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How can we look at the conversion of St Mary Magdalene in our lives? For more talks please visit:
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Marian Conference 2011
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Talk 1
Homilía del domingo de septuagésima
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
A name is a most important word... it tells us something about who we are, where we come from and where we are going. How important it is to call upon the most powerful name of His Majesty, Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, with great reverence and make reparation when it is abused. How important it is to name our children well and not give way to modern tendencies to make light of names. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Perfect sincerity and the best of intentions alone will not get you to Heaven. Directions are necessary. The three theological virtues -- Faith, Hope, and Charity - -will help get you there. One mortal sin destroys all of those virtues. Like temptations against purity, we must flee from temptations against Faith. Make many acts of Faith. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Talk 7: Summary of Talks
Part 2 of the 2014 Lenten retreat talks. Father compares 2 different historical people in the faith & how today's modern politician, along with society, can live without Christ as their King. What happens when that occurs? What is the anti-Christ? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Part 5 of 6: The New Age: The Dangers You Should Know
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
Sermon on an early Church martyr, a young boy aged 13-14 named Potitus or sometimes called Potito. How he was recommended to free a possessed daughter by the demon & how he stood up to the pagan emperor. If you think it is hard to convert the neo pagan society today then here is an example of how the we did it originally. For more sermons please go to & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel
"God will make you a saint": Sermon from 2005 on saints Justina & Cyprian. How St Justina influenced St Cyprian, who was a satanic magician, into converting to the faith. How their paths crossed again by their martyrdom together. If God can make a former satanic magician a saint He can make anyone a saint. Please comment at & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel