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138 Views · 2 years ago

⁣It's one of the most perplexing and even frustrating aspects of the life of St. Thomas Aquinas- namely why he would dedicate nearly ten years of his life to his greatest work, The Summa Theologica, only to decide near the very end to stop writing. It's really hard to understand. As you'll hear in this video, that doesn't mean The Summa wasn't finished. It was but just not by St. Thomas in the prime of his intellectual life. In this video I'll show you the back story of why St. Thomas Aquinas quite writing the Summa and I'll also speculate on why I believe God allowed it to happen as it did.

92 Views · 3 years ago

In this video we discuss St. Thomas Aquinas' teaching on the Sacrament of Marriage in the Summa Theologica. St. Thomas dedicated 27 questions and about 100 articles to this Sacrament and he covers a lot of topics related to Marriage. But what's interesting is the question he Doesn't ask about marriage. Hope you enjoy!

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