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48 Views · 2 years ago

Please also to to to get you a copy ⁣

Chapter 3: Final Judgement


Just like Hell, Final Judgement is something we all do not want to think about. This, too, fills us with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. These thoughts can be something that causes us to avoid meditating on our final judgment. This could be a tool that Satan uses to stop us from being prepared for what's to come next.

Reflection Question

During your particular judgement, all your sins will be brought to light. Are there any sins in particular that you are ashamed to have brought to light?
Have you confessed these sins already on earth, or are you holding them back out of fear?

Challenge for the Week

Find a plenary or partial indulgence that you can do for either yourself or a loved one (who has passed away) this week. ⁣

Prayer for the Week:

Jesus, help me to contemplate the ways in which I will face you on judgment day. Help it to be something that I have prepared for and something that I am ready to face with joy.

57 Views · 2 years ago

Mediation on DEATH by Tan Books( Book of the Year
By Thomas A Kempis
Translated by Fr Robert Nixon OSB


Hell is something we naturally do not want to think about. This is a trick of the devil. You cannot prepare for something you do not think about. In Hell, there is the pain of fire without the light to illuminate the surroundings, and at the same time, bitter cold with warmth of the fire. The reality of Hell is something we ought to bring to prayer.

Reflection Question

How, then, would it change our attitude towards those disordered desires if we thought of them for what they truly were: temptations from the devil that take us away from the goods God has placed into our lives?

Challenge for the Week

Pray for those who you know living in a state of mortal sin.
Pray that God gives them the courage to live their lives in a way that glorifies Him.

Prayer for the Week

Jesus, help me to not overlook the ways that I have fallen short of your glory. Grant me a spirit of repentance to help me face moments of temptation in the future.

52 Views · 2 years ago

Just some thoughts on why I became Catholic and also talking about how I am going to start talking and doing videos on Purglatory. Also, I talked about doing Chapter 2 of Mediation on Death that will be posted tomorrow.

49 Views · 2 years ago

Meditation on Death by Thomas A Kepmis tranlated by Fr Nixon, OSB Published by Tan Books

⁣Most people think that they have more time than they really do. We often qualify someone's death as "gone too soon." There is a reason that people often leave important things until later, as the author noted, which is why deathbed confessions take place.

⁣Do you feel like you procrastinate in your spiritual life?
What are some things that you can do to become more aware of the reality and unknown timing of death and the things you should not leave "until later"?

Challenge for the Week

Go to confession and pray (after your penance of course) for a firm resolve to leave each day knowing that God could choose to bring you home at any moment.

34 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Do to some health reason I am having to slow down a bet. So I am going to be moving the Video's of the Consecration to a later date. Please though if you have the book and were going to start tomorrow do so. It is such a beautiful journey.

For those of you that didn't get the book yet this will give you more time to get it ask take the Journey with the Lord and St Joseph later.

If you have any questions please reach out to me at

46 Views · 2 years ago

Reflection Question:
Before you start reading the book, take a moment and think about how your views regarding death now.
Does it scare you or encourage you to live better on earth?

Challenge of the week:
Spend some time in mental prayer and ask God to give you grace to have a proper view of life, death, and eternity. Pay attention to the emotions that you feel when you are in prayer.

Pay attention to how your views and these emotions change throughout this series.

Again this all has come from Tan Books ⁣

38 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I am going to be starting to go through "Consecration to St Joseph." Written by Fr Donald H. Calloway. this will start on Feb. 19th and will Finish on March 19th.

Also we are going to be looking at "Meditations on Death" By Thomas A. Kempis, during Lent.

Please let me know if you have any question by emailing me at

58 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Cardinal George Pell Has died tonight in Rome around 9:00. Below is the Article from the Pillar that I refer to.

51 Views · 2 years ago

I posted this on another Platform on Christmas and I thought I did here. I am really sorry this is late

22 Views · 2 years ago

3rd Sunday of Advent Joy

40 Views · 2 years ago

Stop crying outward and start crying inward

98 Views · 2 years ago

This week we look at the 2nd Purple Candle the Candle of Faith/Peace

52 Views · 2 years ago

Today we lit the 1st Purple candle of Hope

32 Views · 2 years ago

Susanna and I are so Thankful for you.

243 Views · 2 years ago

How can get be Spritiual prepared for whatever storms may come.

39 Views · 2 years ago

My Thoughts on not being able to continue my Hermit Application Process and what the Lord taught me throught it. I promised to be real and uncut and this is it

9 Views · 2 years ago

Talking about the Molech Scarifice passed in 3 states. No a Poltical post

33 Views · 2 years ago

This is a really short and summary of my story. I would have like to say more but I was not sure if you guys and ladies would want to hear it.

33 Views · 2 years ago

This is my story

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