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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Creed 2.2: Q/A 9-14 Prophesies of Christ. We look at Archbishop Sheen's pagan prophesies that predicted Christ.
What is 'active participation'? Pope Pius XII wrote en encyclical on this and Fr uses that to teach us what it really is. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Restoration has always started in caves. Father speaks of historical caves & spiritual caves. He also speaks on how atheism is just a way to escape the truth. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Christ the King. How easy it is to become impatient in waiting for the King to fulfill His Promises. How easy it is to start wondering where He has gone in times like these. The great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, describes in an insightful allegory (called the Grand Inquisitor) how a Cardinal decided to act on this impatience and form his own kingdom while remaining in his position inside the Church, the Kingdom of Christ on earth. The Cardinal justifies himself on why he founded a new kingdom, how he did it (that is, who helped him), and some of the effects. This allegory seems to have a haunting echo or fulfillment in our times. Let us, then, be patient in waiting for the fulfillment of His Majesty’s promises lest we become a Grand Inquisitor ourselves or help some new Grand Inquisitor in our midst today. Let us pray and hope that the King of kings will visit any such Inquisitors that are alive today with a powerful actual grace. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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What is hell & it's torments? What does the Church teach on hell? What about death bed conversions? Please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Dr William Marra speaking on the Kingship of Christ & how our beloved nation has not only rejected Him but has put Him in the closet. Please visit where they post new audio every Monday.
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
We look to St. Anthony of the Desert and ultimately Christ Our Lord to keys to defeating temptations that come to us in prayer.
Holy Thursday homily on the Holy priesthood. The great sacrament that brings forth the Blessed Eucharist. How God listens & obeys a man's voice. For more please go to & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Part 9 the concluding talk of the 2014 Lenten retreat series. Father speaks on the power of the Holy Mass. Remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
What are the duties of marriage? How can we be better for our spouse? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Do you know God's will for you & do you follow it? Do you reflect on finding out what His will is for you? Are you focused on this world or the next? For more please visit & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
The saintly friends of the paralytic in today’s Gospel carried him on his bed of pain to Our Blessed Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Even when they met obstacles such as the crowd and the house in which His Majesty was sitting, they overcame them. The crowd represents human respect and the house material obstacles. True friends walk together toward Christ and let nothing get in the way of doing what is right for the friend. In reviewing our life, we will surely discover most of sins were committed with someone or because of someone’s example that was not really our true friend...someone not willing to walk to Christ with us. On the other hand, if we recall all the times we avoided sin, we will discover it was often because of a true friend and his example. An ancient and memorable example of this truth is given in the story of Eulogius and the Cripple. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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***Donations to Sensus Fidelium is 501(c)3 tax deductible***
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Why does God allow evil? So that good might come from it. The example cited in today's sermon is the extraordinary and heroic Charity displayed by Father Peter Whelan at the Andersonville prison camp during the War of Northern Aggression aka War for Southern Independence aka War Between the States.
More on Fr Whelan
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
The three hallmarks of Lent are prayer, penance and conversion. Fundamentally, conversion means moving from love of self to love of God. It means renouncing one’s own senses, passions, judgments, and will. It is never easy because our strongest inclination is towards love of self. Yet the only thing that brings true joy is a real and ongoing conversion. And all of us are always in dire need of conversion. Conversion is a grace, for which we must pray and which is not possible without penance. Here are seven examples of true Christian joy that ought to inspire us toward conversion. Each example has to do with possessing God which, as the Cure of Ars explains, is the joy of joys. [1] The joy of conversion seen in the Prodigal Son and St. Augustine. [2] The joy of the Christian Life. [3] The joy of martyrdom seen in St. James and St. Agnes. [4] The Seven Joys of St. Joseph, [5] the Seven Joys of Mary, [6] the joy of the Sacred Heart, and [7] the joy of Holy Communion. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel