The Mary Michael Machabee Institute
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Join me in my mission to help revive Gregorian Chant and true sacred music in America and throughout the world. Imagine Gregorian Chant and sacred choral music of the highest caliber sung in all parishes throughout the nation! What an impact that would make! Together, with God's help, we can help restore the Church and society.
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Watch the sixth part of our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the fifth part of our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the fourth part of our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the third part of our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the second part of our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the introduction to our video on the works of the renowned 19th century priest, Fr. D. W. Cahill.
Watch the first part of our video reading Chapter 2 of Dom Gueranger's Christian Sense of History.
The first installment of our St. Augustine debate series. Does St. Augustine actually favor an old earth evolutionary model of the universe? Let us contrast the claims made about him by the eminent Catholic scholar Jimmy Akin with the words of the great Doctor of the Church himself.
Our first entry from Dom Gueranger's magnum opus, The Liturgical Year, has been abridged from his June 14th entry on the emminent Doctor of the East, St. Basil the Great. Listen as Dom Gueranger relates a tale about a saint speaking to a time that is shockingly similar to our own.
Part 1 of 2
Watch the conclusion of our sequel video exploring what is or isn't worthy of belief.
Watch the second part of our sequel video exploring what is or isn't worthy of belief.
Watch the beginning of our sequel video exploring what is or isn't worthy of belief.
Watch the cnclusion of our video exploring what we, as Catholics, must believe.
Watch the third part of our video exploring what we, as Catholics, must believe.
Watch the second part of our video exploring what we, as Catholics, must believe.
Watch the beginning of our video exploring what we, as Catholics, must believe.
Watch the second half of our video on Butler's entry on St. Vincent of Lerins.
Watch the first half of our video on Butler's entry on St. Vincent of Lerins.
Watch the conclusion of our video on Fr. Faber's "The Blessed Sacrament."