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Sensus Fidelium
4 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
15 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What is love? Society says one thing but is that what it is or is it greater then what society & the culture says? Is it a feeling or something greater? Devotion to Our Lord's Sacred Heart is key in what love is. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
63 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What is the purpose for penance? Can we just pray or just do penance? What is the wisdom of this act? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
19 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We usually have trouble praying and especially after communion so we look to St Pio to help us. Here's his prayer for more please visit & remember to say a Hail Mary for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
18 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
15 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
26 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
13 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We look at two gospel readings and how they can be shown to be in tune to the great sacrament of confession for us. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fr Isaac Mary Relyea sermon. On Easter we look at how we can grow in faith to love Christ more. Quotes by Ss Augustine, Ambrose, Alphonsus, Teresa, & Gregory the great. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
55 Views · 2 years ago

Sermon on evolution & the false religion that it is. The icons they use in the Museum of Natural History to other like the 'green cross' & the "Darwin Fish". What did Karl Marx say about it? He liked it. They know what the symbols mean even if we don't. Time to wake up & educate yourselves. For more please go to & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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"Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics."
This shows more a misconception about thermodynamics than about evolution. The second law of thermodynamics says, "No process is possible in which the sole result is the transfer of energy from a cooler to a hotter body." [Atkins, 1984, The Second Law, pg. 25] Now you may be scratching your head wondering what this has to do with evolution. The confusion arises when the 2nd law is phrased in another equivalent way, "The entropy of a closed system cannot decrease." Entropy is an indication of unusable energy and often (but not always!) corresponds to intuitive notions of disorder or randomness. Creationists thus misinterpret the 2nd law to say that things invariably progress from order to disorder.
However, they neglect the fact that life is not a closed system. The sun provides more than enough energy to drive things. If a mature tomato plant can have more usable energy than the seed it grew from, why should anyone expect that the next generation of tomatoes can't have more usable energy still? Creationists sometimes try to get around this by claiming that the information carried by living things lets them create order. However, not only is life irrelevant to the 2nd law, but order from disorder is common in nonliving systems, too. Snowflakes, sand dunes, tornadoes, stalactites, graded river beds, and lightning are just a few examples of order coming from disorder in nature; none require an intelligent program to achieve that order. In any nontrivial system with lots of energy flowing through it, you are almost certain to find order arising somewhere in the system. If order from disorder is supposed to violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics, why is it ubiquitous in nature?

The thermodynamics argument against evolution displays a misconception about evolution as well as about thermodynamics, since a clear understanding of how evolution works should reveal major flaws in the argument. Evolution says that organisms reproduce with only small changes between generations (after their own kind, so to speak). For example, animals might have appendages which are longer or shorter, thicker or flatter, lighter or darker than their parents. Occasionally, a change might be on the order of having four or six fingers instead of five. Once the differences appear, the theory of evolution calls for differential reproductive success. For example, maybe the animals with longer appendages survive to have more offspring than short-appendaged ones. All of these processes can be observed today. They obviously don't violate any physical laws.


Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Father speaks of heavenly affirmations of the doctrine. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
22 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
15 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Series in 2011 on marriage. Father quotes canon law & a very touchy letter at the end. For more please go to & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
18 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
15 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What is hell & it's torments? What does the Church teach on hell? What about death bed conversions? Please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

Sensus Fidelium
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What is one of the best things you can ask of this Angelic Being that God has put in charge of you, to take care of you, and aid you in getting to Heaven? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Rick Delano, the Producer of the movie: The Principle, talks about issues relating to the same movie as well as the subject of Geo-centrism, and other topics relating to the movie, which I highly recommend irrespective of your views on the matter. We will also deal with what is Special Relativity and General Relativity, its consequences for Newtonian Physics, and even dispel certain myths about contributors to the movie being misled or edited. At length, we discuss the spectre of Giordano Bruno, the Italian defrocked Dominican who was burned at the Campo Dei Fiore and has emerged as a martyr for science, even though he was not a scientist. I think you will find his answer on Bruno compelling if not downright convincing.
⁣For links pertaining to the interview please click ⁣

Sensus Fidelium
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We are our own worst enemy, because we make ourselves unhappy by not accepting what is, by preferring things to be other than what they are. We can be at peace if we choose to want what God wants. That way, we're always getting what we want. We will not grow in peace nor will we grow in holiness until we recognize in all things an opportunity to lives God's will for us. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
61 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Feast of All Souls. It is Catholic dogma (de fide) that “the living faithful can come to the assistance of the souls in Purgatory by their intercessions or suffrages.” Throughout the month of November, and all your life, make a greater effort to offer suffrages for the holy souls, especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. St. Robert Bellarmine relates the life of St. Christine the Admirable of Belgium. Upon death, she confused Purgatory for Hell. God allowed her to return to life, and suffer unimaginable penances, that she might offer suffrages for the poor souls in Purgatory and for the conversion of sinners. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Homily on St Nicholas (feast day 6-Dec) & the novena on the Immaculate Conception. More of what the Church fathers spoke of it. For more please go to & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Homily during the novena for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. For more please go to & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
2 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
6 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
25 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Michael Davies speaks on events that occured in the United Kingdom during the time of his lecture. For more please visit

Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
12 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Christ the King. How easy it is to become impatient in waiting for the King to fulfill His Promises. How easy it is to start wondering where He has gone in times like these. The great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, describes in an insightful allegory (called the Grand Inquisitor) how a Cardinal decided to act on this impatience and form his own kingdom while remaining in his position inside the Church, the Kingdom of Christ on earth. The Cardinal justifies himself on why he founded a new kingdom, how he did it (that is, who helped him), and some of the effects. This allegory seems to have a haunting echo or fulfillment in our times. Let us, then, be patient in waiting for the fulfillment of His Majesty’s promises lest we become a Grand Inquisitor ourselves or help some new Grand Inquisitor in our midst today. Let us pray and hope that the King of kings will visit any such Inquisitors that are alive today with a powerful actual grace. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
19 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
13 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"The 10 Commandments" Father continues his retreat by going over the 10 Commandments. Quite a few quotes by Church exorcists in this. Our Lord said "if you love me you will keep My Commandments". Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"Message of Fatima" Conclusion of the retreat. Father speaks more on Our Lady of Fatima & the message of Our Lady. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
30 Views · 2 years ago

Sermons and lectures from the original Sensus Fidelium channel

Sensus Fidelium
6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣St. Bonaventure teaches “this most holy, sweet, and worthy name was eminently fitting to so holy, sweet, and worthy a Virgin.” He says the name of “Mary” means four things: (1) a bitter sea (for devils), (2) star of the sea (for men), (3) light giver (for angels), and (4) sovereign lady (for all creatures). In the second half, Father explains how Our Lady of Sorrows suffered a martyrdom in her soul. Her love is so great, it is unlike anything the world has ever known; so too her sorrow. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
16 Views · 2 years ago

⁣What are 3 things that the saints had/have to follow Our Lord? What does it take? Who are examples of these 3 ideas? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
21 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We are in a revolutionary time of history. Revolutions have been a part of the world since Lucifer rebelled from God and became the adversary—Satan. In this talk we will gain a deep knowledge as to how revolutions come about by examining the chiasms that are found throughout the Sacred Scriptures... as well as the basic chiastic layout of all creation. Come and learn what chaisms are and how they help us understand how revolutions work and why we need Christ to come and counter them through out all time... For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
24 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Apart from obeying a precept of Mother Church, what is the purpose for attending Holy Mass? Christ lives in Heaven interceding for us principally by His sacrifice on Calvary. Holy Mass is the exact projection of this continual sacrifice. At Holy Mass, we are united to Christ. If temporal food gives life to the body, Heavenly Food gives gives life to the soul. For Mass and Holy Communion we must fix an intention at the Offertory; we must unite ourselves to the priest. The Catechism of the Council of Trent: "Holy Communion is an antidote for our daily faults." Our Lord wants to know what He can do for us. Ask Him to arrange our souls and spiritual lives so they please Him. Comments on making a GOOD thanksgiving from St. Teresa, St. Peter Julian Eymard and St. Alphonsus Ligouri. For more please go to & please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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Sensus Fidelium
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Holy Catholic Church has not nor ever will change in it's teachings. It cannot as God cannot change. Every other false religion has changed. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

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