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Second part of the faith homilies on the Catholic Church being the ONLY Church started by God Himself. St Irenaeus in his book "Against Heresies" explains the historical accuracy of this claim. For more please go to & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Marian Conference 2012:
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
The saints have noted at times how the demons act as God's policemen and His jailors. They watch us and wait for us to break the law of God. Or they call in to check their database on our previous infractions to see if we are willing to commit them again. Or they start to follow us fill us with fear, hoping that we will break the law... so that they can stop us and search us over in the hopes of eventually arresting us for their jail. Yet, for all this, they have to have permission from the divine courtroom, which often times is granted to some degree... so that our virtue will be tested, so that we will be that much more prepared for our judgment, so that others will see our Christian virtue and convert. The devil, however, gets his permissions most readily by way of INVITATION on our part, through some use of magic or the occult, or by way of ATTRACTION, that is, by our wicked acts attract wicked seeks like. In this sermon your will find three important lessons on how to keep this policeman off your back. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Part 7 of the 2014 Lenten retreat talks. In this talk Father speaks of the Cross & the saving power that comes from it. How modern society rebels against the Cross. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
St. Bonaventure teaches “this most holy, sweet, and worthy name was eminently fitting to so holy, sweet, and worthy a Virgin.” He says the name of “Mary” means four things: (1) a bitter sea (for devils), (2) star of the sea (for men), (3) light giver (for angels), and (4) sovereign lady (for all creatures). In the second half, Father explains how Our Lady of Sorrows suffered a martyrdom in her soul. Her love is so great, it is unlike anything the world has ever known; so too her sorrow. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
A review of what indulgences are and what they can be. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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What is the parable of the weeds & wheat to signify? Where does evil come from? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
What is the 1st Saturday devotion? Can you do more than just 5 Saturdays? What are some recent offences against Our Lady? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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This is Greek Bible Study and Ignatian meditation upon the beginning of Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of St. Matthew
The good Lord is offended at the pride...the hubris of modern men...which seeks to cast the Almighty out of the very world He created. When the Most High is shown such effrontery, the results can be catastrophic. God will allow prideful men to follow their own twisted and perverse designs to the point of madness which eventually brings about the moral collapse and ruin of society. A Russian writer once said: If God does not exist anything is possible. Yes, anything is possible including: the attempted genocide of whole peoples; the murder of our own offspring; the contracepting of future generations; men “marrying” men; and yes gender confusion as some struggle to figure out just what restroom they should use. The present “toilet revolution” and modern gender theories demonstrate just how insane modern man has become. But the good Lord is in charge. He laughs such men to scorn. Before He ascended into heavenly glory, our Lord said two things that should strengthen and console us. First...He said that all power has been given to Him in heaven and on earth. Secondly, He said that He would be with us always even unto the end of the world. He will get us through this time of madness. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Render unto Caesar what is Caesars & what is God's to God. How can we do that everyday? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Mary for the priest
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The blessing of the Church
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Why does God allow evil? Why is there suffering? Evil is the trump card that atheists play against the existence of God. God created us with free will & did not make us robots. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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What is peace? St Thomas gives the definition followed by how can you obtain true peace? Through forgiveness. But how? What is forgiveness? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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God is allowing us to be punished for leaving a vacuum by forgetting Him…and not fulfilling His Commands. This vacuum is being filled, willy nilly by something that is similar to Catholicism…but is not the sweet yoke of Christ. The more we pull away from preaching and teaching that Christ is the King of all nations, the more we will be subjected to a different king… Mohammed. Take your pick. Christ the King or Mohammed. If we do not want “this King to rule over us” then it will be the crescent and rule by the sword. No wonder St. Bernadette said all she feared was bad Catholics! No amount of bombs and troops will change this either. We are being punished! Only our conversion will reverse things. Let us strive, therefore, to be faithful and attentive to God and His Church and all They command, come what may… while we pass through this "little while." For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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On Satisfaction. Conclusion of the sermon series on penance. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
The Third Article of the Creed as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) Q/A 1-8.
The continued Fourth Article of the Creed on "Jesus suffering under Pontius Pilate" as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) Q/A 8-13 (p 21). Thanks to the “Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles” for the music bumpers.
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel