
16 Views · 2 years ago

Theology and Current Events (TCE) #19 is on the clerical wink-and-the-nod to skip Mass, masks, the jab...and perhaps the entire Faith altogether.

Catholic Conversations
40 Views · 2 years ago

⁣A Catholic Conversation with Trevor Alcorn with Tridentine Brewing
History of Brewing, From the Bible to Modern Day America!

Trevor recommends this book about the history of brewing https://amzn.to/3IuCOVl

Did Catholics invent Beer?
Where is beer in the bible?
Are IPAs as awful as I think?
What's the point of drinking?
and much more


Tridentine Brewing is a family homebrewing operation founded by Jeffery Alcorn, our head brewmaster, and his two sons, Trevor and Cameron.

Our Latin motto is "Braciare ad majorem Dei gloriam", or in English, "Brewing beer for the greater glory of God."

At our core, we are a Traditional Catholic brewery with a focus on bringing glory to God and honor to our Country.

Each beer features a label and theme that hearkens back to a simpler time, when God, Family, and Country were at the heart of most homes. In a world consumed by materialism, modernism, and radical progressivism, we strive to glorify the traditions and values of an earlier time: a time when God, Country, and Family were honored above all else.

With each beer, we hope you'll join us in raising a glass to the Saints, heroes, and traditions that we love and hold dear.


You can follow Trevor here
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tridentinebrewing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tridentinebrew?lang=en
Gab: https://gab.com/TridentineBrewing

Trevor recommends this book about the history of brewing https://amzn.to/3IuCOVl

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
Twitter: @AdrianFonze
Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

26 Views · 2 years ago

Theology and Current Events (TCE) is about Catholic clergy using obedience as a pretext for heresy. If dogma has allegedly changed on so many points, then how can there by a “hermeneutic of continuity” between pre-and-post Conciliar doctrine and liturgy?

Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

34 Views · 2 years ago

We will consider weapons in Scripture and then weapons in the hands of Catholics if the 2nd amendment erodes.

One Peter Five
138 Views · 2 years ago



ARTICLES MENTIONED in this podcast:
Bronwen McShea, "Bishops Unbound"

John Lamont, "Tyranny and Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Jesuit Tragedy"

Peter Kwasniewski:

"The 'Spirit of Vatican I' as a Post-Revolutionary Political Problem"

"How Protestants, Orthodox, Magisterialists, and Traditionalists Differ on the Three Pillars of Christianity"

"Are Traditionalists Guilty of 'Private Judgment' Over the Popes?"

Meaning of Catholic
82 Views · 2 years ago


30 Views · 2 years ago

Part two of two with Mike who is a highly decorated Navy SEAL and who, before retirement, had commanded SEAL Team Six as well as counter-terrorist task forces in crisis via contingency operations through 13 deployments to Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and southeast Asia.

30 Views · 2 years ago

Part one of two with Mike who is a highly decorated SEAL officer and who, before retirement, had commanded SEAL Team Six and counter-terrorist task forces in crisis and contingency operations through 13 deployments to Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and southeast Asia.

Meaning of Catholic
160 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Join the online guild: https://www.patreon.com/meaningofcatholic

Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads pt. 1: https://youtu.be/1imO1g-incA
Pt. 2: the Trad Myth about Vatican II https://youtu.be/wjM-_Z3G47M
Pt. 3: The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism Excess https://youtu.be/ZtQtD2sifg4
Pt. 4: Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté https://youtu.be/qBMi6E-dqjU
Pt. 5: Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican II Naïveté https://youtu.be/jZv_yqw53D0
6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II https://youtu.be/IDRkN3uEq9U
7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the SSPX https://youtu.be/HUDaViiR7RQ
8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture https://youtu.be/nNDcH4WInkg
9. E. M**** Jones and Ratzinger (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
10. Modernism in the Vatican II Documents? Yes and No https://youtu.be/9sPEECGBQF4
11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatican II https://youtu.be/z7oY5Ec-ZxE
12. E. M****Jones on Ratzinger and the J**** Q*** (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
13. Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Francis Before Traditionis Custodes https://youtu.be/6qFljWXqMvc
14. Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Pope Francis https://youtu.be/PMFxzLGcjOA
15. Ratzinger Confirms Lefebvre on Definition of Liturgy https://youtu.be/jCvf2aRbtKs
16. Pope Francis Admits He Doesn't Understand Benedict on Vatican II https://youtu.be/wC_9wJ4mGSs

Sensus Fidelium
20 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
29 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

80 Views · 2 years ago

Fr. David asks David Gray about his conversion from high-level freemasonry to non-dom Christianity and then his conversion to Catholicism. We discuss 'Black Lives Matter' and the state of the African-American family in the 21st century as communism approaches. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

24 Views · 2 years ago

We point to a Catholic "Extreme-Ownership" even when your leaders let you down. Music bumpers courtesy of Alyssa Kortright.

33 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Why a “society of emasculated liars” made it possible for the errors of Russia to spread so quickly, and what you can do about it. Our Lady of Fatima spoke of the “errors of Russia” in 1917. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

48 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What most Catholics are missing on the coronavirus-19 vaccine discussion is: Is the vaccine necessary? Is the vaccine dangerous? My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The plan of the World Economic Forum and why they can not change the interior life of a true Catholic. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

20 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Five points: 1. Is the Virus Killing Many People? 2. What are the Results of the Lockdown? 3. Do the Politicians Believe in the Lockdown? 4. Is this the New Normal? 5. What about the Vaccine?
EDIT: A few months ago, Tucker Carlson quoted the CDC in saying 70% of those who caught coronavirus had on the mask. I said in this video that the politicians knew this was a fact. But what I should have said was more general: The politicians simply know the masks don't work. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

35 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Zachary King has done over 140 ritual abortions as a satanist and has since then become a pro-life activist. Much thanks to film producer https://www.williamgil.net for cleaning this up and editing it nicely. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

64 Views · 2 years ago

Banned on YouTube

19 minutes on the goals and players of the Great Reset and the opposition. We look at the chronological goals A through F of the attempts at the "Great Reset." My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

123 Views · 2 years ago

⁣A former satanic high-wizard of the World Satanic Church converted and became a Traditional Latin Mass Catholic who now works for the end of abortion. Zachary King speaks about his conversion via the Miraculous Medal and we then walk back through Zachary's life including his youth, entrance into Satan’s World Church, induction as High Wizard, B*hemian Grove, abortions and curses for the Bild*rb*rg Group and the involvement with Gates at 1:00:00. We end with what Zachary is doing for the end of abortion (after committing so many himself.) This is an exceptional account of the love of Divine Mercy and an unlikely recruitment into "Mary’s Army" as he describes his new vocation. My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."

52 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What does Fatima, Sr. Lucia, Pope John Paul II, Coronavirus have to do with the City and County of Denver? TCE stands for "Theology and Current Events."

Meaning of Catholic
36 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Glory of Catholic Spain and the Black Lies Against Her https://youtu.be/bF9DmyN8cnQ

Part 1: 1500-1600 Spain and Central America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtB6OXVePRA&t=2534s
Part 2: Pachamama, South America and the Philippines: https://youtu.be/XYPbOIUCd6Q
Part 3: First Great Papal Betrayal and the Decline of Spain: https://youtu.be/1xWPU47hIO4
Part 4: Second Great Papal Betrayal, Carlism and the Rise of the American Empire
Part 5: Cristero War, Franco, and Modern Hispanic Culture https://youtu.be/almfsIPsCxY
Part 6: Why Columbus Day is Catholic https://youtu.be/v6YyGBm2F3c

Meaning of Catholic
34 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Join the online guild: https://www.patreon.com/meaningofcatholic

Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads pt. 1: https://youtu.be/1imO1g-incA
Pt. 2: the Trad Myth about Vatican II https://youtu.be/wjM-_Z3G47M
Pt. 3: The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism Excess https://youtu.be/ZtQtD2sifg4
Pt. 4: Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté https://youtu.be/qBMi6E-dqjU
Pt. 5: Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican II Naïveté https://youtu.be/jZv_yqw53D0
6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II https://youtu.be/IDRkN3uEq9U
7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the SSPX https://youtu.be/HUDaViiR7RQ
8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture https://youtu.be/nNDcH4WInkg
9. E. M**** Jones and Ratzinger (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
10. Modernism in the Vatican II Documents? Yes and No https://youtu.be/9sPEECGBQF4
11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatican II https://youtu.be/z7oY5Ec-ZxE
12. E. M****Jones on Ratzinger and the J**** Q*** (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
13. Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Francis Before Traditionis Custodes https://youtu.be/6qFljWXqMvc
14. Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Pope Francis https://youtu.be/PMFxzLGcjOA
15. Ratzinger Confirms Lefebvre on Definition of Liturgy https://youtu.be/jCvf2aRbtKs

Sensus Fidelium
12 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
51 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
25 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
18 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

One Peter Five
154 Views · 2 years ago


Meaning of Catholic
165 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Join the online guild: https://www.patreon.com/meaningofcatholic

Pope Benedict Vindicates the Trads pt. 1: https://youtu.be/1imO1g-incA
Pt. 2: the Trad Myth about Vatican II https://youtu.be/wjM-_Z3G47M
Pt. 3: The Novus Ordo Came from Thomism Excess https://youtu.be/ZtQtD2sifg4
Pt. 4: Vatican II and Post-War Naïveté https://youtu.be/qBMi6E-dqjU
Pt. 5: Third Secret of Fatima and Vatican II Naïveté https://youtu.be/jZv_yqw53D0
6. The Fundamental Rupture of Vatican II https://youtu.be/IDRkN3uEq9U
7. Cardinal Ratzinger Vindicates the SSPX https://youtu.be/HUDaViiR7RQ
8. Vatican II: Acts of Rupture https://youtu.be/nNDcH4WInkg
9. E. M**** Jones and Ratzinger (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
10. Modernism in the Vatican II Documents? Yes and No https://youtu.be/9sPEECGBQF4
11. The Magisterial Failure of Vatican II https://youtu.be/z7oY5Ec-ZxE
12. E. M****Jones on Ratzinger and the J**** Q*** (GUILD STREAM ONLY)
13. Pope Benedict Contradicted Pope Francis Before Traditionis Custodes https://youtu.be/6qFljWXqMvc
14. ⁣Cardinal Ratzinger Contradicts Pope Francis ⁣https://youtu.be/PMFxzLGcjOA

Sensus Fidelium
17 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
82 Views · 2 years ago

Dr. E. Michael Jones discusses his books Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control and The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing. For more please visit http://www.culturewars.com/

Sensus Fidelium
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣1 Peter 5 podcast of Andrew Bieszad, contributor to this fine blogspot, and his expertise in the study of Islam. You'll be blown away by the info. For more podcasts please visit http://www.onepeterfive.com/podcast/ & please say a Hail Mary for the guys that operate the blog

Sensus Fidelium
27 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
24 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
20 Views · 2 years ago

The topic is Heretics, Apostates and Schismatics Oh My! The guest is Mr. Ryan Grant, Managing Editor of Mediatrix Press, translator and scholar of the work of Saint Robert Bellarmine.

Sensus Fidelium
24 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Showing 18 out of 19