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  June - Sensus Fidelium

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Sensus Fidelium

Saint Peter, Saint Agnes, & the Church of Rome

0 ViewsΒ· 07/11/23
Sensus Fidelium
Sensus Fidelium
903 Subscribers
In Sermons

At that basilica in Rome named after St. Agnes and built over her tomb, there is a special custom that occurs on her feast day. On every January 21st, two lambs are brought to the altar and blessed. More specifically, on the morning of January 21, consecrated nuns place two small capes on the two lambs, one is red to indicate St. Agnes’ martyrdom and the other is white to indicate her virginity. There are also three letters on each mantle: S.A.V. (St. Agnes Virgin) and S.A.M. (St. Agnes Martyr). The sisters weave crowns of interlocking red and white flowers, place them on the baby lambs’ heads, and then put the lambs in a decorated basket. The lambs are tied so they don’t escape. In fact, one of them did escape a few years back, jumping up and running from the altar at St. Agnes basilica. These same lambs are then brought to the Pope who also blesses them. The lambs are then raised by the Trappist Monks from the Abbey of the Three Fountains. On Good Friday, the lambs are then sheared and the wool. The lambs are then washed with delicate soap usually used for children until their wool is white as the driven snow. When their wool is shorn, the Sisters of St. Cecelia weave it into the palliums that, on the June 29th feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, are given to new metropolitan archbishops as signs of their office and their union with Peter and his successors. The pallium is a white woolen circular band embroidered with six black crosses which is worn on liturgical vestments over the shoulders. Worn by the Pope and by metropolitan archbishops, it symbolizes authority and expresses the special bond between the bishops and the Roman Pontiff.

For more lease visit https://reginaprophetarum.org/#/ remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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