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Fatima Souls
381 Views · 1 year ago

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👤Thanks to Liz Yore for her wonderful presentation.

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00:00:00 – Introduction
00:03:20 – Liz Yore Starts
00:04:15 – On Godfried Maria Jules Danneels
00:06:09 – Climate Change, Universal Basic Income, and Human Trafficking: Liz Yore’s November 2013 trip to the Vatican to attend “Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery” held by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
00:13:18 – Liz’s Journey to Fatima
00:18:49 – On Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo
00:21:23 – The True Agenda of the Saint Gallen Mafia
00:22:01 – On Cardinal George Pell & 2015 Synod on the Family
00:23:19 – On the World Youth Day in Portugal & Bergoglio’s Behavior
00:25:39 – On Archbishop Viganò’s Response to Francis and Globalism
00:27:32 – On the Synods
00:29:22 – On the Jesuit Superior General Fr. Kolvenbach’s report of Bergoglio
00:32:03 – On Bergoglio’s comment on July 29, 2013 regarding the appiontment of Msgr. Battista Ricca to the Vatican Bank
00:40:20 – On the Synod on Synodality, “stacking the deck” with modernists, and the Instrumentum Laboris
00:41:50 – On the Trans movement
00:44:30 – The real-life impact of the Instrumentum Laboris
00:49:11 – On reading the Instrumentum Laboris
00:53:14 – Analyzing the Modernist’s Lexicon
00:56:44 – TFP’s new book: The Synodal Process Is A Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions & Answers
00:58:18 – Closing statement on Instrumentum Laboris
01:01:46 – Liz’s Return to the Vatican in 2015
01:06:04 – Educating yourself to refute the modernist heresy, John Venarri’s CD
01:07:08 – On resisting the modernists, and the non-confrontational approach of “Catholic rockstars”
01:20:57 – On the example of Christine, who gave a Rosary to Jeff Bezos
01:25:12 – Regarding Bishops and Priests during these times
01:27:16 – Regarding Fr. Stefano Cecchin, OFM, president of the Pontifical International Marian Academy (PAMI)
01:30:28 – The Globalist/Modernist Bergoglio “Battle Plan”
01:33:20 – Reflecting on Our Lady’s visitations, book recommendation: “Revelations: The Hidden Secret Messages and Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary” by Xavier Reyes-Ayral
01:36:15 – On Fr. Nicholas Gruner
01:39:04 – On Fr. Patrick Peyton, “the Rosary priest”
01:40:07 – On being brave in these times, quote from St. Catherine of Siena
01:44:17 – On the examples of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini and Elizabeth Ann Seton
01:48:17 – On the Fatima story
01:50:09 – On the importance of Adoration
01:51:20 – On Fr. James Altman
01:52:55 – On the Human Condition
01:54:45 – St. Thérèse of Lisieux: An example for our times
01:55:47 – Liz’s Closing Message – which she starts by quoting St. Thérèse in a letter to Céline: “There remains nothing else for us to do, but to fight, and when we don’t have the strength, it is then that Jesus fights for us.” And then, at her death: : “I’m not a warrior who has fought with earthly arms but with ‘the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. ‘ And this sickness hasn’t been able to break me, I’ll die with my weapons in my hands.”
01:59:00 – The Five First Saturdays Devotion
02:08:36 – Closing

Fatima Souls
3,552 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⬇Timestamps Below ⬇

👤Thanks to Dr. Mazza for his wonderful presentation.

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0:00:00 - Intro

0:00:40 - George recommends Dr. Mazza's Book "The Third Secret of Fatima & The Synodal Church: VOL. I Pope Benedict's Resignation"

0:01:30 - George mentions Dr. Mazza's classes on his website, edmundmazza.com

0:02:15 - Today (July 13, 2023) is the 106th anniversary of the third apparition of Our Lady of Fatima (when the children saw the vision of Hell).

0:03:00 - Opening prayer

0:03:30 - Dr. Mazza begins. "We'll begin with Hell so we don't end up there." - Fr. Corapi. He talks about vision of Hell and the explanation Our Lady provided: "You have just seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart." Over the last 106 years, the popes, cardinals, bishops, and priests have failed to heed Her request.

0:05:50 - Dr Mazza: Tonight I will be speaking about aliens, angels, and demons, because it is not merely the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima warning us about Hell - about demons - but this month is the 50th anniversary of the 1st apparition of Our Lady of Akita to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in Japan, and also this month is the 24th anniversary of the death of Fr. Malachi Martin (he died at the end of July 1999).

0:06:50 - Dr. Mazza gives a preview about the topic of Fr. Martin.

0:07:40 - We are in the worst period in church history, and we don't have the time to wait for this to be fixed on its own. We must consider the messages from Our Lady at Fatima and Akita, which explain the problem and solution.

0:14:30 - On the Third Secret of Fatima. In Sr. Lucia's final public interview with Fr. Fuentes, she said "the devil is in a mood for engaging Our Lady in a final battle. He knows his time is short, and he wants to drag as many souls to Hell as possible." Although the third secret has been concealed, we can glimpse the contents through clues. The message is clear: Satan will infiltrate the Church at the highest levels.

0:17:30 - We can see some evidence of this infiltration now, such as in the "Synod on Synodality" coming in October, and those who are involved in it. A "new church" shall be created, guided by a spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

0:18:10 - It's important for us to understand where are in the trajectory of history: We're not at the very beginning, when seeds were sown for infiltration & evil; rather, we're at the very end, when God is about to bring His Hand down to end this, mercifully. Because the Church was sabotaged, society was also sabotaged. The "New Church" (Synodal Church) is cooperating with the forces of Freemasonry, Marxism, to cooperate completely with the Agenda 2030, United Nations, World Economic Forum, and Davos leadership, who are meeting right now in Sun Valley, Idaho, which is modeled on Davos, Switzerland.

0:19:55 - Dr. Mazza gives some literature references, starting with Dietrich von Hildebrand's books "The Trojan Horse in the City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained (Franciscan Herald Press, 1967)" and "The Devastated Vineyard".

0:20:50 - Dr. Mazza mentions a short book by the Bishop of Regensburg, see: http://salvemariaregina.info/S....alveMariaRegina/SMR-

0:21:30 - Dr. Mazza mentions the book "The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization" (Msgr. George F. Dillon)

0:22:30 - Dr. Mazza recaps the story of Our Lady of La Salette, and the Secrets therein, including "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.

0:24:00 - The secrets of La Sallette, Fatima, and Akita, all come together to confirm the signs that we're seeing all around us. Because we are in the later stages of the devil's final battle, we are deep in psychological operations being perpetuated by leaders all over the world, which makes it hard to know what is the truth.

0:24:40 - Dr. Mazza references the book by Fr. Kramer, "The Devil's Final Battle."

0:26:10 - Dr. Mazza concludes the introduction and transitions to the first topic, Aliens.

0:27:50 - He starts by quoting a statement from Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett on the UAP/UFO footage.

0:30:30 - Dr. Mazza take on the news about aliens/UFO/UAP's

0:31:45 - There are cases of UFO's traveling at velocities >5,000 MPH, with no sonic boom, extreme heat, or debris at crash sites.

0:33:40 - Per astrophysicist Hugh Ross, because these craft don't obey the laws of physics, they can't be physical. This rules out the possibility of extraterrestrial life, because they don't obey the laws of our universe. See also: Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2002.

0:36:00 - Dr. Ross interviewed many UFO enthusiasts who experienced an alien abduction, in every case those experiences only happened to people who were "deep into the occult," and when they stop practicing the occult, they lose contact with the "aliens."

0:38:20 - In every case of these encounters, the experiences are never good. On the other hand, when we consider encounters with angels, although there is an initial shock, the experiences are not bad.

0:40:00 - The mildest interaction the alien victims have, at a minimum, nightmares, and at worst, death. When we consider these encounters, they must be from Lucifer.

0:40:40 - "Messages" are sometimes received from aliens, which is supposed to be a revelation to us humans. 1/3 of these books deny Christ is God. St. John says in the New Testament: "Whoever denies Christ, is the Antichrist."

0:42:00 - We have been setup to believe that this is all real, to prepare us for "disclosure." It's part of a psyop, to prepare us for the new religion.

0:43:20 - Archbishop Vigano said words to the effect of: "I don't know who Jorge Bergoglio thinks he is the Pope of, but it's not the Catholic Church. He is the false prophet forerunner of the Antichrist." See: https://insidethevatican.com/n....ews/newsflash/letter

0:43:50 - He transitions to the topic of the 60th anniversary of the enthronement of the fallen angel Lucifer in the Vatican, per the Windswept house novel from 1997. There was an article in the Remnant by Fr. Brian Harrison who knew Fr. Martin. See: https://remnantnewspaper.com/w....eb/index.php/article

0:45:00 - In 1972, Pope Paul VI said "from some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered into the sanctuary of God."

0:46:00 - On October 13, 1977, the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima's Miracle of the Sun, Pope Paul VI said "the tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world." (Referencing the Book of Revelation, c. XII). He went on to say "the darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic church, even to it's summit. Apostasy, the loss of faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church." This was reported on the following day – Oct. 14, 1977 – in the Milan-based daily Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

0:48:50 - Fr. Gabriel Amorth said to Vanity Fair: "Today Satan rules the world. The masses no longer believe in God. And yes, Satan is in the Vatican."

0:49:50 - On June 24, 1963, there was a conclave following the death of Pope John XXIII. Cardinal Montini was chosen as pope, to be enthroned on June 29, 1963. On July 1st, 1963, there was a "black mass" (on the Feast of the Most Precious Blood), in the Pauline Chapel of the Vatican. At the same time, in Greenville, SC, another "black mass" was also held. (Per Fr. Harrison's testimony). It's no secret that Joseph Bernadine, who was the head of the USCCB, is alleged to have participated in the Greenville black mass. What happened exactly 60 years later? Bergoglio and the Vatican announced that Archbishop Fernandez will be the new head of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (thunder lips, who wrote the infamous book almost 30 years ago on kissing, called "heal me with your mouth.")

0:56:40 - What do we see going on in the world today? The desecration of the purity of children. Human trafficking will soon exceed the value of drug trade. The sexualization of children is occurring everywhere in the world. These are all hallmarks of the devil. This June is also the 40th anniversary of the disappearance of the daughter of a Vatican employee, which became the subject of a Netflix documentary last year. Her disappearance is still unresolved, although the parents claim the Vatican is actively concealing evidence. Dr. Mazza: She might have been the victim of a satanic mass, as her disappearance coincides with the 20th anniversary of the original "enthronement of Satan," and such activities require the sacrifice of a virgin.

0:59:20 - From 2002-2004, the Pauline chapel at the Vatican was refurbished per order of John Paul II. According to Fr. Harrison & Fr. Martin, the truth of what happened there did come out, due to one of those involved repenting. The chapel may have been reconsecrated secretly during that renovation.

1:00:00 - The only way to overcome the darkness of our present era, is for a genuine Pope to consecrate Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart, together with all of the Catholic bishops. We must do penance, prayer, and fasting. We must live as if we're not going to see tomorrow.

1:03:00 - Our Lord told Sr. Lucia in 1931 that He was upset the consecration hadn't happened yet (in the 2 years since the request). He said: "Make it known to My ministers that by delaying the execution of My command, they would follow the example of the king of France into misfortune." (Referring to King Louis XVI's beheading and loss of power, 100 years to the day after the Sacred Heart of Jesus requested consecration to His Sacred Heart). If we're following the example of the King of France, per Our Lord's message, then perhaps there's something to "Agenda 2030."

1:05:15 - Dr. Mazza plugs his course, "Mary, Destroyer of Heresy," starting August 15. St. Louis de Montfort said: In the end times, Jesus would come to us the same way He came to us the 1st time: Through Our Lady. We should consecrate ourselves to Our Lady.

1:07:00 - Question: "Don't you think the Vatican has been the Seat of the Antichrist for a long time? After all, Pius IX registered in a Masonic Lodge on Aug 15th 1837."

1:07:30 - Question: "Didn't E Michael Jones expose Fr Malachi Martin as an agent for the Jews at Vatican II regarding the promotion of Nostrae Atate?" Dr. Mazza plugs his book, "The Scholastics and the Jews: Coexistence, Conversion, and the Medieval Origins of Tolerance"

1:08:20 - Question: "Isn't the "apparition" of Our Lady of Akita dubious? Should we not stick to the absolutely clear history of Fatima?"

1:09:00 - Question: "Does not the 3rd Secret tell us that the Novus Ordo is the Abomination of Desolation and that the reign of Antichrist is nigh." Dr. Mazza references Fr. Kramer.

1:10:00 - Question: "The Holy Face Devotion is an excellent novena to make reparation for the sins of mankind!! Apparently very effective against communism. I highly recommend this novena."

1:11:00 - Question: "What are your thoughts on the idea that there is the real St Lucy the seer and then new St Lucy?"

1:11:40 - Question: "Would the Pope chosen by cardinals named by Bergoglio be valid?"

1:12:20 - Question: "To your knowledge have the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches been left alone by the Vatican’s modernism and if so, do you think they will soon be attacked to change?"

1:13:00 - Question: "What happened to the boomer generation that so many believe in UFO’s?"

1:14:20 - Question: "Didn't pope Pious XI on Oct 31 1942 consecrate world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa"

1:16:20 - Question: "On 13 November 1964, 16 months after ""The Enthronement"", Pope Paul VI breaking with tradition, donated his Papal Tiara to the poor at a ceremony at St. Peter’s Basilica, making him the last pope to wear the ceremonial crown and the first pope to abandon the Papal Tiara. Any thoughts on that?"

1:18:00 - Question: "How can the next choosing of the Pope be valid if many of the current cardinals are heretics themselves?"

1:18:30 - Statement by George: "Regarding Pope Benedict XVI, his understanding of the papacy was in error, and per Dr. Mazza's book, the matter concerning the the papacy centers on the resignation."

1:22:00 - Dr. Mazza expands on the the topic of his book, concerning Benedict's resignation.

1:38:00 - Question: "Can you touch on any references to alien/entity disclosure in revelation (private or biblical)?"

1:47:20 - Question: "What is the significance of Bergoglio rejecting the title "Vicar of Christ?""

1:50:30 - Question: "What are the huge numbers of stars and planets for, if not for life?"

1:54:15 - Question: "St Francis of Assisi made the prophecy of a ""pope not canonically elected"" do you think this refers to Bergoglio? personally I think so, and I think it is God's way of shining a light on this prophecy since Bergoglio took the name Francis."

1:57:45 - Question: "Should we not be basing our opinions concerning the Papacy on the root and foundation of Divine revelation and not canon law?"

1:58:50 - Question: "Do you believe we are entering the 6th Age of the Church as explained by the Ven. Father Bartholomew Holzhauser"

1:59:30 - Question: "How can a young man become a Catholic Priest who exclusively does the traditional sacraments of the Catholic Church while still being a truthful man of integrity during his formation (being transparent about his intentions all the way through)?"

2:03:30 - Question: "Was Bugnini a Freemason?" Dr. Mazza references the book "Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry Kindle Edition by Charles Theodore Murr"

2:05:30 - Question: "Regarding a priest which celebrates the Novus Ordo and the TLM, how do you square that?"

2:05:16 - Question: "Since Bugnini was Freemason, then is it correct to say that the Novus Ordo was conceived with malice aforethought?"

2:08:20 - George gives closing statement, encouraging people to buy copies of Dr. Mazza's Book "The Third Secret of Fatima & The Synodal Church: VOL. I Pope Benedict's Resignation," and giving it to clergy.

2:12:50 - Closing prayer.

Fatima Souls
269 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⬇Timestamps Below ⬇
👤Thanks to David Rodríguez for his wonderful presentation.
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0:00:00 - George gives introduction
0:02:00 - David gives self-introduction
0:04:00 - David starts with the 12 major appearances of Our Lady of Fatima ( St. Michael the Archangel in 1916; Our Lady appears six times in 1917, May through October; December 10, 1925 to Sr. Lucia (origin of the 1st Saturday devotion); June 13, 1929 to Sr. Lucia at Tuy, directing consecration to Russia; June 2nd - June 9, 1944 to Sr. Lucia for special graces for her to write down the 3rd Secret).
0:07:45 - David starts explaining the relation of Fatima to God's plan, Church History, and the Gospel
0:09:30 - On the Miracle of the Sun
0:13:00 - The importance of heeding the message of Fatima. It is a message of hope.
0:20:00 - On the eras to come ( the Era of Peace, the great chastisement, the end of the world). How do we know if we are in the time of the Antichrist? On "the end of an age" (past ages and how they relate to our current age).
0:26:00 - What is the message of Fatima in simple terms? How to memorize the message of Fatima using mnemonic devices ("R.C. S.O.S." 1. Praying the Rosary, 2. Consecrating yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 3. Wearing the Brown Scapular, 4. Offer prayer and penance 5. The First Saturday Devotion every month ).
0:34:30 - How the message of Fatima is the "Gospel for our times." history. David starts by reviewing significant occasions of disorder caused by the devil, and how the devil wants to completely invert the right order via revolution, and how Catholics must be counter-revolutionary, to restore the right order established by God. In addition to Our Lady's appearances, 1917 was a pivotal year related to the Bolshevik Revolution.
0:40:30 - What is atheism? What is the great error of evolution? How is this related to the errors of Russia?
0:43:00 - Our Lady of Fatima warned us. Why must we have the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
0:47:00 - How do we know the consecration hasn't already taken place? How do we know we're not already in the period of peace?
0:50:15 - The importance of the right order of God (Disorder in society, monarchy, restoration of one unified Catholic church, the important symbolism of the Consecration of Russia).
1:00:00 - The Kingship of Christ and the need for the state to recognize this (the Lateran treaty and the pope "surrendering temporal authority to the state.")
1:07:00 - The restraining of the Antichrist
1:08:30 - Destruction of Christendom via WWI
1:10:00 - the crown of the Holy Roman Empire exists in the Russian Empire
1:12:00 - wrap-up regarding the segment beginning at 0:50:00: What are those things necessary for there to be peace in the world?
1:14:00 - First question: The name of Fatima, (the name of one of Muhammad's daughters)
1:20:00 - The significance of June 13, 1917 (Our Lady reveals Her Immacualte Heart)
1:22:00 - What is the significance of the date December 10, 1925? (3.5 years, the time when a chastisement is allowed to get more intense).
1:23:00 - The dramatic consequences the world suffered because the French King failed to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1689 ( http://1260.org/Mary/Heart/Hea....rt_of_Jesus_Alacoque )
1:25:00 - December 10, 2025, 100 years since the request for the consecration: Our Lord already reminded Sr. Lucy in 1931 the consequences the French King faced for not heeding His request.
1:28:00 - Were there conselors who encouraged the French king to not do the consecration, similar to what is occurring in the church today?
1:32:00 - Question: Could Russia be acing as a restrainer to Satan, via the last vestige of the Holy Roman Empire?
1:34:00 - How do other nations not mentioned fit into the Fatima message? (e.g., the United States). David relates a quote from Padre Pio regarding the conversion of the United States.
1:36:30 - The encouraging signs towards a more Christian Russia.
1:40:00 - The deception of the "fake Sr. Lucia" and the duplicitous nature of the Vatican's statements
1:49:00 - The relationship between Fatima and the Book of Esther (February 13th)
1:54:00 - Why it's still important to follow the events concerning the yet-to-be-revealed second part of the Third Secret.
1:58:00 - the damage to the faith by the repeated failures to do a proper consecration
2:01:00 - David's take on how people are rationalizing the idea that the consecration has been done, but there hasn't been any miracle or the promised period of peace
2:04:00 - The Gospel passage regarding the duplicitous servant and it's symbolism to Purgatory
2:08:30 - What was the story behind the demonic idol worship in the Vatican in 2019? The devil gets permission from God to wreak havoc on this world according to the gravity of sins committed and the influence and power the person has in this world.
2:14:00 - What is the difference between the Fatima Center and America Needs Fatima?
2:17:00 - What is the importance of the message "In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc."?
2:22:00 - Closing

Fatima Souls
268 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⬇Timestamps Below ⬇

👤Thanks to Dr. Mazza for his wonderful presentation.

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0:00:00 - George gives the introduction
00:03:23 - Dr. Mazza introductory statement
00:04:59 - The 3 Secrets of Fatima
00:07:40 - What we know about the contents of the 3rd Secret
00:14:31 - About Sr. Lucia's difficulty in writing down the 3rd Secret
00:19:23 - About 1952 interview with Lucia and the the bearing of the 3rd Secret on the Papacy
00:22:22 - Can Catholics "resist" the Pope?
00:25:20 - On recent remarks by Archbishop Viganò and how they relate to Fatima and Bergoglio
00:34:12 - On Robert Morrison's article in The Remnant regarding holding an imperfect council on the pope
- Dr. Mazza explains the details involved in judging popes ( what is an
imperfect council, how the presumption of innocence cannot apply)
- Dr. Mazza regarding whether or not such a council is needed, since
Bergoglio has already declared himself a heretic by proclaiming heresy (
referring to Sept. 16 statement by several Bishops rebuking Beroglio's
comments on the reception of Holy Communion )
00:52:55 - Dr. Mazza
analyzes Archbishop Viganò's remarks on the Papacy, Vatican II, and the
relation to the vision of the 3rd Secret. He talks about the 2 comments
by Jacinta to Lucia regarding visions of the Holy Father.
01:02:19 -
George asks a question regarding Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi in 1995 and
his comment on the Third Secret (“In the Third Secret it is foretold,
among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at
the top.”)
01:06:03 - Viewer question regarding "St Joseph blessing
the world with the Child Jesus." Please note: Another question from the
viewer was not answered live: "100 year time line for obeying the
request of Jesus to sister Lucia, per history. Would that be from the
miracle of the sun or the visions at Tua in the convent?" This topic was
covered in the July presentation, and the 1 hour, 58 minutes, 30 second
01:09:55 - George and Dr. Mazza discuss the challenges in spreading the message of Fatima
01:13:10 - George asks a question: Why is Benedict doing what he's doing?
- Guest asks a question: What is the Tychonius Hypothesis? What does he
mean when he said "the elect of the church will be driven out?" (
01:32:23 - Guest asks a question regarding Malachi Martin and the
"Judas Complex." (
https://www.catholicamericanth....inker.com/Judas-Comp )
- George comments regarding all of the resources at the Fatima Center,
including "Crucial Truths to Save your Soul," and also plugs Dr. Mazza's
01:43:03 - Guests asks a question: What should we do if it looks like the Mass will become invalid?
- George asks Dr. Mazza his thoughts on the March "Consecration" and
whether or not God was offended by that. Discussion turns towards the
importance of dates, and France and the Revolution (due to a similar
01:52:00 - Closing statement by Dr. Mazza: What should a Catholic do today?

Fatima Souls
308 Views · 2 years ago

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ℹThis video is brought to you by https://FatimaSouls.com . Please visit our website for the latest podcasts.

👤Thanks to Suzanne Pearson for her wonderful presentation.

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- Suzanne, and the early days of the Fatima message. About the
energy and interest in Fatima, and the collapse following the
"anonymous" announcement from the Vatican in 1960 about the
refusal to reveal the "Fatima Secret."

- Transition to the March 25, 2022 Consecration. Starts with a
description of the turnout and how the event felt at the
Arlington Cathedral.

- First question: The Consecration of both Ukraine and Russia.

- Discusses Pius XII Consecrations in 1942 and 1952 about
consecrating the world vs. consecrating Russia.

- How the Vatican is hindering the fulfillment of the Fatima
message & mission by diminishing the grace from the laity.

- The miracle following the Consecration should happen quickly,
as the intention for the miracle is to spread devotion to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, and if it is late, people won't make
the connection.

- Since the Vatican is doing deviant actions such as suppressing
the Traditional Latin Mass and giving moral support and
encouragement to pro abortionists and other sinful behaviors,
there's not much indication the consecration was valid.

- Pope Francis did not compel the bishops of the world to do the
Consecration, he invited them. Also, there was no official
record, so we have no idea exactly how many took it seriously.

- Even if it was done correctly, there's no reason not to do it
again, similar to how many times the whole world has been

- Transition to the topic of the Third Secret.

- About the "reveal" of the Third Secret in 2000.

- Difference between what the Vatican released and what Suzanne

- Suzanne's explanation for the difference, and what the Vatican
came up with.

- Sister Lucy writing down the Third Secret.

- What happened to the Secret & all of the other documents
Sister Lucy sent to Rome.

- How we know how long the Secret was (26 lines).

- Fast-forward to the Vatican reveal in 2000 - differences in
paper, length, and content.

- Transition to Lateran Treaty connection to Fatima.

- Reasons why our Lady had chosen June 13, 1929 for the message
regarding the Consecration.

- Transition to Blessed Karl's connection to Fatima.

- Pope Benedict XV's plea to Our Lady for peace in World War I.

- Blessed Karl and Vladimir Lenin.

- Comment by Bishop Rudolf Graber of Regensburg

- "The Best Kept Secret of Fatima" by José María Zavala and the
interview with Exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth

- How to deal with all of these terrible things in our present
time: Instructions from Our Lady.

- Transition to discussion between Suzanne and George concerning
the 1960 anonymous announcement from the Vatican, and then about
Sister Lucy being "silenced" following the interview with her by
Father Augustine Fuentes.

- About the theory of Sister Lucy being replaced by a "body
double" following that interview.

- About the "Consecrations" by Pope John Paul II in 1982 &
1984 (and how, in the latter Consecration, he meant to say
Russia, but did not).

- On the 1989 anonymous message from the Vatican saying that the
1984 Consecration must be recognized as accepted.

- Discussion regarding the infiltration in the Vatican.

- Prophecy by Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser several hundred
years ago predicting this.

- John Vennari's book Alta Vendita and the plan for

- Putin's speech regarding the West being no longer relevant.

- Discussion regarding the current situation in the Papacy.

- Question from audience member #1 regarding America Needs
Fatima and their belief that the Consecration has already been

- Suzanne reads a letter from the Fatima Center in 2017
regarding Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, then-Archibishop of
Minsk, Belarus regarding his take on the Consecration and
whether or not he participate if asked to again.

- The Archibishop's recount of his interview with "Sister Lucy."

- Suzanne talks about Roberto de Mattei, President of the
Lepanto Foundation, and his rebuttal to the reports of Sister
Lucy saying she had given her "approval" regarding the status of
the Consecration as of 2017.

- Further discussion regarding Sister Lucy and the body double.

- Suzanne covers the story regarding Dr. Ingo Dollinger and
then-Cardinal Ratzinger.

- George mentions Michael Davies, and talks about how we've
responded to Our Lady's message.

- Fr. Malachi Martin's comments regarding Fatima are brought up.

- Audience member #1 brings up the question regarding the church
going underground.

- George transitions to the discussion regarding Fatima being
private revelation vs. public revelation.

- George asks Suzanne why more Catholic pundits haven't talked
about the lack of fruits from the March 25th Consecration this
year. Later transitions to back-and-forth regarding why nobody
has done the Consecration the right way, and how there's very
poor dissemination of information regarding Fatima.

- Suzanne talks about Fr. Dhanis who fought against the Fatima

- Transitions to talking about Pope Benedict XVI and his
360-degree turn on Fatima.

- Suzanne talks about ways to increase grace for the proper
Consecration, such as two kinds of sacrifices: Offering up, and
accepting what came.

- Audience member #1 talks about issues in the proliferation of
heresy and desensitization to sin.

- Audience member #2 asks Suzanne for her thoughts regarding
Putin and his role in the chastisement. Suzanne also mentions
her thoughts for why Our Lady specifically chose Russia.
Audience member #2 then brings up Russia's role saving
Christianity in

- Question regarding where to find Suzanne's writings.

- Closing statement by George.

Fatima Souls
70 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ ⬇Timestamps Below ⬇

ℹThis video is brought to you by https://FatimaSouls.com . Please visit our website for the latest podcasts.

👤Thanks to Dr. Mazza again. Sign up for classes now at his Website - https://www.edmundmazza.com

💬Questions or Comments? Email group@fatimasouls.com for video questions/comments

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8:30 - Dr. Mazza on "What was Benedict XVI doing?" What does Benedict think he accomplished?" He talks about the Peter Seewald interview, and other interviews and statements

11:00 - What are the criterion for being a Pope? Benedict says: the follower of peter is not merely bound to a function (being the Bishop of Rome). The idea that you can have an active Pope, and one which is not.

14:00 - Why he still gives apostolic blessings in his own name, why his title is still His Holiness, why he still wears white and lives in the Vatican.

15:00 - Benedict remains a father in a deep inward sense. Functional vs Sacred.

16:50 - Benedict's statement about the crisis of the Priesthood after Vatican 2.

20:00 - Statements by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, secretary to Benedict.

26:00 - Benedict may have committed a "substantial error" by trying to abandon his office of pope.

29:00 - Quote from Bergoglio about the "papacy being a sacrament." (Not in the literal sense, in the sense of it being of sacramental nature). In other words, the idea that "you can never stop being pope until death."

37:26 - First interpretation - Benedict could resign all public-facing responsibilities, but still be pope. If he believed this, he committed substantial error.

38:45 - Second interpretation - If Benedict thought that by becoming pope gave you a permanent sacramental mission that does not stop by resigning as Bishop of Rome, then you can't resign.

40:00 - This weekend, Saturday the 27th, there will be a consistory (election of new Cardinals) in Rome, something Francis has not had in about 7 years. However, Pope Francis may visit the shrine of St. Celestine. St. Celestine was the first pope in history to resign, and his anniversary of consecration as bishop in 1294 is this Sunday. Dr. Mazza then talks about the history of St. Celestine.

50:00 - Dr. Mazza talks about the history of papal resignations, starting with St. Clement.

53:46 - St. Pontian in the year 235.

56:00 - Pope John XII & Leo VIII in the year 963.

58:00 - Pope Benedict IX and Gregory VI

1:00:00 - Pope Innocent the 3rd in 1198 - quotes regarding the papacy being a sacrament (spiritual message).

1:07:30 - Pope Celestine the 5th's resignation and Pope Boniface VIII.

1:11:00 - Pope Gregory the 12th in the 1400's - three different "popes," a Council was held in Constance in 1417.

1:15:00 - Question, Why is knowing who the Pope is important to my Faith?

1:17:45 - Question, What would be the implications for indefectibility and visibility of the church if Benedict passes away leaving Francis in place for some time? Dr. Mazza mentions Innocent II and Anacletus.

1:19:30 - Question, Would Benedict be the oldest living pope in the history of the Church? Yes.

1:19:40 - Question, If Celestine was wrong about the ability to resign, would not that make Boniface VIII an anti-Pope? If Boniface VIII, then would not his addition to the ability of a pope to resign to canon law be a nullify?

1:20:40 - Question, So if Innocent III taught magisterially that the pope is married to his Office, a bond that can only be broken by death, and then a century later Boniface VIII teaches the opposite and changes canon law, because otherwise, Boniface himself would have been antipope... where does this leave us? Would not Innocent's teaching be infallible as defined at Vatican I?

1:23:00 - Question, If substantial error is a condition for resigning the papacy, would not it also follow that it is a condition for accepting the papacy? If so, and Benedict XVI was in substantial error even before accepting the papacy, would not that mean his acceptance was invalid and ergo he was an antipope?

1:25:00 - George asks Dr. Mazza why Benedict XVI has not put this whole mess to bed by addressing the confusion.

1:31:45 - Question, Bergoglio may not have received permission to accept the papacy from the Jesuit Superior until after his "election," how could he have accepted without the permission?

1:33:30 - Comment, methinks this is step one of the "papal council."

1:33:45 - George asks Dr. Mazza what would a Cardinal intervention look like if they stood up and finally called this situation a schism.

1:36:20 - Comment, The person who commented from 1:33:30 added to their comment, saying "democratization of the papacy."

1:38:40 - Comment, Shia LaBeouf has become Catholic while portraying Padre Pio in an upcoming film. A prayer of thanks for this high-profile witness.

1:39:32 - George comments on modernism and relativism and how Francis is convincing people of new "doctrine," how people don't know their faith, and how people don't know what's going on.

1:42:50 - Sister Lucy and "diabolical disorientation."

1:43:30 - Question, Do you think Canon 185 is being misinterpreted? It clearly seems to put forth emeritus as simply a title and not an office in and of itself.

1:44:30 - George talks about Dr. Mazza's "Pope History" class.

1:46:00 - Transitions to a back-and-forth discussion about Fatima in general, the Miracle of the Sun, Fr. Gruner, and "public prophetic revelation."

1:48:00 - Comment, "maybe we are supposed to be burning (chastisement)." Transitions into discussion about Our Lady's message at Akita, about "the living would envy the dead." Transitions to George talking about the First Five Saturdays.

1:52:30 - Question, "Can we do First Saturdays in a parish location where they are not explicitly recognized during the Mass?" Transitions to discussion regarding the requirements for the First Five Saturdays.

1:57:30 - Question, "What is to argue against a Maccabian-style operation against the Vatican, our church HQ... Is there a reason not to? At this point, what more reason do we need!"

1:58:45 - Question, "To Steel-Man the Argument: What would have to happen, or new evidence would have to emerge, for you to seriously consider that Benedict's resignation might have been valid and Francis could be pope?"

2:00:00 - Closing statement by George: Encourage and support your priests, they are people to, and need it. Ends with a Hail Mary.

Fatima Souls
89 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣ ⬇Timestamps Below ⬇

ℹThis video is brought to you by https://FatimaSouls.com . Please visit our website for the latest podcasts.

👤⁣Thanks to Dr. Mazza for his wonderful presentation. Sign up for classes now at his Website - https://www.edmundmazza.com

💬Questions or Comments? Email group@fatimasouls.com for video questions/comments

🌐⁣Download Link! https://bvm.la/videos/30f65429....-4a67-42bf-80fc-9512

10 minutes – Setting the stage- “Living on Borrowed Time”

20 minutes - “Is Pope Francis the Holy Father?”

30 minutes – The subject of “Scandal” – is it wrong to discuss this if it causes Scandal

38 minutes – Dr. Mazza offers us a preview of his new academic paper

57 minutes – what is “Pope Emeritus?”

1 hour, 20 minutes – Talking about the words in Benedict’s Interview-Book

1 hour, 30 minutes – Wrap-Up Summary

1 hour, 34 minutes - Benedict’s “Spiritual Diary” & the revelation of the Third Secret?

1 hour, 40 minutes – maybe we only have 3.5 years (2025) instead of 7 years until the prophesied coming crisis.

1 hour, 43 minutes – During the canonization of Francisco and Jacinta, Pope Francis said he was the “bishop dressed in white,” what is the deal with that, and what did Sr. Lucia mean when she wrote about that?

1 hour, 49 minutes - Hasn't Pope Benedict XVI already been stripped of his authority in keeping with Our Lord's warning to Sister Lucia of Fatima?

1 hour, 51 minutes - Is it possible that Pope Benedict XVI could be the pope of the assassination "killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him" described in the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima?

1 hour, 53 minutes - To me the Benedict-is-Pope position makes sense but so does sedevacantism. The latter position answers my question about how a valid Pope could call an invalid council. How can I be sure sedevacantism is incorrect. There is not much debate comparing these two positions.

1 hour, 55 minutes - Do you think the "katechon" could be the reservation of some measure of the Papacy by BXVI restraining canonically/legall/juridically the full force of Francis' actions?

1 hour, 56 minutes - Dr Mazza, under your understanding of the current situation, would BXVI have the canonical ability to name Cardinals "in pectore"?

1 hour, 58 minutes, 30 seconds - Why is the date 2029 instead of 2017?

2 hours, 1 minutes - What about the bones of St Peter being sent by Francis to Contantinopole?

2 hours, 3 minutes – Who is the real “Vicar of Christ” if Pope Francis did not accept the title?

2 hours, 10 minutes – The Pastoral Council and the Vatican-Moscow Agreement

2 hours, 14 minutes – Is it okay to attend Mass (esp. Novus Ordo) if the Priest invokes the name of Francis as Pope during the Canon?

2 hours, 22 minutes – If the words of the Consecration becomes deranged and anyhow, with all the banalities occuring at the NO, wouldn't it be better to remain home with our devotions, especially if the Mass in those last 3 1/2 years become invalid? At present I go to the TLM offered in the diocese.

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