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  August - Sensus Fidelium

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Salvation of Bodies
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Salvation of Bodies

41 Views· 08/30/22
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
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Our Blessed Mother’s human will was completely conformed to the Will of God. Her soul was immaculate from its conception and no actual sin…not even the smallest imperfection…would ever taint her. As her Son was impeccable by nature, Mary was impeccable by grace. She freely chose to die in union with her Son’s death, for Mary was never under the curse of Original Sin and the death it brought. But her blessed body was also part of her perfection. Her bodily face would have been most beautiful to behold, without any blemishes. Although she would have aged, the ravages of growing old would not afflict her. And that body would also participate in all her good and meritorious works. It was her bodily womb that carried our Lord for nine months. It was at her breast that the human nature of the Son of God received nourishment. It was her hands that bathed him and rocked Him to sleep. It was upon her knees that she prayed, as well as upon those same knees that she played with the Baby Jesus. With her body participating she kept the house perfectly clean and served her true husband, St. Joseph, so well. And yes, it was with her feet that she journeyed to help her kinswoman, Elizabeth, and those same feet walked the road to Calvary and stood at the foot of the cross. It was her smile that lifted the hearts of her neighbors in Nazareth. It was her human voice…her bodily voice, that sang the Magnificat. We always speak about the salvation of souls, but I think that we ought to add, the salvation of bodies, too. Human persons are saved and human persons are made up of body and soul…a body/soul composite. When we are judged one day by Christ at the particular judgment, we will either hear come ye blessed of My Father and receive the Kingdom prepared for you for all eternity…or we will hear that dreadful fearful sentence…depart from Me ye accursed into the everlasting fires prepared for the devil and his followers. At the end…at that resurrection of the body…our bodies will either join our glorified souls to rejoice forever with the angels in the presence of the Blessed Trinity, or our bodies will join our darkened souls and be damned for all eternity. The bodily assumption of our Blessed Mother, like our Lord’s Bodily Ascension, provides the perfect example of what all of us are called to. Heaven is not just a spiritual state, it is also a place…a place that bodies inhabit. Mary has received the completion of her redemption with her soul and body in glory. The other souls in heaven, with the exception of St. Joseph, still await the completion of their redemption. For though their souls rejoice in perfect happiness, they long to have their bodies experience the same joy of possessing God. Consider this quotation from St. Robert Bellermine, the famous Jesuit and doctor of the Church. His words show the faith-filled common sense of Mary’s Assumption. Bellermine writes: And who, I ask, could believe that the ark of holiness, the dwelling place of the Word of God, the Temple of the Holy Ghost, could be reduced to ruin? My soul is filled with horror, he continues, at the thought that this virginal flesh which had begotten God, had brought Him into the world, had nourished and carried Him, could have been turned to ashes or given over to be the food of worms.

For more lease visit https://reginaprophetarum.org/#/ remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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