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The Cristeros: Viva Cristo Rey!

23 צפיות· 06/07/22
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
883 מנויים

⁣"Viva Cristo Rey! Viva la Virgin de Guadalupe!" was the war cry. Actual eye witness descriptions of the persecution of Catholics and the Church in Mexico (circa 1917-1926), especially of the Blessed Sacrament, priests and religious, by the Federales (Mexican Federal Police). The REAL revolutionaries were not the Cristeros but the anti-Catholic, Masonic regime. USA government support. The Vatican's interdict was a protective effort because the persecution was so vicious. In the countryside the war of the Cristiada began on August 3, 1924.The women were instrumental. When the war was declared ended the persecution escalated and the remaining Cristeros were hunted. For more please visit http://www.romans10seventeen.org & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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