doesn't shy away from the political realm either, dissecting generational shifts in perspective on hot-button issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and feminism.

Concluding with a deep dive into the spiritual, join us as we confront the enduring struggles with faith that are as personal as they are profound. From the enigmatic nature of belief to the concept of resurrection and heaven, our journey through faith is laid bare. And because every conversation should have lighter moments, don't miss the interview mishap that reminds us of our shared humanity and the tease of an exciting announcement that promises to be the icing on this podcast cake.


Locals Community: https://avoidingbabylon.locals.com

RSS Feed for Podcast Apps: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1987412.rss

SpiritusTV: https://spiritustv.com/@avoidingbabylon

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AvoidingBabylon

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