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17 Views · 1 year ago

This short chaplet is offered in honor of Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine Order, and composer of The Rule of Saint Benedict. His feast day is traditionally observed on July 11.

It is composed of the Apostles' Creed, a brief prayer to Saint Benedict honoring him for his monastic commitment, followed by 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary's, and 3 Glory Be's.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

12 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet seeks the intercession of Saint Blaise, patron saint of maladies of the throat, among other things.

How to pray:
On the medal
Kiss the medal and at the same time, sign your self with The Sign of The Cross

Now pray the:
Preparatory Prayer
Almighty and eternal God! With lively faith and reverently worshiping Thy divine Majesty, I prostrate myself before Thee and invoke with filial trust Thy supreme bounty and mercy. Illumine the darkness of my intellect with a ray of Thy heavenly light and inflame my heart with the fire of Thy divine love, that I may contemplate the great virtues and merits of the saint in whose honor I make this novena, and following his example imitate, like him, the life of Thy divine Son.

Moreover, I beseech Thee to grant graciously, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through him I humbly place before Thee, devoutly saving, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Vouchsafe graciously to hear it, if it redounds to Thy greater glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

On the 1st bead pray:
Prayer in Honor of Saint Blaise
O GOD, deliver us through the intercession of Thy holy bishop and martyr Blase, from all evil of soul and body, especially from all ills of the throat; and grant us the grace to make a good confession in the confident hope of obtaining Thy pardon, and ever to praise with worthy lips Thy most holy name. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

On the 2nd bead pray:
Invocation of Saint Blase
Saint Blase, gracious benefactor of mankind and faithful servant of God, who for the love of our Saviour didst suffer so many tortures with patience and resignation; I invoke thy powerful intercession. Preserve me from all evils of soul and body. Because of thy great merits God endowed thee with the special grace to help those that suffer from ills of the throat; relieve and preserve me from them, so that I may always be able to fulfil my duties, and with the aid of God's grace perform good works. I invoke thy help as special physician of souls, that I may confess my sins sincerely in the holy sacrament of Penance and obtain their forgiveness. I recommend to thy merciful intercession also those who unfortunately concealed a sin in confession. Obtain for them the grace to accuse themselves sincerely and contritely of the sin they concealed, of the sacrilegious confessions and communions they made, and of all the sins they committed since then, so that they may receive pardon, the grace of God, and the remission of the eternal punishment. Amen.

My LORD and my God! I offer up to Thee my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, together with the merits of His immaculate and blessed Mother, Mary ever virgin, and of all the saints, particularly with those of the holy Helper in whose honor I make this novena.

Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Thy grace and Thy love, and graciously hear my prayer. Amen.

On each group of 5 beads usually referred to as the small beads pray:
A Hail Mary for each bead
On each single bead or usually referred to as the large bead pray:
One Our Father

#rosary #mass #catholicmass

17 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet seeks the intercession of Saint Blaise, patron saint of maladies of the throat, among other things.

How to pray:
On the medal
Kiss the medal and at the same time, sign your self with The Sign of The Cross

Now pray the:
Preparatory Prayer
Almighty and eternal God! With lively faith and reverently worshiping Thy divine Majesty, I prostrate myself before Thee and invoke with filial trust Thy supreme bounty and mercy. Illumine the darkness of my intellect with a ray of Thy heavenly light and inflame my heart with the fire of Thy divine love, that I may contemplate the great virtues and merits of the saint in whose honor I make this novena, and following his example imitate, like him, the life of Thy divine Son.

Moreover, I beseech Thee to grant graciously, through the merits and intercession of this powerful Helper, the petition which through him I humbly place before Thee, devoutly saving, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Vouchsafe graciously to hear it, if it redounds to Thy greater glory and to the salvation of my soul. Amen.

On the 1st bead pray:
Prayer in Honor of Saint Blaise
O GOD, deliver us through the intercession of Thy holy bishop and martyr Blase, from all evil of soul and body, especially from all ills of the throat; and grant us the grace to make a good confession in the confident hope of obtaining Thy pardon, and ever to praise with worthy lips Thy most holy name. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

On the 2nd bead pray:
Invocation of Saint Blase
Saint Blase, gracious benefactor of mankind and faithful servant of God, who for the love of our Saviour didst suffer so many tortures with patience and resignation; I invoke thy powerful intercession. Preserve me from all evils of soul and body. Because of thy great merits God endowed thee with the special grace to help those that suffer from ills of the throat; relieve and preserve me from them, so that I may always be able to fulfil my duties, and with the aid of God's grace perform good works. I invoke thy help as special physician of souls, that I may confess my sins sincerely in the holy sacrament of Penance and obtain their forgiveness. I recommend to thy merciful intercession also those who unfortunately concealed a sin in confession. Obtain for them the grace to accuse themselves sincerely and contritely of the sin they concealed, of the sacrilegious confessions and communions they made, and of all the sins they committed since then, so that they may receive pardon, the grace of God, and the remission of the eternal punishment. Amen.

My LORD and my God! I offer up to Thee my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, together with the merits of His immaculate and blessed Mother, Mary ever virgin, and of all the saints, particularly with those of the holy Helper in whose honor I make this novena.

Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Thy grace and Thy love, and graciously hear my prayer. Amen.

On each group of 5 beads usually referred to as the small beads pray:
A Hail Mary for each bead
On each single bead or usually referred to as the large bead pray:
One Our Father

#rosary #mass #catholicmass

12 Views · 1 year ago

This short chaplet is offered in honor of Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine Order, and composer of The Rule of Saint Benedict. His feast day is traditionally observed on July 11.

It is composed of the Apostles' Creed, a brief prayer to Saint Benedict honoring him for his monastic commitment, followed by 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary's, and 3 Glory Be's.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

25 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal of Saint Anne, followed by one introductory bead and three groups of five beads, each separated by one bead to enhance devotion to Saint Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to implore her intercession in our lives.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

32 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal of Saint Anne, followed by one introductory bead and three groups of five beads, each separated by one bead to enhance devotion to Saint Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to implore her intercession in our lives.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

24 Views · 1 year ago

The Franciscan Rosary of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary is composed of seven decades of 1 Our Father and 10 Haily Marys each. At the end 2 Hail Marys are added, and it is concluded with the Our Father and Hail Mary. The last Our Father and Hail Mary are said for the intention of the Pope in order to gain the indulgence. The 72 Hail Marys commemorate the seventy-two years the Blessed Virgin Mary is supposed to have lived on earth. The seven decades need not be recited at once, but the single decades may be separated provided that the whole Rosary is said on the same day. It is not necessary to meditate on the mysteries of this Rosary, it suffices to say the single decades in honor of the respective mystery.

The use of this rosary was begun in the Order of St. Francis in 1422. It is said that a certain novice, before joining the Order, was accustomed to place a crown on a statue of the Blessed Virgin. When he was not allowed to continue this practice he resolved to leave the Order. Then Mary appeared to him and dissuaded him, telling him he could offer a much more pleasing crown by reciting a rosary of 7 decades in honor of her Seven Joys. This is the most highly indulgenced of all the types of rosaries.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

21 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal of the Sorrowful Mother, followed by three introductory beads, and seven groups of seven beads, each separated by a medal of one of the seven sorrows:

1. The Prophecy of Simeon
2. The flight into Egypt.
3. The loss of the Child Jesus
4. Mary meets Jesus carrying His Cross.
5. The Crucifixion
6. Mary received the body of Jesus from the Cross.
7. The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb.

According to Saint Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), our Blessed Mother grants seven graces to the souls who honor her daily by praying this chaplet:

1. I will grant peace to their families.
2. They will be enlightened about the Divine Mysteries.
3. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.
4. I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my Divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.
5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
6. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death - they will see the face of their mother.
7. I have obtained this grace from my Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

14 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal of the Sorrowful Mother, followed by three introductory beads, and seven groups of seven beads, each separated by a medal of one of the seven sorrows:

1. The Prophecy of Simeon
2. The flight into Egypt.
3. The loss of the Child Jesus
4. Mary meets Jesus carrying His Cross.
5. The Crucifixion
6. Mary received the body of Jesus from the Cross.
7. The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb.

According to Saint Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), our Blessed Mother grants seven graces to the souls who honor her daily by praying this chaplet:

1. I will grant peace to their families.
2. They will be enlightened about the Divine Mysteries.
3. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.
4. I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my Divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.
5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
6. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death - they will see the face of their mother.
7. I have obtained this grace from my Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

9 Views · 1 year ago

On the Cross : Creed
On the first bead : Our Father
On the 24 beads : Prayer:

St. Anna Schäffer, in your infirmities you shared in the Passion of Our Lord Jesus, pray for us and those who are poor, the sick and the suffering. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I trust in you. (3x)

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

13 Views · 1 year ago

The Franciscan Rosary of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary is composed of seven decades of 1 Our Father and 10 Haily Marys each. At the end 2 Hail Marys are added, and it is concluded with the Our Father and Hail Mary. The last Our Father and Hail Mary are said for the intention of the Pope in order to gain the indulgence. The 72 Hail Marys commemorate the seventy-two years the Blessed Virgin Mary is supposed to have lived on earth. The seven decades need not be recited at once, but the single decades may be separated provided that the whole Rosary is said on the same day. It is not necessary to meditate on the mysteries of this Rosary, it suffices to say the single decades in honor of the respective mystery.

The use of this rosary was begun in the Order of St. Francis in 1422. It is said that a certain novice, before joining the Order, was accustomed to place a crown on a statue of the Blessed Virgin. When he was not allowed to continue this practice he resolved to leave the Order. Then Mary appeared to him and dissuaded him, telling him he could offer a much more pleasing crown by reciting a rosary of 7 decades in honor of her Seven Joys. This is the most highly indulgenced of all the types of rosaries.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

11 Views · 1 year ago

On the Cross : Creed
On the first bead : Our Father
On the 24 beads : Prayer:

St. Anna Schäffer, in your infirmities you shared in the Passion of Our Lord Jesus, pray for us and those who are poor, the sick and the suffering. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I trust in you. (3x)

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

9 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal and 32 beads --- one for each year St. Monica wept and prayed for the conversion and salvation of her son, Augustine. There are two beads on the pendant, and six groups of five beads (one large and four small).

The chaplet begins with an Introductory Prayer, an Our Father, a Come Holy Spirit, and 6 sets of 5 beads, before concluding with two prayers invoking the intercession of Sts Monica and Augustine, respectively.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions

33 Views · 1 year ago

This is a novena chaplet comprised of an opening prayer and then three sets of three beads on which are prayed the Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be.

Saint Agatha is the patron saint for breast cancer, rape victims, fire, nurses and natural disasters.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

15 Views · 1 year ago

This is a novena chaplet comprised of an opening prayer and then three sets of three beads on which are prayed the Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be.

Saint Agatha is the patron saint for breast cancer, rape victims, fire, nurses and natural disasters.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

11 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet consists of a medal and 32 beads --- one for each year St. Monica wept and prayed for the conversion and salvation of her son, Augustine. There are two beads on the pendant, and six groups of five beads (one large and four small).

The chaplet begins with an Introductory Prayer, an Our Father, a Come Holy Spirit, and 6 sets of 5 beads, before concluding with two prayers invoking the intercession of Sts Monica and Augustine, respectively.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions

24 Views · 1 year ago

For more Catholic content, visit my blog at

This chaplet consists of a medal of Saint Anthony and the Child Jesus, followed by 13 groups of three beads each in honor of Saint Anthony's feast day, June 13th. It is prayed to invoke Saint Anthony's intercession for miracles, healings, protection, and purity.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions

10 Views · 1 year ago

For more Catholic content, visit my blog at

This chaplet consists of a medal of Saint Anthony and the Child Jesus, followed by 13 groups of three beads each in honor of Saint Anthony's feast day, June 13th. It is prayed to invoke Saint Anthony's intercession for miracles, healings, protection, and purity.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass


A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions

20 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet is prayed on a regular rosary to adore and make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

All music used with license from Universal Production Music and photos are taken from the public domain.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass

A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

13 Views · 1 year ago

This chaplet is prayed on a regular rosary to adore and make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

All music used with license from Universal Production Music and photos are taken from the public domain.

#rosary #mass #catholicmass

A Chaplet is a Christian meditative form of prayer which uses prayer beads. Some chaplets have a strong Marian element, others focus more directly on Jesus or the Saints. Chaplets are "personal devotionals." They have no set form and vary considerably. In the Roman Catholic Church, while the usual five-decade Dominican rosary is a chaplet, often chaplets have fewer beads than a traditional rosary and a different set of prayers.

This channel was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to compile both common and rare chaplets in one easy to find place in order to fill a gap in the accessibility of these amazing Catholic prayers.

This channel seeks to bring a multitude of different chaplets, in all of their forms, to listeners providing a rich resource of spiritual healing, encouragement, and support for the daily struggles of everyday life.

The channel is designed primarily for listening while in the car, home, doing chores, or while exercising. Video content is intentionally still so as to focus the listener on the prayers and to be compatible with the other activities in which they’re engaged at the time of listening.
Imagery in this channel is intentionally sought to be in the public domain or within creative commons guidelines.

Ways to help:

1) Please Like and Subscribe for new chaplets as our intent is to produce new recordings on a regular basis as we have access to a lot more chaplets and want to provide an increased breadth of content to make sure we have relevant chaplets available for whatever your need!
2) Don’t forget to ring the bell to make sure you get updates when new chaplets are posted!
3) Please make sure to comment if there are causes or chaplets you’d like us to record for your own special intentions!

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