Creation Theology Fellowship
Creation Theology Fellowship

Creation Theology Fellowship



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Creation Theology Fellowship
34 Views · 8 months ago

⁣A puppet show of Genesis 1:1–2:3, performed by The Trumau Hive Homeschoolers in New South Wales, Australia. This video won second prize in the 2023 Creation Theology Fellowship puppet show video competition.

The script with stage directions and a guide explaining how to make the puppets and perform the show are available for free at This puppet show was created by Jennifer S. Bryson.

Creation Theology Fellowship
61 Views · 8 months ago

A puppet show of Genesis 1:1–2:3, performed by The Trumau Puppeteers in Austria. This video won first prize in the 2023 Creation Theology Fellowship puppet show video competition.

The script with stage directions and a guide explaining how to make the puppets and perform the show are available for free at This puppet show was created by Jennifer S. Bryson.

Creation Theology Fellowship
132 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Hamilton is here to share with you a puppet show video contest! Tell the story of the seven days of creation using ⁣"The Days of Creation" puppet show script, make a video of your show, and enter to win prizes. ⁣Deadline: Nov. 15, 2023.

The Puppet Show Guide, the Script, and Contest Rules are available for free here:

Woof, woof!

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