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Virtue, Law, and American Greatness
Father Buckley is the longtime Spiritual Director for Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, a professor of apologetics, Catholic and English literature, homiletics, and pedagogy; a retreat master, and an expert teaching on the Catholic Faith over the past 50 years.
As a young man, Father felt drawn to the priesthood at an early age, and after high school he continued on with his studies, being Ordained in 1965. Most of his priesthood was spent teaching and in parish assignments both in the United States and in Africa. Father always had a preference for the Traditional Latin Mass, but until the late 1980s did not have a reliable path to pursue his desire to resist all the myriad of changes that had occurred in the Church. The Fraternity emerged to offer that path, and at the invitation of Father Michael Irwin, FSSP, he joined the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in 1992.Talk given at the 2017 Latin Mass Conference in Monterey CA
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