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O Ignis Spiritus - St Hildegard of Bingen

172 Views· 06/30/22
Gregorian Chant Academy
Gregorian Chant Academy
240 Subscribers

⁣O Ignis Spiritus Paracliti is a sequence (sung after the Gradual and Alleluia, before the Gospel) chant to the Holy Ghost composed by St Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th century German mystic, Benedictine abbess, and Doctor of the Church. Since she was German, I have adopted the germanic pronunciation of Latin for this song, rather than the Italian. May the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, Love and Consolation, fill all of your hearts with His love, and renew the face of the earth.

English translation:
1a. O fire of the Spirit Comforter,
the life of every life created:
Holy art Thou, giving life to every form.

1b. Holy art Thou, anointing the perilously
fractured/broken [souls]. Holy art Thou, cleansing
the festering wounds.

2a. O breath of holiness,
O fire of love,
O taste so sweet within the breast,
and an infusion of the hearts in the good odor of virtue.

2b. O purest fountain,
in which we consider
that God seeks out and collects
the estranged and the lost.

3a. O breastplate of life,
and hope that binds every member,
O belt of honor: save the blessed.

3b. Guard those imprisoned by the enemy,
and loose the bonds of those
whom the Divine power wills to save.

4a. O strongest path that penetrates all things:
in the highest, upon the earth,
and in the every abyss—
Thou dost bind and gather all together.

4b. From Thee the clouds flow, the wind takes flight,
the stones have their moisture,
the streams of water flow,
and the earth exudes viridity.

5a. Thou, also, dost teach the learned,
by the inspiration of Wisdom,
making them joyful.

5b. Therefore, be Thou praised, Who art the sound of praise,
the joy of life, the hope and most powerful honor,
giving the gift of light.

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