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107 Views · 1 year ago

To read more about this amazing mystery, read The Holy Mass in the Douay Rheims Catechism.

Please pray for the soul that created this video.

Deo Gratias et Mariae!

224 Views · 2 years ago

Today Fr. Samuel Waters, answers questions for our project on "Mass Conversions."

Some questions that are discussed:

✍ When it comes to the Novus Ordo, we should not fall into the modernist trap. Validity is not the issue, as a Catholic we shouldn't we be more concerned with thinking what is pleasing to God?

✍Obedience is to God, yes, but how is the Novus Ordo disobedient to God?

✍ Are you the only on speaking about this Fr. Waters? ( Here he speaks about a recent interview of Archbishop Vigano, ( ): "..the sacred action of the Mass contains the doctrine, morality, spirituality and discipline of the ecclesial body that celebrates the Liturgy. Thus, just as the Catholic Mass is a perfect and coherent expression of the Catholic Magisterium, the reformed liturgy [the Novus Ordo] is an expression of conciliar deviations; indeed, it reveals and confirms its heterodox essence without the ambiguities and verbiage of the Vatican II texts. We could say, to use a simile, that the healthy blood of the Gospel flows in the veins of the Tridentine Mass, while the new rite flows with the infected blood of heresy and the spirit of the world."

Father continues to explain 3 important points:

1) We learn from the story of Cain and Abel what God wants from us. He
wants our best. Abel offered to God the best of his lambs. It was
accepted. Cain offered what he wanted to offer to God. It was not his best
and it was not accepted.

Both of these offerings were true offerings. Abel offered an offering and
so did Cain. They were both true offerings. However only one was
accepted, the one from Abel. He offered the best. Cain offered what he
wanted to offer. Abel was obedient, Cain was disobedient and that is why
his offering was not accepted. The true/validness of it had nothing to do
with it not being accepted.

2) Fast Forward to the Protestant Reformation. The first thing they all did
was get rid of the Holy Mass of the Catholic Church. Next, they made up
their own worship service/offering. They decided/determined what they
would offer to God...

3) Fast Forward to VC II and the New Mass. The New Mass is developed with the help of six Protestant ministers. They are from the same source of the Protestant Reformation who are disobedient to God by not offering to God the Acceptable Sacrifice, but what THEY want to give to God.
Is the new worship service of the Catholic Church a true/valid service. Yes, but they are being disobedient by not giving God the Acceptable Sacrifice, but giving God what they want to give to Him.

Establishing the principle of disobedience in the worship service for the
people attending and the priest who officiates at it has ramifications.
When the lay person moves into this way of thinking and acting, they
become the person who determines what they will give to God, like Cain
did. They decide, I will give this to God. They stop asking or they never ask
God, “what do you want from me”?

Doing the Will of God is essential to living the Catholic Life and is a
necessary question on the way to Salvation. When the person themselves
are determining what is being offered, he can cut down or cut out
whatever he is offering to God. The Immemorial Roman Rite, Approved and Received (this is the term to describe the Mass in the language of Dogma) opens the life of the Catholic to seek the Will of God and points him in the direction to give his entire life to God in the way Christ gave His life for us to His Father.

The New Mass directs the Catholic to decide for himself what and how
much he will give to God leaving the rest of his life for himself. This is one
of the reasons why Religious Vocations are so few in the Novus Ordo
Church. Religious Vocations require the Catholic to give all of themselves
to God.

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Now is a time for Mass conversions! What do we mean by a time for Mass Conversions? The first meaning is of a literal sense. All faithful Catholics should have a desire and zeal for the salvation of souls and want MASSive amounts of conversions to the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church.

During our current crisis within the Church, it is a time to turn back with even more love & devotion to that which has saved & sanctified Catholics. And thus, “Mass Conversions” is that turning back to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ~ Christ's one perfect redemptive Sacrifice on the Cross. The Mass which is the heart of the Faith !

MassConversions: LEARN the Holy Mass, LOVE the Holy Mass, & LIVE the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

(This project is dedicated to the Immaculata for the revival of the Love of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

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Music Attributed to: Patrick Lenk
Music in this video: Chant of the Heart: Miserere Mei (Psalm 50/51)

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